Agree or disagree with the statements from the text using the following expressions./ agree here; I don't quite agree here; just the opposite; in my opinion; to my mind, as far as I know.
1. Tax avoidance and tax evasion are illegal ways of not paying taxes.
2.Depending on the tax payer's income a variety of expenses may be set against income before it is taxable.
3.It is open to the individual to save in the private sector where tax is not payable.
4.Anyone in a country with a global system of taxation can put certain assets abroad and avoid taxation.
5.A trust involves setting aside an amount of money or property which is then administered by individuals.
6.In the past men left their money to their wives outright.
7.On the death of the «tenant» of the trust the money will go to the state.
8.Trusts are aimed to promote industry.
9.Arranging to pass on assets during your life time so as to avoid inheritance tax on death is illegal.
10. Fines may be imposed, but they are not severe.
Put in prepositions where necessary.
1.One should distinguish …tax evasion and tax avoidance.
2.The taxable income depends…the tax payer's occupation.
3.A variety of expenses can be set…income before it is
4. It is open…the individual to save in tax-free schemes.
5. One can repatriate profits as and when favorable to do so … point of view.
6. Putting money …trusts can also save taxes.
7. trustees ad minister …the money or the property of the trust … the benefit of individuals.
8. Men sometimes left their wives income …a trust rather than leaving them money outright.
9. Such trusts normally end when minors reach … their majority or sometimes … … later age.
Translate the sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the way gerunds and participles are translated .
1. Few voters are aware of paying VAT.
2. Indirect taxes on spending are more politically beneficial than direct income taxes.
3. VAT, being levied at every stage of manufacture and service, is a different concept from sales tax.
4. Anyone selling a zero-rated item can claim a refund for any VAT paid to other people.
5. Governments are free in setting their own rates.
6. By transferring some resources to a central pool, communal projects for the common good can be paid for.
7. There are many governments estimating that the political benefit to them of lower income tax rates is very big.
8. The politician remarked that his party would consider repatriating dividends paid to foreign investors.
9. The Customs and excise authorities continue administering VAT.
10. The fixed sales tax can be administered by central government, local government or by state authorities.
Translate the following phrases into Ukrainian paying attention to the way Participle I and participle II are translated
1. additional contribution relatedto their income
2. when first begun
3. compulsory insurance leviedby governments
4. contributions covering the amounts paidout
5. the idea pioneeredby the UK
6. the idea spreadingto most industrialized countries
7. the system providingan important safety net
8. countries operatingeffective social security systems
9. people in paidemployment
10.the newly emerging industrializedcountries
Date: 2016-04-22; view: 806