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Identify weather conditions in these pictures.

1 ____________ 4 _____________

2 ____________ 5 _____________

3 ____________ 6 _____________

2. What disaster is being described in each of these sentences?

  1. It lifted a car about ten feet off the ground, and then we saw it disappear down the street.
  2. It was about two meters deep and we watched as most of our furniture just floated away.
  3. The grass turned yellow and most of the crops died.
  4. The walls began to move visibly, and large cracks opened up in the ground.
  5. We could see the lava slowly advancing towards the town just ten miles away.
  1. True or false? If a sentence is false, write a true sentence about the weather conditions.
  1. It often pours with rain in the desert.
  2. It gets quite chilly in the desert in the evening.
  3. Thunder makes noise.
  4. Lighting can kill people.
  5. A shower is a gentle breeze.
  6. A spell of hot weather may end in a thunderstorm.
  7. If it is humid, the air will be very dry.
  8. Below zero, water turns to ice.
  9. Heavy rain means that it is pouring with rain.
  10. When it’s foggy you need sunglasses.
  1. Complete these scales.

…………..→ wind → strong wind → ……………→ hurricane

…………. → hot → warm →not very warm → cold→ ………….


  1. Give two nouns to go with the adjectives. Try not to repeat the nouns you choose.

Model: sandy beach / shore

1 sandy 2 steep 3 shallow 4 rocky 5 turbulent 6 dangerous


Complete the sentences, as in the model.

Model: The Nile is a river.

1. The Atlantic is …………………………………………....

2. The Alps are ……………………………………………...

3. Greece is ………………………………………………....

4. The Sahara is …………………………………………......

5. The Amazon is ……………………………………….......

6. The Mediterranean is ………………………………….....

7. The Bahamas is ………………………………………......

8. Africa is ……………………………………………….....

9. Crete and Corsica are ………………………………….....

10. Everest is he highest ………………………..in the world.

11. Michigan and Erie are two of the great ……………….…

12. The ‘Great Bear’ is a group of ……………………….…..

  1. Do the Autumn Crossword Puzzle by using the clues below.


3. Autumn is when _ _ _ _ _ _ fall off of trees.

4. In Autumn the weather begins to _ _ _ _ down.

6. In Autumn, a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ may be seen in a farmers field.

8. Autumn is a good time to enjoy _ _ _ _ that has grown through much of the year.

9. In Autumn people pick _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and carve them with scary faces.




1. In Autumn _ _ _ that has grown in fields is ready to be bundled for animal feed.

2. Autumn begins in the month of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

4. In Autumn, it is fun to see _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ leaves on trees.

5. Many farmer’s crops are ready for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in Autumn.

7. Fall is also called _ _ _ _ _ _.

Answers: Across 3. leaves 4. cool 6. scarecrow 8. corn 9. pumpkins

Down 1. hay 2. September 4. colorful 5. harvest 7. autumn



Date: 2016-04-22; view: 2422

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VOCABUALARY PRACTICE | B) Describe the weather in your own country, its specific part or your own region. Use topical vocabulary (point 3).
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