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III. Scan the article quickly to find information to complete these notes.


Brand name:

Former brand owner:

Current brand owner:

Launch date:


Main consumer benefit:

Design features:


IV. Read paragraphs F and G carefully and answer these questions.

1. How did the brand identity contribute to the brand's growth?

2. What three lessons can other companies learn from Duracell about developing a brand identity?


V. Choose the best explanation for each phrase from the article.

1. '... keeping the product ahead of the competition...'

a) making sure the product stays competitive

b) making sure the product continues to be more successful than other competing products

2. '... challenge the dominance of Eveready...'

a) fight against Eveready's position of power in the market

b) question whether Eveready is still a power in the market

3. '... to communicate the concept of endurance...'

a) the idea of lasting over long periods of time

b) the idea of being unbreakable


VI. Match these words and phrases from the article (1-9) with their meanings (a-i).

1. launching a) the basis on which something can be developed
2. competitive advantage b) closely connected to
3. communicating c) was the motivation for
4. branding d) became more successful
5. overtook e) something that helps you be more successful than others
6. inspired f) how people think about a product in relation to a company's other products and other competing products
7. positioning g) introducing something new
8. platform h) sharing information with others
9. synonymous with i) activity of giving brand names to products, developing people's awareness of them. etc.


VI. Find adjectives or adjectival phrases in the article which fit these meanings.

1. using new methods and ideas (paragraph C)

2. most important (paragraph C)

3. working in a superior way to others (paragraph C)

4. different to others and easy to recognise (paragraph E)

5. lasting for long time (paragraph F)

6. known all over the world (paragraph F)


VII. Match these words to make noun-noun partnerships from the article.

1. market a) brief
2. brand b) products
3. own-label c) identity
4. advertising d) brand
5. consumer e) leader


VIII. Match each noun-noun partnership from Exercise VII with the correct meaning (a-e).

a) products sold by a particular shop and have the name of that shop on them

b) a name, symbol and design that defines and differentiates a company's products or service

c) a document which gives details about how a product will be advertised

d) a brand that is sold direct to consumers rather than to businesses

e) product with the largest share of the market


IX. Use words from Exercises VI and VII to complete these sentences.

1. A strong b........ i........ will give you an e........ marketing advantage, so it's important to get it right.

2. Tesco, the l........ "UK supermarket chain, is facing increasing competition. As a result, it has reduced the branded products it sells and is selling more o........

-1..... p........ .

3. Kodak produced h........ ?p??? cameras and was the m ........ 1........

in the photographic film market, but since the arrival of digital cameras, it has lost its way.

4. What we need is d........ and i........ advertising that will appeal to the youth market. I've given Touch Glow the a........ b........'Let's hope they come up with some creative ideas.



Date: 2016-06-12; view: 800

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