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The current management team


Managing Director, Christine Lagarde, a French national, joined the IMF as Managing Director in July 2011. Before coming to the IMF, she was France's Minister for Economy, Finance and Industry.


David Lipton, of the United States, joined the IMF as Special Advisor to the Managing Director in July 2011. On September 1, 2011 he became First Deputy Managing Director. Prior to joining the Fund, Lipton served as Special Assistant to the President and as Senior Director for International Economic Affairs at the U.S. National Economic Council and U.S. National Security Council at the White House.


Naoyuki Shinohara, a Japanese national, joined the IMF as Deputy Managing Director in March 2010. Previously, he was Japan's Vice-Minister of Finance for International Affairs.


Nemat Shafik, from Egypt, became Deputy Managing Director of the IMF in April, 2011. Previously she had worked at the U.K. Department for International Development (DFID), the World Bank, and the International Finance Corp.


Min Zhu, from China, joined the IMF as Special Advisor to the Managing Director in May 2010. On July 26, 2011 he became Deputy Managing Director. Before coming to the IMF, Min Zhu was a Deputy Governor of the People?s Bank of China and previously worked at the World Bank.


Staff of international civil servants

Highlights of this section:

? Functional Departments

? Area Departments

? Information, Liaison, and Support Departments

? IMF Offices Around the World

The IMF currently employs about 2,400 staff, half of whom are economists. Most of them work at the IMF's Washington, D.C., headquarters but a few serve in member countries around the world in small IMF overseas offices or as resident representatives.

With its nearly universal membership, the IMF strives to employ a staff that is as diverse and broadly based geographically as possible.

The IMF has nine functional departments that carry out its policy, analytical, and technical work and manage its financial resources.

Communications Department: Works to promote public understanding of and support for the IMF and its policies.

Finance Department: Mobilizes, manages, and safeguards the IMF's financial resources.

Fiscal Affairs Department:Provides policy and technical advice on public finance issues to member countries. Prepares the Fiscal Monitor. Read bio of the Director, Carlo Cottarelli

Institute for Capacity Development: Provides training in macroeconomic analysis and policy for officials of member countries and IMF staff.

Legal Department:Advises management, the Executive Board, and the staff on the applicable rules of law. Prepares decisions and other legal instruments and provides technical assistance to member countries. Read bio of the Director, Sean Hagan

Monetary and Capital Markets Department: Monitors financial sectors and capital markets, and monetary and foreign exchange systems, arrangements, and operations. Prepares the Global Financial Stability Report. Read bio of the Director, José Viñals

Research Department: Monitors the global economy and the economies and policies of member countries and undertakes research on issues relevant to the IMF. Prepares theWorld Economic Outlook. Read bio of the Director, Olivier Blanchard

Statistics Department: Develops internationally accepted methodologies and standards. Provides technical assistance and training to promote best practices in the dissemination of economic and financial statistics. Director, Louis Marc Ducharme

Strategy, Policy, and Review Department: Designs, implements, and evaluates IMF policies on surveillance and the use of its financial resources. Read bio of the Director, Siddharth Tiwari

The IMF's five area, or regional, departments are responsible for advising member countries on macroeconomic policies and the financial sector, and for putting together, when needed, financial arrangements to support economic reform programs.

African Department:Covers 45 countries. Read bio of the Director, Antoinette Sayeh

Asia and Pacific Department:Covers 33 countries. Read bio of the Director, Anoop Singh

European Department: Covers 46 countries (44 of which are IMF members). Read bio of the Director, Reza Moghadam

Middle East and Central Asia Department:Covers 31 countries. Read bio of the Director, Masood Ahmed

Western Hemisphere Department:Covers 34 countries. Read bio of the Director, Alejandro Werner

The IMF also has three support departments:

Human Resources Department: Provides staff with a full range of information and personnel services. Manages the system of compensation and benefits, oversees staff training, offers career and education counseling, and provides legal services. Read bio of the Director, Mark Plant

Secretary's Department:Organizes and reports on the activities of the IMF's governing bodies and provides secretariat services to them. Assists management in preparing the work program of the Executive Board and other official bodies. It is the creator and custodian of IMF records.

Technology and General Services Department:Provides services to manage information; facilitates communication, including across languages; and helps build an effective work environment. Read bio of the Director, Frank Harnischfeger

Date: 2016-06-12; view: 197

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