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Ask me what kind of pupil I was at school.

4. Which school club would you advise your classmate to join?

5. Today some young people think that having a good education is very important. Do you agree with them?

II 1. Let’s talk about education. What’s your school like?

See I 1. (About the Lyceum)

II 2. Do you agree that our school gives a person a good start in life? Why (not)?

Variant 1

Education plays a very important role in our life. It is one of the most valuable possessions a man can get in his life. We get our knowledge of this world and life through education. Many famous discoveries would have been impossible if people were not interested in learning something. Education develops different sides of human personality, reveals his abilities. Besides, it helps a person to understand himself, to choose the right way in this world. During all the periods of human history education ranked high among people. Human progress mostly depended upon well-educated people.

The aim of our secondary education is to learn social skills, to develop critical thinking, to develop understanding of other people, to prepare for life in the workplace and many others.

Thus, those people who has got determination, persistence, self motivation will succeed in their future life.

Variant 2

School education gives us knowledge. Knowledge helps to acquire a critical understanding of social, economic and political orders and reasonable set of attitudes, values and beliefs. Not to speak about the fact that it develops a sense of self-respect, the capacity to live as independent, self-motivated adults and the ability to function as contributing members of the society. In fact, it’s like a candle which gives light in the darkness, as it guides us to do better in life.

I fully agree with it. As I have said before the school years are the most important years in the life of every person. Their character and perception of the world are formed there. In this period they grow up, get stronger, find friends, develop their talents and skills and begin to understand life. Therefore school remains in our hearts during our life.


II 3. Ask me what kind of pupil I was at school.

What marks did you get at school?

Did you come to school in time?

What was your favourite subject?

Did you do your homework regularly?

Did you respect your teachers?


II 4. Which school club would you advise your classmate to join?


Our Lyceum provides children not only with knowledge. It’s also a place where children spend their free time. There are many amateur groups or circles and sport sections in my Lyceum. Special teachers help children to develop their creative abilities either in sport sections, a school theatre or to improve English after classes. Ecology and tourism are also very popular today.

I would recommend to join a sport sections to be stronger and athletically build. Any sport needs not only strength but critical thinking of the situation. That’s why my choice is sport club.
Variant 2

Our Lyceum has a wide range of out-of-class activities. There is a number of school clubs and societies to meet the interests of each pupil. They offer opportunities to develop different talents and skills and test them in different school events.

For example if you are fond of music and singing you may join our “Singing club”. If you enjoy doing puzzles and brain teasers, or play board and maths games you may visit the club of “Brain teasers”. If you are keen on sports you’ll have a lot of opportunities to choose any kind of sport club in our school.

For those people who are fond of English and have got some artistic talent may join our “Theatre club”.

You see, “Where is a will there is a way.”

II 5. Today some young people think that having a good education is very important. Do you agree with them?

Variant 1

We live in a century of high-developed technology. And all professions need special education. Nowadays only highly qualified workers can deal with rather sophisticated equipment and computers.

A modern person has to know where and how to get information and knowledge in order to have a good job and be a success. So, people have to get education during all their lives.

Variant 2

In my opinion it is very important to have a good education nowadays because we live in a fast changing competitive world. It is extremely important to be able to find your place in this world to be able to adapt to constantly changing conditions. Deep knowledge of in different spheres can help you to understand the world around you and yourself, can help you get a well-paid, prestigious job with good working conditions, job promotion. Most professions require qualifications or even a degree. A good education can become the foundation of your career. Good education develops your ability to find information , to think creatively in order to solve problems. What is more good education can help you bring-up your own children and help them with their schoolwork. While studying you will be in touch with intelligent, cultured, original people, which is a very beneficial experience. If you have a good knowledge of English you can communicate with people from all over the world and get a lot of interesting information, read books and watch films in the original. To sum it up it is very important to have a good education.

Variant 3

It all depends on many things. Those people who think that having a good education is not very important, have their own plans. Some girls want to be good mothers and have big families. Other people think that manual professions do not need good education. In this case they are mistaken. To my mind all professions need special education. Nowadays only highly qualified workers can deal with rather sophisticated equipment and computers.



1. Let’s talk about education. What can you tell me about the system of education in Belarus?

2. Does your school differ from any other school you know?

Date: 2016-04-22; view: 4222

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I 3. Ask me whether I liked school when I was a pupil. | Ask me what problems I had when I was a student.
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