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| Application for a Danish residence and work permit for agricultural, veterinary, forestry or horticultural interns Using this form
This form is to be used when applying for a Danish residence and work permit as an intern in one of the following areas:
· Agriculture
· Veterinary
· Forestry
· Horticulture
When applying for a residence and work permit in Denmark as an intern, the applicant and the place of internship are each required to fill out separate parts of the form. In addition, the applicant must provide the required documentation.
How to apply
1. The place of internship completes part 2 (sections 11-14) and signs in section 16 (follow the instructions given in the form)
2. The place of internship attaches a copy of the approval of the place of internship
3. After completing part 2, the place of internship sends the form to the applicant (the intern)
4. The applicantcompletes part 1 (sections 1-8) and signs section 10 (follow the instructions given in the form)
5. The applicant encloses the required documentation
6. The applicant submits the application at a Danish diplomatic mission in his or her country of residence. If the applicant is residing legally in Denmark, the application can normally be submitted in Denmark. If the application can be submitted in Denmark, this can be done at the Citizen Centre of the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration. If the applicant lives outside the Greater Copenhagen area, he or she can also submit the application at a local police station
On newtodenmark.dk you can find more information about who can submit an application in Denmark.
Which documents are required?
The place of internship must submit the following document:
· A copy of the approval of the place of internship.
The intern (the applicant) must submit the following documents:
· Documentation of paid fee
· Copy of passport (all pages including front page)
· Documentation of language test (in Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, English or German at A2 level or above)
· Documentation that the applicant is currently enrolled in an educational programme (copy of original document with authorised translation to German, English or Danish). If you are a Ukrainian citizen, translated educational documents must be
| stamped by the educational institution that issued your original documents.
· Documentation of acceptance to an agricultural programme of study (if applicable)
Are other documents required when submitting the application?
The applicant must present his or her passport to the authorities for identification.
Biometric features are required on residence cards
If you reside in Denmark or a country where Denmark has a diplomatic mission, you must appear in person to have your biometric features (digital facial image and fingerprints) recorded for use in your residence card. Your biometric features must be recorded in connection with the application being submitted.
If you reside in a country where Denmark has a representation agreement with another country’s diplomatic mission, you must appear in person and submit two facial images in connection with the application being submitted. Once you arrive in Denmark, your biometric features will be recorded.
Read more about biometric residence cards on the last page of this form and at newtodenmark.dk/residencecard.
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Date: 2016-04-22; view: 680