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Key tasks and responsibilities


Overall responsibilities:The Project Manager has the authority to run the project on a day-to-day basis on behalf of the Project Board within the constraints laid down by the Board. The Project Manager is responsible for day-to-day management and decision-making for the project. The Project Manager’s prime responsibility is to ensure that the project produces the results specified in the project document, to the required standard of quality and within the specified constraints of time and cost.

Working under the supervision of the UNDP National Programme Specialist of Environment to whom he/she will report, and in partnership with the project staff and PIU, the PM will be responsible for leading the Project Team in the day-to-day implementation of the Project and managing Project resources effectively and efficiently so as to achieve the Project Objective and Outcomes within the set timescale and available budget. More specifically, the PM will perform the following duties:


PM responsibilities would include:

Overall project management:

· Management and supervision of project implementation and evaluation across all components. Assurance of successful completion of the project in accordance with the stated outcomes and performance indicators summarized in the Project Results Framework.

· Regular communication and coordination with the National Implementing Partner, members of the Project Board, and all other partners and interested stakeholders, with regard to all project activity. Organization of Project Board meetings at least once, or ideally twice, per year, subject to availability of members.

· Regular communication with senior UNDP management with regard to all project activity. Assurance of coordination with other UNDP projects and broad strategic initiatives.

· Preparation of Annual Work Plans, including monthly targets and deliverables as well as annual spending targets in accordance with the Project Document. Tracking of work outputs throughout the year in light of these Annual Work Plans.

· Tracking and managing of project spending in accordance with the project budget, as well as UNDP rules and procedures, to ensure transparency, responsibility, and timely fulfilment of both program targets and budget targets.

· Preparation and submittal of annual Project Implementation Reviews and other required progress reports to the Project Board, UNDP, and GEF in accordance with applicable requirements, in all required languages (English, Russian, and/or Turkmen, using outside translation as needed).

· Supervision of the experts working for the project, including both Project Specialists as well as international and national consultants.

· Supervision of regular data collection and analysis, as well as reporting and public outreach via the mass media, events, and other means, to disseminate the results of the project and to promote energy efficiency, sustainable water management, and sustainable land management in Turkmenistan.

· Oversight of the overall administration of the project office.

· Regular travel within Turkmenistan to organize and monitor project activity; possible travel outside the country for participation in directly relevant international meetings.

· Support of independent Midterm and Terminal Evaluations of the project.


Running a project

  • Plan the detailed actions according to annual work plans of the project approved by the Project Board and monitor progress against the initial quality criteria.
  • Mobilize goods and services to initiative activities, including drafting TORs and work specifications;
  • Monitor events as determined in the Monitoring & Communication Plan, and update the plan as required;
  • Manage requests for the provision of financial resources by UNDP, using advance of funds, direct payments, or reimbursement;
  • Monitor financial resources and accounting to ensure accuracy and reliability of financial reports;
  • Be responsible for managing issues and requests for change by maintaining an Issues Log.
  • Based on the review, prepare the AWP for the following year, as well as Quarterly Plans if required.

Closing a Project

  • Prepare Final Project Review Reports to be submitted to the Project Board;
  • Identify follow-on actions and submit them for consideration to the Project Board;
  • Manage the transfer of project deliverables, documents, files, equipment and materials to national beneficiaries;
  • Prepare final CDR for signature by UNDP and the Implementing Partner.


More specifically, PM will be in charge of the following:


Date: 2016-04-22; view: 543

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