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EXERCISE 19a — Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs from this section. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense.

1. The pizza was cold, so I put it in the microwave to ________ it ________.

2. My car was making a strange noise, so I _______ _______ to look at the engine.

3. Can I use your lawn mower? I'll ________ it ________ tomorrow.

4. Jim always puts milk in his coffee to ________ it ________.

5. The roots of the trouble in the Middle East______________thousands of years.

6. The new police chief said that he thinks that abolishing capital punishment was a mistake and that it should be ________ ________.

7. The judge ordered the thieves to _____ _____ the stolen merchandise immediately.

8. Hearing Uncle John's stories about the old country _____ _____ a lot of memories.

9. With this new antipollution law we're ________ ________ reducing the amount of pollution by 50 percent in ten years.

10. I asked Judy if I could use her video camera, and she said she would________it right _______.

11. The mechanic recommended letting the car ______ ______ before driving it.

12. The robber changed his mind when he saw the guard ________ his shotgun right ________ him.

13. The local police chief________the investigation ________to the FBI agents.

14. Your father's angry right now. Talk to him about your miserable report card after he's _______ _______.

15. The changes at the factory are ________ ________ reducing costs and increasing profits.

16. The mystery of the Pyramids ________ ________ nearly 5,000 years.

17. The coach always makes the players ________ ________ before the game.

18. After lunch Jerry ________ right ________to work.

19. This coffee is too hot. I can't drink it until it ________ ________.

20. I was ______ ______ by the sheriff for going eighty miles per hour in a school zone.

21. It's cold now, but it'll ________ ________ by noon.

EXERCISE 19b — Write three sentences using the objects in parentheses. Be sure to put the objects in the right place.

1. Could you bring back. (my tool kit, it)

2. I'll bring over. (your tool kit, it)

3. The air conditioner quickly cooled off. (my apartment, it)

4. Todd handed over. (his wallet, it)


5. The sheriff pulled over. (the suspects, them)

6. The drivers are warming up. (their trucks, them)

EXERCISE 19c — Write answers to the questions using phrasal verbs from this section. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. Replace the underlined adverbs with right. Remember that right can be used only when the verb and the particle are separated.

1. They lit a fire, and the cabin became warm quickly. What did the cabin do?

2. You will return to work immediately. What will you do?

3. After the sun set, the backyard became cooler quickly. What did the backyard do?

4. If I saw the flashing lights of the police car, I would slow my car and stop at the side of the road immediately. What would I do?

5. Sergeant Jones pointed his rifle directly at the enemy soldier. What did Sergeant Jones do?

6. She told me to return her dictionary immediately. What did she say?

7. Linda's father told her to give him his credit card immediately. What did Linda's father tell her to do?

8. I called Lydia and told her I needed medicine for my son, and she took the medicine from her house to my house immediately. What did Lydia do to the medicine?

EXERCISE 19d, Review — Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs from previous sections. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

back off, 12 go beyond, 18 stand around, 18
break through, 18 head into, 17 tell apart, 18
come across, 12 hit on, 13 track down, 13
come up with, 6 let off, 13 wind up, 14
fall through, 12 lift up, 18    
figure on, 18 put up, 12    


1. The prisoners ________ ________ the wall of the prison and escaped.

2. It was easy for them to escape because the guards had been ________ ________ smoking cigarettes.

3. The warden wasn't just upset with the guards — the problem ________ ________ that.

4. The guards used dogs to ________________ one of the escaped prisoners the

next day.

5. The other prisoner ________ ________ some dense forest.

6. The prisoner tried to steal a man's car, but when he saw the man's large dog, he ________ ________.

7. The police had a meeting to try to ________ ________ ________ a way to capture the prisoner.

8. They finally ________ ________ the idea of using a helicopter.

9. The helicopter plan ________ ________ because the weather was so bad.

10. The police thought the prisoner would probably ________ ________ at his family's house.

11. The prisoner has a twin brother, and the police couldn't _______ them _______.

12. That was one problem the police didn't ________ ________.

13. One police officer walked behind the house and ________ ________ some garbage cans.

14. He heard a noise from the garbage can, so he ________________the top and saw the prisoner.

15. The prisoner _______ _______ a fight, but the police were able to capture him.

16. Both prisoners were charged with escaping from prison, but the judge ________ them ________ with a warning.

20. FOCUS ON: phrasal verbs followed by the -ing form

Some phrasal verbs can be followed by the -ing form of verbs:

Heended up staying home.

Shelies around doing, nothing.

The -ing form can be negative:

Heended up not going anywhere.

Shelies around not doing anything.

Nouns and pronouns can come between the phrasal verb and the -ing form:

The doctorwent around the hospital visiting his patients.

Jimhangs aroundJanice hoping she'll fall in love with him.

Prepositional phrases can come between the phrasal verb and the -ing form:

My luggageended up on the wrong flight going to the wrong city.

Istarted out atthe bottom working in the mailroom.

Other adverbs and adverbial expressions can come between the phrasal verb and the -ing form:

Billgoes around constantly looking for bargains.

Shestayed up late watching TV.

I went around allday not knowing I had spinach in my teeth.

Heended up here asking for money.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
end up                
    end up & ends up ending up ended up ended up


1. end up p.v. When peopleend up doing something orend up a certain way, it is the result of a series of decisions, actions, or unplanned and unexpected occurrences. End up is similar towind up.

A hurricane was approaching Florida, so weended up coming home from our vacation early.

Judy has never gone skydiving before, so she'll probablyend up in the hospital with two broken legs.

2. end up p.v. When people or thingsend up in a place, this place is where their journey ends even though the outcome may have been unplanned or unexpected.

How did London Bridgeend up in Arizona?

The taxi driver didn't understand me, and weended up in Newark instead of New York.


    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
go around                
go around & goes around going around gone around gone around


1. go around p.v. When people or things follow a circular path and return to the same place, theygo around.

The horse hasgone around the track three times.

It took seven days togo around the island.

2. go around p.v. When people or things follow an indirect or curved path in order to avoid an obstacle or to change direction, theygo around orgo around the


Heatherwent around the curve too fast, and she ended up in the ditch.

There was some broken glass in the street, but Iwent around it.

3. go around p.v. When an object spins or turns, itgoes around.

The disk drives in computersgo around very fast.

The children have to stay on the merry-go-round until it stopsgoing around.

4. go around p.v. When yougo around a place, you visit various parts of it.

The presidentwent around the state giving the same speech at every stop.

The exterminator isgoing around the house looking for rats.

5. go around p.v. When yougo around in a certain condition orgo around doing something, you go to various places and allow other people see you.

/ was so embarrassed — Iwent around all day with my zipper open.

Are you going togo around all day wearing that stupid hat?

6. go around p.v. When yougo around doing something, you go to various places and deliberately do something that may bother or upset other people.

The new managergoes around telling everyone how to do their jobs.

Don'tgo around sticking your nose in other people's business.

7. go around p.v. When somethinggoes around, it spreads to various parts of a larger place.

A rumorwent around that the plant was going to close.

He probably has the flu; it's beengoing around.

8. go around p.v. When something is being distributed to a group of people and there is enough for everyone, there is enough togo around.

There wasn't enough food togo around, and some of the famine victims got nothing.

Don't make the pieces of wedding cake too big, otherwise there won't be enough to go around.


    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
Go off go off & goes off going off went off gone off


1. go off p.v. When a gungoes off, it fires. When a bombgoes off, it explodes. When an alarm or alarm clockgoes off, it makes a loud noise.

The terrorists were killed when the bombwent off accidentally.

I was late for work because my alarm clock didn'tgo off.

2. go off p.v. When an electrical device or systemgoes off, it stops operating.Come on is the opposite ofgo off.

The electricitywent off at 8:30 last night.

A thermostat makes the air conditionergo off if it gets below a certain temperature.

3. go off (with) p.v. When yougo off, you leave a place or the people you are with and go to a different place. When yougo off with someone, you leave a place or the people you are with and go to a different place with them.

Markwent off not realizing he had left his wallet at home.

At the museum Sallywent off with her friends to see some things we weren't interested in.

4. go off p.v. When an event or plangoes off well, smoothly, without a problem, or without a hitch (a hitch is a problem), it happens as planned.

The drug bustwent off without a hitch.

The invasion didn'tgo off the way the general planned it.

5. go off p.v. When a road, trail, path, and so on,goes off, it leaves the main road, trail, or path, and goes in a different direction.

This trail thatgoes off to the left will take you to the campground.

We didn't know which way to go — one pathwent off to the left, the other to the right.

Go on

go on & goes on going on went on gone on

1. go on p.v. When an electrical device or systemgoes on, it begins to operate.

A thermostat makes the air conditionergo on if it gets above a certain temperature. The lightsgoes on automatically if someone walks near the door.

2. go on p.v. When somethinggoes on, it happens. "What'sgoing on?" is a common informal greeting.

Tell me whatwent on at the party last night. If you see anything illegalgoing on, call the police immediately.

3. goon p.v. When people go on, they continue doing something. Sometimes, on is repeated for emphasis.

/ asked her to be quiet, but shewent righton singing.

Just go on with what you're doing. I'll wait until you're finished.

I told him to stop talking, but hewent on andon andon andon.

4. go on p.v. When an event or activitygoes on, it continues.

The partywent on until dawn. I hate long meetings thatgo on for hours.

5. go on p.v. When yougo on information, you are able to continue an investigation or other project because you have this information.

The detective said he needs more togo on and asked the public for information.

The auto company won't recall 75,000 cars because of one accident. That's just not enough togo on.

6. go on p.v. When yougo on a diet, you start a plan to lose weight.

I go on a diet every January.

I have togo on a diet; my high school reunion is in two months.

7. go on p.v. When you say "Go on"to people, you are encouraging them to do something.

Yes, caviar is fish eggs, but it's good —go on, try it. Oh,go on — don't be afraid.

present tense -ing form past tense past participle
hang around      
hang around & hangs around hanging around hung around hung around


1. hang around p.v. [informal] When youhang around orhang around doing something, you stay in a place without a purpose for being there or because you are waiting for someone or something.

I had tohang around for three hours waiting for the bus.

Bob's beenhanging around the house all day. Doesn't he have anything to do?

2. hang around p.v. [informal] When people stay in a place instead of leaving, they hang around.

What's the hurry?Hang around for a while, and when I finish my homework we can watch TV.

Do you have to go or can youhang around for a while?

3. hang around p.v. [informal] When youhang around people, you spend a lot of time with them. When youhang around a place, you spend a lot of time there.

Erik's mother is worried. She doesn't like the guys he'shanging around with.

Jim and Bill were good friends. They alwayshung around when they were kids.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
lie around        
    lie around & lies around lying around lay around lain around


1. lie around p.v. When youlie around orlie around doing something, you recline and relax and do not do anything important.

Today is my day off, so don't ask me to do any work. I'm just going tolie around.

All my sister ever does islie around watching soap operas.

2. lie around p.v. [always continuous] When something islying around, it is

disorganized and no one is using it or paying attention to it.

Jake is a slob. There are empty beer cans and old newspaperslying around all over his house.

We need to do something about all that junklying around in the backyard.

Start out

start out & starts out starting out started out started out

1. start out p.v. When you begin something, youstart out. Start out is used to discuss how the end of something was different from its beginning.

The stock marketstarted out in positive territory but closed 200 points lower.

Nancystarted out as a secretary, thinking she might have a future with this company, but she doesn't feel that way anymore.

Stay up

stay up & stays up staying up stayed up stayed up

1. stay up p.v. When somethingstays up, it remains in a place that is higher than ground level.

That shelf won'tstay up if you put all those books on it.

The astronautsstayed up for 241 days.

2. stay up p.v. When youstay up, you go to bed later than you normally do.

Judy's tired because shestayed up until dawn studying for a chemistry test.

Don'tstay up late — tomorrow's a school day.

Date: 2016-04-22; view: 787

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EXERCISE 18a — Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs from this section. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. | EXERCISE 20b — Write answers to the questions using phrasal verbs from this section. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense.
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