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The Constitution and the Pathology

Many researchers have noted the correlation between human physique and certain diseases.

So once Sigaud indicated that respiratory type is prone to diseases of the nervous system, digestive - to obesity, metabolic diseases, digestive system, muscular - to diseases of the cardiovascular, muscular, skeletal systems, cerebral - to infections and diseases of the nervous system.

Kretschmer believed that each type has a tendency to psychopathology: asthenics so - the main "suppliers" of schizophrenia, picnics are prone to manic-depressive psychosis, athletes - to epilepsy.

Sheldon also noted correlation between constitutional types and psychopathology. According to his observations hysteria and depression are more common in people with mesomorphic and endomorphic types of constitution, and anxiety is typical for ectomorphictypes.

The correlation between the constitution and disposition to mental illness is however not fully supported by modern psychiatry.

By present time, a large number of clinical observations, indicating certain relationship between constitutional peculiarities of the organism and the occurrence and course of certain diseases have been collected. This relation was established by numerous studies of MV Chernorutskii and several other authors. For example, there is a correlation between body type, physiology and pathology of the heart and blood vessels: more frequent diseases of the cardiovascular system are found in people of hypersthenic type that seems to be linked to their higher levels of cholesterol. Hypersthenics are also noted to be subject to more frequent occurrence of metabolic diseases, gallstones, stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis is more common in the astenics, tuberculosis is noted more frequently and its course is more severe in them. (Tables 3, 4).

Table 3

Peculiarities of metabolism and susceptibility to disease in persons with different types of constitution (by MV Chernorutskii)

Type of constitution Features of the metabolism Predisposition to disease
asthenics The prevalence of dissimilation over assimilation, the tendency to the increased exchange and alkalosis, accelerated glucose utilization in glucose tolerance test , cholesterol and lipid levels are either normal or reduced Tendency to ptosis of the abdominal cavity, peptic ulcer disease, severity of pulmonary tuberculosis, hypotension, abnormal amenorrhea, neuroses
hypersthenics predominance of assimilation, the tendency to the increased basal metabolic acidosis, and impaired glucose tolerance in glucose tolerance test, elevated blood lipids and cholesterol   Predisposition to diseases of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, hypertension), diabetes mellitus elderly, obesity, gallstones
Normostenics processes of assimilation and dissimilation tend to be in equilibrium, metabolic rate and physiological processes are close to the average rate Predisposition to diseases of the respiratory tract, the musculoskeletal system, neuralgia


Table 4

The frequency of certain diseases in people of different body types (by Selberg 1951)

disease somatotype Men, % women, %
Constrictive koronarosklerozis Hypersthenics Normostenics astenics
Myocardial infarction Hypersthenics Normostenics astenics
cholelithiasis Hypersthenics Normostenics astenics
pleuraltuberculosis Hypersthenics Normostenics astenics
diabetesmellitus Hypersthenics Normostenics astenics 42,7   11,8


Individuals of asthenic type tend to have increased acidity of gastric juice, increased levels of the enzymes in it and decrease in duodenal juice. In hypersthenic type gastric juice is poorer in enzymes.

Astenics have thin, pale, delicate nasal mucosa, soft split almonds, dominated atrophic processes (atrophic rhinitis, Ozena). While hypersthenics and normostenikov have dense, firm, well-vascularized nasal mucosa and dense, small tonsils with a smooth surface; they are tend to have hypertrophic inflammation, hay fever.

There is evidence of a correlation between body build and morphology as well as the function of the endocrine glands. So among diabetic patients hypersthenics make up 42.7%, 11.8% - asthenics.

According to M. Chernorutsky’s survey of 400 patients with peptic ulcer and hypertension, neurasthenia, asthma, rheumatism shows that 2/3 to 100% of the patients belonged to the extreme types of higher nervous activity - weak or strong unbalanced.

Abundant evidence show that the typological features of the nervous system, is also reflected in the development and course of many pathological processes. School of IP Pavlov showed that experimental neurosis is difficult to get in dogs with a strong balanced type, but easy in animals with a strong unbalanced and weak type. The type of the nervous system determines the nature of neurosis and its further course, so in those with a predominance of the first signaling system (artistic type) r hysteria occurs more easily; in individuals with a similarly developed first and second signaling system (medium type ) neurasthenia is more frequent; and in those with a predominance of the second signaling system (thinking type) - psychasthenia. In addition, hysteria is associated more with a weak type, neurasthenia - with the imbalanced one and psychasthenia - with the inertia of the type of nervous system.

There are experimental and clinical data on the effect of typological characteristics of the nervous system and the emergence of tumors (see "Pathophysiology of tumor growth").

The study of inflammatory reactions proved that more severe symptoms, the degree of acceleration of erythrocyte sedimentation rate, the largest increase in neutrophils and eosinophils, and the greatest decrease in lymphocytes are observed in animals of the weak type.

The importance of constitutional factors is stressed for surgical practice. Representatives of the extreme body types have different shape and position of the stomach; it is hypertonic in hypersthenics and atonic in astenics. The last type is predisposed to pulmonary complications, shock. Body type should be considered for the rational preparation for surgery, under local anesthesia (different topography of the brachial plexus roots) for quick access to organs.

Identification of typological features of patients is essential to select the method of anesthesia, dosage of drugs and ganglioblokatorov. There is evidence that the severity of the after-operation complications was observed mainly in patients with extreme types of the nervous system: the weak type (55.8%) and strong unbalanced (29.3%).

Table. 5

The rate of after-operation complications and their severity depending on the types of higher nervous activity (by RN Shamov, 1953)

Typev.n.d. complications(%) severecomplications (%)
weak 55,8 Более 60
Strong unstable 29,3
Strong balanced 19,4


At the same time it would be wrong to assume that the body with a weak nervous system is always not viable. If that was the case, then the possibility of the survival of this type would have been negligible. This simplification is not true.

The given data show the importance of the type of constitution for the prevention of many diseases, and timely prevention can help to block the development of disease.

The doctrine of the constitution becomes particularly important for solving the issues of Sports Medicine, the constitutional factor is taken into account in the improvement of the existing and development of the new forms of sports selection and training, in the management of the training process in order to achieve high results preserving the health of an athlete.


Date: 2015-01-11; view: 1321

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