Question 1: what is your psn?MV PEARL HEAD : FIRE ON BOARD
I. Distress Message from Pearl Head:
MD (3x)
This is Pearl Head (3x) -Viktor Romeo Sierra Echo
235 - 786 000
MD, Pearl Head, VRSE
235 - 786 000
My psn: 38˚10'N / 018˚ 10'E
I am on fire after explosion: fire is in engine room and No.2 hold spreading. Smoke not toxic. Crew abandoned vessel.
I require Fire-fighting assistance and helicopter to pick up crew
Number of crew on board : 18
Number of injured on board: 8
* Situation:
ñ Any vessel knowing that a vessel in distress is not able to transmit a distress alert must transmit a distress alert relay:
MD Relay (3x)
Aveiro Radio (3x)
This isOcean Queen (3x) IRSL. MD
Vsl in psn: 38˚ 10'N / 018˚ 10'E
is on fire.
MD Relay
II. RCC ----> Pearl Head
'MD,Pearl Head (3x), VRSE,
This is San Juan RCC (3x)
Received your MD
1.Please clarify your psn
2.What assistance do you require? (Fire-fighting assistance and helicopter with doctor)
3.What is weather situation in your psn?
(NE direction 128 degrees , Force Beaufort 2, Smooth, Swell in psn 2 metres, Fair, visibility 20 n miles).
Information understood. I will send helicopter at once. Stand by VHF Channel 1-6. Over
RCC ----> All Ships
- Priority -
| - Date and time -
| - September 12 (twelve)
Time: 1340 UTC
| - From RCC -
| - San Juan RCC All ships in vicinity of psn 37˚ 15' / 016˚ 10'E
| - SAR Report number one
| - Identity of casualty -
(name, call sign, flag)
| - 211 687 000
Pearl Head VRSE
Bulgarian registration
| - Position (Lat/Long) -
| - In psn 37˚15'N / 016˚10'E
| - Situation:
message: date & time
| - Distress, September 12,
13 43 hrs UTC
Pearl Head on fire
| - Number of persons at risk
| -18
| - Assistance that is requested
| - Fire-fighting assistance and SAR
| - Co-ordinating Centre
| - San Juan RCC
| All ships, please contact San Juan RCC and give your ETA to distess area.
MD, San Juan RCC, over.
III. Ships ----> RCC
1) MD, San Juan RCC (3x)
This isOntrio (3x) AR8B2
My psn: bearing 034˚ from distress psn, distance 10 Miles.
ETA in distress psn within 60 minutes. Over
RCC -----> mv Ontario:
Ontario (3x) AR8B2
This is San Juan RCC (3x)
Understood: your ETA in distress psn within 60 minutes.
Instruction: Proceed to your destintion. <---- Yes, I will....
2) MD,San Juan RCC (3x)
This is Ocean Queen (3x) IRSL
My psn: bearing 045˚ from distresss psn, distance 3 Miles
My course: 035˚
My speed: 16 knots
ETA in distress psn within 15 minutes. Over.
RCC -----> mv Ocean Queen:
Ocean Queen (3x) IRSL
This is San Juan RCC (3x)
Understood: your ETA in distress psn within 15 minutes.
Instruction: Proceed to distress area / to your destintion. <---- Yes, I will....
IV. RCC ------> SAR Ship Ocean Queen:
Ocean Queen (3x) IRSL
This is San Juan RCC (3x)
You are appointed On-scene Coordinator of SAR.
<-----SAR Ship:Yes, I will be OSC.
V. RCC ------> All ships in distress area:
All ships(3x)
This is San Juan RCC (3x)
Nav warning No. 1
Inform.1: SAR-operation in psn: Lat 37˚5'N, Long 016˚10'E
Radius 2 miles. Keep clear.
Inform.2: OSC is SAR ship Ocean Queen
Inform.3: SAR-operation working channel 16
Seelonce Mayday.
VI. OSC ------> Pearl Head
Pearl Head (3x), VRSE
This is Ocean Queen (3x) IRSL
My ETA in distress psn within 15 minutes.
Question 1: Detail nature of distress
Question 2:
Intention: I will approach you from your lee side.
I am commencing opertion.
VII. OSC ------> RCC
MD,San Juan RCC (3x)
This is Ocean Queen (3x) IRSL
Inform. 1 I picked 18 crew members
Inform. 2 8 persons are injured, 3 have extensive burns.
Request: I require Helicopter with doctor to pick up persons.
We commenced fire-fighting operation. Fire is not under control yet.
Warning: mv Pearl Head is on fire in psnLat 37˚5'N, Long 016˚10'E.
VIII. a)RCC ------> Helicopter
MD, Navigator 2-3 (3x)
This is San Juan RCC (3x)
Instruction: Proceed to distress area , psn Lat 37˚5'N, Long 016˚10'E to pick up injured persons.
On-scene Coordinator is SAR ship Ocean Queen, IRSL.
Please confirm. Over.
b) Helicopter -------> SAR OCS ship
Ocean Queen (3x) IRSL
This is helicopterNavigator 2-3 (3x) on VHF Ch. 0 6
I am on way to you. My ETA to your psn 10 min from now.
Question 1: what is your psn?
Question 2: What is relative wind direction nd knots?: (NE wind, relative direction 128,˚increasing, 12 knots)
Question 3: What is condition of injured persons?(Condition of injured persons stable)
Heli instructions to OSC:
1.H: mv Ocean Queen Please make identificaation signals by search light. (Making...)
mv Ocean Queen, you are identified.
2.Keep wind on starboard bow (ροπΰβΰ οξ νξρσ) (Keeping
Date: 2016-04-22; view: 1217