National Bird: Bald Eagle The bald eagle is a large, powerful, brown bird with a white head and tail. The term "bald" does not mean that this bird lacks feathers. Instead, it comes from the word piebald, an old word, meaning "marked with white."
The bald eagle was made the national bird of the United States in 1782. The image of the bald eagle can be found in many places in the U.S., such as on the Great Seal, Federal agency seals, the President's flag, and on the one-dollar bill.
Why was the bald eagle chosen as the national symbol?
The Founding Fathers wanted to choose an animal that was unique to the United States. For six years, the members of Congress engaged in a dispute over what the national emblem should be. As a result of the debate, the bald eagle was chosen because it symbolized strength, courage, freedom, and immortality and that it would look much better as our national symbol.
When Europeans first arrived on the North American continent in the 1600's, there were an estimated 25,000 to 50,000 bald eagles, but populations have since dropped for many reasons. Many eagles were captured for getting too close to poultry or fishing nets; some were captured for falconry; and many eagles were poisoned by pesticides. In 1967, the bald eagle was included on the Endangered Species List. Federal laws, such as the Bald Eagle Protection Act, protect the bald eagle and have led to the recovery of bald eagle populations.
The National Flower
The rose was designated the official flower and floral emblem of the United States of America in 1986. The rose has been around for about 35 million years and grows naturally throughout North America.
There is no official religion in the USA. People practice Christianity (Protestant, Roman Catholic, other Christians, Eastern Orthodox); also Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism.
Official Language
Although English is the most commonly spoken language used in the U.S. and is the language used in government, the country has no official language. English (predominant), Spanish.
Currency: U.S. dollar
1. Where is the USA located? (continent, neighbours, oceans, states, economy)
2. What is its population?
3. Give an outline of its history.
4. What are the three main sources of origin of the name “America”? Describe each of them in detail, give names and dates.
5. What is the capital of the country? Where is it located? Why is it called so? What is its relation to Washington state?
6. Name the six regions of the country.
7. Describe the flag of the country? (its design, name, when it appeared) Speak on its history. What legend is connected with it.
8. Speak on the US coat-of-arms. Why was the eagle chosen as US symbol? What about its populations?
9. What is the national flower?
10. What are US religions, languages, currency?
Date: 2016-04-22; view: 1279