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Glossary of frequently used abbreviations, terms and expressions taken from video and MMO computer games

Terms Definitions
Terms and abbreviations used in ‘FIFA’  
Active Challenge A match against the active Team of the Week. An active challenge offers you bonus coins.
Active Squad Your current and active team in FUT.
All-Time Record Record of all of your matches you played since the beginning of the season.
BAS A player with Basic Chemistry Style.
Bid A bid. A price proposal on an auction.
Bid Bumping Scamming methods in auctions where the owner of a selling card makes a last minute bid with a fake account to raise the price of his/her card. Also knows as Price Bumping and Bid Jacking.
BIN Buy It Now. Items on auctions which preset with an immediate price – no need to bid.
CAM Center Attacking Midfielder, a player’s position.
Card A card is technically a player. Cards are colour-coded in FUT – based on its player’s overall rating.
Cardweight A metric used to estimate how often a card is traded on FUT marketplace.
CB Center Back, a player’s position.
CDM Center Defending Midfielder, a player’s position.
CF Center Forward, a player’s position.
Completion Award Award you get in coins after completing (finishing) a FUT match.
Consumable Pile Location reserved for the consumables that you may want to store in your club.
CR7 Abbreviation for Cristiano Ronaldo. CR = Cristiano Ronaldo, 7 = His shirt number.
DEF Defense. A player’s technical attribute for defending skill.
DIV In Seasons, means Division. As for player’s technical attribute, stands for Diving – A goalkeeper’s rating for diving.
DRI Dribbling. A player’s technical attribute for dribbling skill.    
Terms and abbreviations used in ‘LOL’  
Active An item or ability that upon activation (pressing the number/letter on that ability or item) will complete a certain task.
AD Attack Damage.
ADC Attack Damage Carry.
AFK Away From Keyboard (applies to summoners who are not near the keyboard at the time)
Aggro To aggravate a player or a mob. (For instance, if you were to attack an enemy champion in a minion wave, the minions would attack you because you aggro'ed them.)
AP Ability Power.
APC Ability Power Carry.
AS Attack Speed.
Balanced A champion who scales with the summoner's skill level (The summoner will not dominate simply because of the champion they are playing.)
Blue buff A buff found in the jungle that gives the buff holder high mana regeneration. (Held by the ANCIENT GOLEM.)
Build The summoner's complete item set, or the summoner's choice of items for a specific game/champion.
Carries Carries are the people who are meant to get the most kills, the most cs*, and the most gold.
CS Creep Score. (The amount of minions that you have killed)
Debuff A passive* ability that renders an aspect of other enemy summoner's build more or less useless. (i.e. Vi's passive.)
Fed To have an unusually exceptional score*.
Feed To feed is to give the enemy team free kills, or kills that were unusually easy to achieve. Intentional feeding can be reported at the end of game menu.
GGWP Good Game and Well Played.
GLHF Good Luck and Have Fun.
LoL League of Legends.
Meta The normal team configuration. Currently, the meta is one top, one APC middle, one support, one ADC bot, and one jungler. Often times in blind pick, the jungler will be replaced by a second top.
MMR Match Making Rating. (Determines who you get matched up with in games. MMR makes it so that you are matched up with and against a team that has your same estimated skill level.)
MR Magic resist.
OOM Out of Mana.
OP Overpowered. (Refers to a champion who is highly unbalanced* and is very hard to defeat even when not fed).
Passive An item or ability that upon leveling or buying will automatically give your champion and/or your allies/enemies a certain new buff or debuff.
Rage To be so upset with the game as to quit or be negative. These players are being toxic* and should be reported at the end of game screen.
Red buff A buff found in the jungle that gives the buff holder's basic attacks the ability to burn the target of health and slow the target for a short duration. (Held by the ELDER LIZARD.)
Score A summoner's personal in game amount of kills, deaths, assists, and cs. Can be seen on the scoreboard in the format of Kills/Deaths/Assists.
Support A champion that is equipped with heals, mana refunds, speed ups, or other abilities that will further help that champion's teammates survive in battle. Tanks* can be considered as supports, as well. Supports most commonly go bottom lane, and should not take cs until lane phase is over.
Tanks Tanks are champions that are supposed to build with armor and health. Tanks are meant to initiate in fights, and are supposed to tower dive* and to tank turrets*. Tanks often do not get cs because they are playing a support role.
Tank turrets Tanking a turret is when one or more champions attack an enemy turret without minions taking the turret damage for them.
Tower dive To tower dive is for one or more summoners push past the tower (while getting hit by the turret) to kill an enemy summoner that is either really squishy or low on health. Tanks or champions with area closer spells and/or range are best at tanking turrets.
Toxic A summoner who is partaking in behavior that negatively effects the playing experience of those around him/her.
Unbalanced A champion who is highly OP and does not scale with the summoner's skill level. (The summoner can be not very skilled and still dominate with the champion they have chosen to play.)
UP Underpowered (Refers to a champion who does not have enough assets to be a powerful champion).
Terms and abbreviations used in ‘WOW’  
OBO Or Best Offer, used when offering something for sale.
OOC Out of Character, used almost only on Roleplaying realms.
OS OffSpec, the spec a person uses least (Opposite of Main or Primary Spec).
Proc Processed Random Occurence: Indicates ability with a chance to occur, such as certain trinkets.
Progression Involves playing top-tier content with a set goal in mind to achieve quick boss kills or specific achievements.
Pulling Aggroing.
QFE Quoted for excellence. (Used on forums)
QFT Quoted for truth. (Used on forums)
QQ A term used to insult someone who is complaining, meant to look like teary eyes.
RaF Recruit-A-Friend, the Blizzard service or rewards that come with it.
rBGs Rated battlegrounds.
RNG Random Number Generated. Usually refers to specific boss loot.
Scrub Another version of “noob”, used to describe inexperienced or poor players.
Shelved Ex.: “My priest is shelved.” The person no longer plays the toon, but might in the future.
Spamming Can either be a generic internet term for filling chat with repeated ads, or a filler ability that you repeatedly cast.
Spec Specialization. Refers to player talent trees.
Squishy Means that something can’t take much damage or dies quickly.
Stats Statistics. Refers to how much agility, stamina, spirit, intellect, etc is on a given object.
Tag Marking a mob as yours by hitting it first, guaranteeing you the loot. Only required for non-instanced or partied mobs. Also many new quest mobs do not require you tag them first to get quest credit.
Tank The person who makes mobs attack them instead of other group or raid members
Toon Character.
Twink A player with the best gear in each slot for their level, usually with experience turned off.
WoW World of Warcraft.
XP Experience. Also called Exp.
Zerg Used when referring to instances outgeared by the toon(s) in question, making everything easy to kill, and the instance easy to complete. Interchangeable with “faceroll”. Can also mean attacking something with many more people than are needed, or attacking something as fast as possible.
Terms and abbreviations used in ‘CS’  
Ace When the entire enemy team gets killed by one player.
ADADAD'ing Zig-zagging by continuously spamming the A (walk left) and D (walk right) button to make it more difficult for opponents to hit you.
ADS Aiming Down Sights. This means looking through the scope of a weapon.
Anti-eco A round in which a team plays against a team that is on eco.
Autoshotty Nickname for the automatic XM1014 shotgun.
Autosniper Other name for both the G3SG1 and the Scar-20.
Bait Playing T-side aggressively near an area that contains CT's, in an effort to make them throw their nades early on. This makes sure that during the actual push, theCT's won't be able to defend themselves as effectively.
Boosting Getting to otherwise inaccessible areas by jumping on top of another player's head.
Buffed When a weapon gets buffed, it means that it is made more powerful so that it'll be used more often by players.
Bunny hopping Rafe jumping repeatedly instead of running in order to move quicker.
Burst-fire Firing in bursts of approximately 3 shots (can be 4 or 5) to improve accuracy, instead of shooting continuously.
Callouts The way areas on a map are called. It is useful to know the callouts on a map, since you can quickly tell your team where they should go/where enemies are.
Camping Staying in the same spot for a long time, waiting for a player that you can kill.
Choking Giving away a big lead.
Clutch The term used to define the situation in which an outnumbered player wins the round on his own.
Collateral Killing two or more enemies with one bullet.
Comp Abbreviation for ''competitive'', the most-played game mode in the game.
Crossfire (setup) Positioning between two or more teammates which makes sure that enemies who enter the area will be attacked from multiple angles.
Crouch jump Jumping while crouching at the same time, in order to jump higher.
CVAR Console variable; a text-based command used within a game or engine.
Dink Means "headshot", referring to the "dink" sound when shooting someone in the head in-game.
Double kill Killing 2 enemies in rapid succession.
Dropshot Quickly moving into a crouching position when facing an enemy, making it harder for the enemy to hit you.
Eco Not spending any money in a round to save up money.
Entryfrag The first kill of a round, and often a very important one.
Fake On the Terrorist side, letting 1 or more people make a lot of noise at one bombsite, to make CT's rotate to that bombsite and leaving 1 bombsite mostly open.
Flanking Getting behind enemy lines to attack them in the back.
Frag Another word for ''kill''.
Flick(shot) Quickly moving your crosshair in a certain direction and shooting when an enemy appears there.
Forcebuy Somewhere in between an eco and a full buy. Usually consists out of pistol+armor, with possibly a few primary weapons on 1 - 3 team members.
Framerate The amount of frames (images) per second. If you have a high framerate, animations run smoothly.
Headshot Shooting a player in the head. Usually results in a one-hit kill.
HP Hit points. It's the amount of health you have left.
Terms and abbreviations used in ‘Warframe’  
AI Artificial Intelligence. A character controlled by the CPU/"the game itself".
A.o.E Area of Effect.
Bird-Lifter Archwing.
Booben Referring to the old French frame Vauban.
To Buff To increase something. (damage,health,shield,rate).
Burnout State of mind reached by veteran players who farmed too much/get bored of the repetitive task or the game's content in general(lack of lore,endgame).
C.C. Crowd Control.
Cryopod/Pod Usually referring to the objective to defend. Hallway heroes should care about it.
Crit critical hit. (in yellow).
D.o.T. Damage over Time.
D.P.S. Damage Per Second. Gogol translate is your friend if you don't understand.
To Farm To do one/several mission(s) in order to obtain something specific (often the same mission in a row).
To Grind See farm definition.
Hallway hero A player who doesn’t stay near the objective to defend, and goes rogue far away.
Liset Ship of Tenno.
Mastery Locked Something unlockable after reaching a specific M.R.
Mob An enemy, an AI.
N.P.C. Non-Playable Character.
Spawn To appear.
WF Suit of Tenno or game itself.
W.T.B. Want to buy. Used in the trade chat.
W.T.S. Want to sell. Used in the trade chat.

Date: 2016-04-22; view: 1088

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