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Long Last 7 Days Telephone IPAQ


READ: I am going to ask you about the time you spent being physically active in the last 7 days. Please answer each question even if you do not consider yourself to be an active person. Think about the activities you do at work, as part of your house and yard work, to get from place to place, and in your spare time for recreation, exercise or sport.




READ: The first questions are about your work. This includes paid jobs, farming, volunteer work, course work and any other unpaid work that you did outside your home. Do not include unpaid work you might do around your home, like housework, yard work, general maintenance, and caring for your family. I will ask you about these later.


1. Do you currently have a job or do any unpaid work outside your home?

[WORK; Yes=1, No=0; 8, 9]

_____ Yes

_____ No [Skip to PART 2]

8. Don’t Know/Not Sure [Skip to PART 2]

9. Refused [Skip to PART 2]


[Interviewer clarification: This also includes credit and non-credit classes or course work. It also includes volunteer work and time spent looking for work. It does not includes unpaid house or yard work, nor caring for dependents, this will be asked in a later section.]


READ: The following questions are about all the physical activity you did as part of your paid or unpaid work. This does not include traveling to and from work.


READ: First, think about all the vigorous activities which take hard physical effort that you did as part of your work. Vigorous activities make you breathe much harder than normal. These may include things like heavy lifting, digging, heavy construction work, or climbing up stairs. Think about only those vigorous physical activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.


2. During the last 7 days, on how many days did you do vigorous physical activities as part of your work? [OVDAY; Range 0-7, 8, 9]

_____ Days per week [If respondent answers 0, skip to Question 4]

8. Don’t Know/Not Sure [Skip to Question 4]

9. Refused [Skip to Question 4]


[Interviewer clarification: Think about only those physical activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.]


[Interviewer clarification: Work includes paid and unpaid work as well as course work. Include all jobs and volunteer work.]

3. How much time did you usually spend on one of those days doing vigorous physical activities as part of your work?

___ ___ Hours per day [OVDHRS; Range 0-16]

___ ___ ___ Minutes per day [OVDMIN; Range 0-960, 998, 999]

998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

999. Refused


[Interviewer clarification: Think about only those physical activities you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.]


[Interviewer probe: An average time per day is being sought. If the respondent can’t answer because the pattern of time spent varies widely from day to day, or includes time spent doing a variety of paid and unpaid work, ask: “What is the total amount of time you spent over the last 7 days doing vigorous physical activities as part of your work?”

___ ___ Hours per week [OVWHRS; Range 0-112]

___ ___ ___ ___ Minutes per week [OVWMIN; Range 0-6720, 9998, 9999]

9998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

9999. Refused


READ: Now think about activities which take moderate physical effort that you did as part of you work. Moderate physical activities make you breathe somewhat harder than normal and may include activities like carrying light loads. Do not include walking. Again, think about only those moderate physical activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.


4. During the last 7 days, on how many days did you do moderate physical activities as part of your work? [OMDAY; Range 0-7, 8, 9]

_____ Days per week [If respondent answers 0, skip to Question 6]

8. Don’t Know/Not Sure [Skip to Question 6]

9. Refused [Skip to Question 6]


[Interviewer clarification: Think about only those physical activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.]


[Interviewer clarification: Work includes paid and unpaid work as well as course work. Include all jobs.]


5. How much time did you usually spend on one of those days doing moderate physical activities as part of your work?

___ ___ Hours per day [OMDHRS; Range 0-16]

___ ___ ___ Minutes per day [OMDMIN; Range 0-960, 998, 999]

998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

999. Refused


[Interviewer clarification: Think about only those physical activities you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.]


[Interviewer probe: An average time per day is being sought. If the respondent can’t answer because the pattern of time spent varies widely from day to day, or includes time spent doing a variety of paid and unpaid work, ask: “What is the total amount of time you spent over the last 7 days doing moderate physical activities as part of your work?”

___ ___ Hours per week [OMWHRS; Range 0-112]

___ ___ ___ ___ Minutes per week [OMWMIN; Range 0-6720, 9998, 9999]

9998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

9999. Refused


READ: Now think about the time you spend walking for at least 10 minutes at a time as part of your work. Please do not count any walking you did to travel to or from work.


6. During the last 7 days, on how many days did you walk as part of your work?

[OWDAY; Range 0-7, 8, 9]

_____ Days per week [If respondent answers 0, skip to PART 2]

8. Don’t Know/Not Sure [Skip to PART 2]

9. Refused [Skip to PART 2]


[Interviewer clarification: Think about only the walking that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.]


[Interviewer clarification: Include all jobs.]


7. How much time did you usually spend on one of those days walking as part of your work?

___ ___ Hours per day [OWDHRS; Range 0-16]

___ ___ ___ Minutes per day [OWDMIN; Range 0-960, 998, 999]

998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

999. Refused


[Interviewer clarification: Think about only the walking you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.]


[Interviewer probe: An average time per day is being sought. If the respondent can’t answer because the pattern of time spent varies widely from day to day, or includes time spent doing a variety of paid and unpaid work, ask: “What is the total amount of time you spent walking over the last 7 days as part of your work?”

___ ___ Hours per week [OWWHRS; Range 0-112]

___ ___ ___ ___ Minutes per week [OWWMIN; Range 0-6720, 9998, 9999]

9998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

9999. Refused




READ: Now, think about how you traveled from place to place, including to places like work, stores, movies and so on.


8. During the last 7 days, on how many days did you travel in a motor vehicle like a train, bus, car or tram? [TMDAY; Range 0-7, 8, 9]

_____ Days per week [If respondent answer 0, skip to Question 10]

8. Don’t Know/Not Sure [Skip to Question 10]

9. Refused [Skip to Question 10]


9. How much time did you usually spend on one of those days traveling in a car, bus, train or other kind of motor vehicle?

___ ___ Hours per day [TMDHRS; Range 0-16]

___ ___ ___ Minutes per day [TMDMIN; Range 0-960, 998, 999]

998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

999. Refused


[Interviewer probe: An average time per day is being sought. If the respondent can’t answer because the pattern of time spent varies widely from day to day, ask: “What is the total amount of time you spent over the last 7 days traveling in a motor vehicle?”

___ ___ Hours per week [TMWHRS; Range 0-112]

___ ___ ___ ___ Minutes per week [TMWMIN; Range 0-6720, 9998, 9999]

9998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

9999. Refused


READ: Now think only about the bicycling you did to travel to and from work, to do errands, or to go from place to place. Only include bicycling that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.


10. During the last 7 days, on how many days did you bicycle to go from place to place? [TBDAY; Range 0-7, 8, 9]

_____ Days per week [If respondent answers 0, skip to Question 12]

8. Don’t Know/Not Sure [Skip to Question 12]

9. Refused [Skip to Question 12]


[Interviewer clarification: Think only about the bicycling that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.]


11. How much time did you usually spend on one of those days to bicycle from place to place?

___ ___ Hours per day [TBDHRS; Range 0-16]

___ ___ ___ Minutes per day [TBDMIN; Range 0-960, 998, 999]

998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

999. Refused


[Interviewer clarification: Think about only the bicycling that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.]


[Interviewer probe: An average time per day is being sought. If the respondent can’t answer because the pattern of time spent varies widely from day to day, ask: “What is the total amount of time you spent bicycling over the last 7 days to travel from place to place?”

___ ___ Hours per week [TBWHRS; Range 0-112]

___ ___ ___ ___ Minutes per week [TBWMIN; Range 0-6720, 9998, 9999]

9998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

9999. Refused


READ: Now think only about the walking you did to travel to and from work, to do errands or to go from place to place. Only include walking that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.


12. During the last 7 days, on how many days did you walk to go from place to place?

[TWDAY; Range 0-7, 8, 9]

_____ Days per week [If respondent answers 0, skip to PART 3]

8. Don’t Know/Not Sure [Skip to PART 3]

9. Refused [Skip to PART 3]


[Interviewer clarification: Think only about the walking that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.]


13. How much time did you usually spend on one of those days walking from place to place?

___ ___ Hours per day [TWDHRS; Range 0-16]

___ ___ ___ Minutes per day [TWDMIN; Range 0-960, 998, 999]

998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

999. Refused


[Interviewer clarification: Think about only the walking that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.]


[Interviewer probe: An average time per day is being sought. If the respondent can’t answer because the pattern of time spent varies widely from day to day, ask: “What is the total amount of time you spent over the last 7 days walking from place to place?”

___ ___ Hours per week [TWWHRS; Range 0-112]

___ ___ ___ ___ Minutes per week [TWWMIN; Range 0-6720, 9998, 9999]

9998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

9999. Refused




READ: Now think about the physical activities you have done in the last 7 days in and around your home, like housework, gardening, yard work, general maintenance work, and caring for your family.


READ: First think about vigorous activities which take hard physical effort that you did in the garden or yard. Vigorous activities make you breathe much harder than normal and may include heavy lifting, chopping wood, shoveling snow, or digging. Again, think about only those vigorous physical activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.


14. During the last 7 days, on how many days did you do vigorous physical activities in the garden or yard? [GVDAY; Range 0-7, 8, 9]

_____ Days per week [If respondent answers 0, skip to Question 16]

8. Don’t Know/Not Sure [Skip to Question 16]

9. Refused [Skip to Question 16]


[Interviewer clarification: Think about only those physical activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.]


15. How much time did you usually spend on one of those days doing vigorous physical activities in the garden or yard?

___ ___ Hours per day [GVDHRS; Range 0-16]

___ ___ ___ Minutes per day [GVDMIN; Range 0-960, 998, 999]

998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

999. Refused


[Interviewer clarification: Think about only those physical activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.]


[Interviewer probe: An average time per day is being sought. If the respondent can’t answer because the pattern of time spent varies widely from day to day, ask: “What is the total amount of time you spent over the last 7 days doing vigorous physical activities in the garden or yard?”

___ ___ Hours per week [GVWHRS; Range 0-112]

___ ___ ___ ___ Minutes per week [GVWMIN; Range 0-6720, 9998, 9999]

9998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

9999. Refused


READ: Now think about activities which take moderate physical effort that you did in the garden or yard. Moderate physical activities make you breathe somewhat harder than normal and may include carrying light loads, sweeping, washing windows, and raking. Again, include only those moderate physical activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.


16. During the last 7 days, on how many days did you do moderate activities in the garden or yard? [GMDAY; Range 0-7, 8, 9]

_____ Days per week [If respondent answers 0, skip to Question 18]

8. Don’t Know/Not Sure [Skip to Question 18]

9. Refused [Skip to Question 18]


[Interviewer clarification: Think about only those physical activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.]


17. How much time did you usually spend on one of those days doing moderate physical activities in the garden or yard?

___ ___ Hours per day [GMDHRS; Range 0-16]

___ ___ ___ Minutes per day [GMDMIN; Range 0-960, 998, 999]

998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

999. Refused


[Interviewer clarification: Think about only those physical activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.]


[Interviewer probe: An average time per day is being sought. If the respondent can’t answer because the pattern of time spent varies widely from day to day, ask: “What is the total amount of time you spent over the last 7 days doing moderate physical activities in the garden or yard?”

___ ___ Hours per week [GMWHRS; Range 0-112]

___ ___ ___ ___ Minutes per week [GMWMIN; Range 0-6720, 9998, 9999]

9998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

9999. Refused


READ: Now think about activities which take at least moderate physical effort that you did inside your home. Examples include carrying light loads, washing windows, scrubbing floors, and sweeping. Include only those moderate physical activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.


[Interviewer clarification: Moderate activities make you breathe somewhat harder than normal.]


18. During the last 7 days, on how many days did you do moderate activities inside your home? [HMDAY; Range 0-7, 8, 9]

_____ Days per week [If respondent answers 0, skip to PART 4]

8. Don’t Know/Not Sure [Skip to PART 4]

9. Refused [Skip to PART 4]


[Interviewer clarification: Think about only those physical activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.]


[Interviewer clarification: During the last 7 days, on how many days did you do activities that take at least moderate effort inside your home?]


19. How much time did you usually spend on one of those days doing moderate physical activities inside your home?

___ ___ Hours per day [HMDHRS; Range 0-16]

___ ___ ___ Minutes per day [HMDMIN; Range 0-960, 998, 999]

998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

999. Refused


[Interviewer clarification: Think about only those physical activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.]


[Interviewer probe: An average time per day is being sought. If the respondent can’t answer because the pattern of time spent varies widely from day to day, ask: “What is the total amount of time you spent over the last 7 days doing moderate physical activities inside your home?”

___ ___ Hours per week [HMWHRS; Range 0-112]

___ ___ ___ ___ Minutes per week [HMWMIN; Range 0-6720, 9998, 9999]

9998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

9999. Refused




READ: Now, think about all the physical activities that you did in the last 7 days solely for recreation, sport, exercise or leisure. Please do not include any activities you have already mentioned.


20. Not counting any walking you have already mentioned, during the last 7 days, on how many days did you walk for at least 10 minutes at a time in your leisure time?

[LWDAY; Range 0-7, 8, 9]

_____ Days per week [If respondent answers 0, skip to Question 22]

8. Don’t Know/Not Sure [Skip to Question 22]

9. Refused [Skip to Question 22]


[Interviewer clarification: Think about only the walking that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.]


21. How much time did you usually spend on one of those days walking in your leisure time?

___ ___ Hours per day [LWDHRS; Range 0-16]

___ ___ ___ Minutes per day [LWDMIN; Range 0-960, 998, 999]

998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

999. Refused


[Interviewer clarification: Think about only the walking that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.]


[Interviewer probe: An average time per day is being sought. If the respondent can’t answer because the pattern of time spent varies widely from day to day, ask: “What is the total amount of time you spent over the last 7 days walking in your leisure time?”

___ ___ Hours per week [LWWHRS; Range 0-112]

___ ___ ___ ___ Minutes per week [LWWMIN; Range 0-6720, 9998, 9999]

9998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

9999. Refused


READ: Now think about other physical activities you did in your leisure time for at least 10 minutes at a time.


READ: First, think about vigorous activities which take hard physical effort that you did in your leisure time. Examples include aerobics, running, fast bicycling, or fast swimming.


[Interviewer clarification: Vigorous activities make you breathe much harder than normal.]


22. During the last 7 days, on how many days did you do vigorous physical activities in your leisure time? [LVDAY; Range 0-7, 8, 9]

_____ Days per week [If respondent answers 0, skip to Question 24]

8. Don’t Know/Not Sure [Skip to Question 24]

9. Refused [Skip to Question 24]


[Interviewer clarification: Think about only those vigorous physical activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.]


23. How much time did you usually spend on one of those days doing vigorous physical activities in your leisure time?

___ ___ Hours per day [LVDHRS; Range 0-16]

___ ___ ___ Minutes per day [LVDMIN; Range 0-960, 998, 999]

998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

999. Refused


[Interviewer clarification: Think about only those physical activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.]


[Interviewer probe: An average time per day is being sought. If the respondent can’t answer because the pattern of time spent varies widely from day to day, ask: “What is the total amount of time you spent over the last 7 days doing vigorous physical activities in your leisure time?”

___ ___ Hours per week [LVWHRS; Range 0-112]

___ ___ ___ ___ Minutes per week [LVWMIN; Range 0-6720, 9998, 9999]

9998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

9999. Refused


READ: Now think about activities which take moderate physical effort that you did in your leisure time. Examples include bicycling at a regular pace, swimming at a regular pace, and doubles tennis. Again, include only those moderate activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.


[Interviewer clarification: Moderate physical activities make you breathe somewhat harder than normal.]


24. During the last 7 days, on how many days did you do moderate physical activities in your leisure time? [LMDAY; Range 0-7, 8, 9]

_____ Days per week [If respondent answers 0, skip to PART 5]

8. Don’t Know/Not Sure [Skip to PART 5]

9. Refused [Skip to PART 5]


[Interviewer clarification: Think about only those physical activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.]


23. How much time did you usually spend on one of those days doing moderate physical activities in your leisure time?

___ ___ Hours per day [LMDHRS; Range 0-16]

___ ___ ___ Minutes per day [LMDMIN; Range 0-960, 998, 999]

998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

999. Refused


[Interviewer clarification: Think about only those physical activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.]


[Interviewer probe: An average time per day is being sought. If the respondent can’t answer because the pattern of time spent varies widely from day to day, ask: “What is the total amount of time you spent over the last 7 days doing moderate physical activities in your leisure time?”

___ ___ Hours per week [LMWHRS; Range 0-112]

___ ___ ___ ___ Minutes per week [LMWMIN; Range 0-6720, 9998, 9999]

9998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

9999. Refused




READ: The last question is about the time that you spent sitting during the last 7 days. Include time at work, at home, while doing course work and during leisure time. This may include time spent sitting at a desk, visiting friends, reading or sitting or lying down to watch television. Do not include any time spent sitting in a motor vehicle that you have already told me about.


26. During the last 7 days, how much time did you usually spend sitting on a weekday?

___ ___ Hours per day [SDHRS; Range 0-16]

___ ___ ___ Minutes per day [SDMIN; Range 0-960, 998, 999]

998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

999. Refused


[Interviewer clarification: Include time spent lying down (awake) as well as sitting.]


[Interviewer probe: An average time per day is being sought. If the respondent can’t answer because the pattern of time spent sitting varies widely from day to day, ask: “How much time in total did you spend sitting on Wednesday?”

___ ___ Hours on Wednesday [SWHRS; Range 0-16]

___ ___ ___ ___ Minutes per Wednesday [SWMIN; Range 0-960, 998, 999]

9998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

9999. Refused


27. During the last 7 days, how much time did you usually spend sitting on a weekend day?

___ ___ Hours per day [SEHRS; Range 0-16]

___ ___ ___ Minutes per day [SEMIN; Range 0-960, 998, 999]

998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

999. Refused


[Interviewer clarification: Include time spent lying down (awake) as well as sitting.]


[Interviewer probe: An average time per day is being sought. If the respondent can’t answer because the pattern of time spent sitting varies widely from day to day, ask: “How much time in total did you spend sitting on Saturday?”

___ ___ Hours on Saturday [SSHRS; Range 0-16]

___ ___ ___ ___ Minutes per Saturday [SSMIN; Range 0-960, 998, 999]

9998. Don’t Know/Not Sure

9999. Refused


Date: 2016-04-22; view: 957

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REQUIREMENTS FOR ORAL PRESENTATION | Do not say 'what is your job?' or 'what is your work?'. Say what do you do? or what do you do for a living?
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