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Comprehension check

1. Answer the questions.

a) What types of web pages are described in the text?

b) What goals do the web page owners have in mind?

c) What criteria can be used to evaluate the information on the page?

d) What kind of information can you learn from an Internet address?


2. Find in the text what the following name extensions mean.

a) .com b) .edu c) .gov d) .org e) .name

Now match the following suggestions for new extensions to their meanings.

.info - military

.museum - business

.biz - web-related

.web - firm/agency

.firm - museums

.mil - informative/ general use

Focus on language

1. Fill in the sentences with the prepositions if necessary. The text you have read may be of help.

a) The main idea behind the WWW is to make as much information as possible available ? anyone.

b) Nowadays more people have easy access ? to the Internet resources.

c) The abbreviation HTML stands ? HyperText Markup Language.

d) You can use this form to look ? the pages of Popular Science magazine.

e) Finally, they put ? the idea that nowadays we are getting more and more dependent on the Internet for information.

f) Before using information you have up gather evidence ? its accuracy

g) News Web pages provide their visitors ? the most up-to-date information.

h) The 5-week WWW search course ended ? a project work.

i) This small interest group will be very difficult to influence ? public opinion.

j) Anyone can put anything ? the Web for pennies in just a few minutes.


2. Look back in the text and find words and phrases that have similar meaning. Example: point and press - click

a) connect

b) look for

c) assess

d) extremely

e) duplicate

f) partner

g) organization with no income

h) to invest time

i) to create a web page

j) check twice

k) to support some points of view or an idea

l) to read and correct

m) trustworthy

n) point to

o) main


3. Within 1 minute complete the word web below with as many adjectives as possible.



Project work

?The World Wide Web: the battle for your mind at your fingertips?

To achieve good results in studies it is important to have the ability to search and find relevant information and evaluate its quality.

You are members of team which is formed to work out the guidelines for

evaluating Web pages. The aim of the team is to help your fellow students to use the Internet resources for information retrieval.

1. Work in groups of 5-6. Within your groups divide into pairs and conduct research on the types of Web pages and their purposes; criteria for evaluation; search strategies/techniques and recommendations.

Managing your learning When you present your oral reports, follow this procedure: a) one student introduces the group and gives an introduction to the work conducted by the group; b) the next few students present one or two of the points and some interesting comments; c) the last student concludes the presentation by summarizing and interpreting the information, e.g.: It surprised us to learn that ?).

2. When your team meets again, share and summarize the information you have collected. Write the guidelines for effective information hunting. Use simple and complex instructions.

3. Prepare an oral presentation of your work. Be sure to include an introduction to the problem and a conclusion. Make use of the Managing your learningbox.


In the Realm of Science


1. In the Internet and the WWW as well as in many other spheres of our life

there are a great number of symbols. Read and remember:

+ plus

- minus

~ tilde

% per cent

?? quotation marks

? apostrophe

: colon

* asterisk

() brackets

# lattice

@ at

& and

/ slash

. dot


2. Read and remember some of the frequently used computer terms and abbreviations. What do they mean?

Account Directory Icon Online/offline Troubleshooter
Algorithm Domain Interface Password Undo
Avatar DTP Intranet PDA Update
Bookmark Edutainment Hypermedia Reboot Virtual reality
Buffer Emoticon Java Script Sign up Virus-check
Browser Ethernet Mail server Site map Webmaster
Cookies FAQ Malware Spyware Wi-Fi
Cybercrime Freeware Network Template Wordprocessor



Unit 1. Progress Monitoring In this unit you have worked on the vocabulary related to the topic ?Information search?
? to look for/hunt for information ? search engine
? to access/extract/retrieve information ? search strategy/technique/tips
? to establish validity/authority/accuracy/ objectivity ? to evaluate/double-check a source of information
? to put forward/advocate an idea ? information literacy
? copyright ? to browse/a browser
? available/relevant/up-to-date information ? to search/conduct search
? to proofread the material ? to stand for


Tick (V) the points you are confident about and cross (X) the ones you need to revise.



Date: 2016-06-12; view: 342

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