The character of the style is determined by the following criteria:
a) its function:
b) the vocabulary employed;
c) syntactic structures used;
d) the availability or absence of stylistic devices;
e) the form (written or oral).
In analyzing the function of a style we proceed from classification of language functions suggested by the German psychologist K. Bűhler. He distinguishes the following language functions:
1. Information
• the style of scientific prose;
• the style of official documents;
• the style of newspaper information;
2. Influence
• publicism proper;
• the belles-lettres style.
3. Communication
• familiar-colloquial style;
• literary-colloquial style.
Functional Styles of Modern English and Ukrainian
Types or genres
Syntactic structure
Usage of stylistic devices
scientific prose
papers, reports,
materials of conferences; articles, monographs, textbooks, manuals
learned words, terms, special phraseology, abbreviations
well-developed, with multistaged subordination and coordination; infinitival, gerundial (English), participial complexes
oral and writing
traditional language tropes, devoid of stylistic colouring
official documents
legal, commercial, diplomatic, military, socio-political documents, business correspondence