marshal meat minister office place queen revolutionary silly starve target teach thing Tory villain.
4. Prove that the meanings in the following polysemantic words are related:hand, head, heavy, table.(Use the dictionaries.)
5. Comment on the semantic structure of the following words from the synchronic point of view:cat, dog, hand, head, mouth, nose.Find points of similarity in the semantic relationship between the meanings of different words.
6. Comment on the types of meaning (metaphoric/ metonymic) in the following items:
the arm of a chair
cold voice
loud colours
the eye of a needle
the foot of the mountain
the head of a pin
sweet temper
black deeds
to devour a detective story
to burn with anger
the hands of a clock
every head of cattle
to have a good head for figures
7. Compare the semantic structure of correlative words (e.g. black, cat, hand, etc.) in English ? Belarusian ? Russian and comment on the points of similarity and difference.
8. Analyse the semantic structure of the wordtablein diachronic and synchronic dictionaries paying attention to the order of meanings.
? What are the causes of polysemy?
? Polysemy is a semantic universal, isn?t it?
? What are the causes of semantic change?
? What are the patterns of polysemy for English, Belarusian and Russian words denoting animal names, parts of the body, and colour terms?
? How can one distinguish between different meanings of a polysemantic word and different usage of the word?
? What role does context play in determining the meaning of words?
? What is understood by verbal context?
? What is understood by context of situation?
? Why is it necessary to compare/contrast foreign and native languages?