Back into My Own World
After weeks of dating, I dropped out of sight again, and some time went by when I didn’t see Rachael at all. The reason was because the other women in my life kept me busy. I was in and out of bars and caught up with the things of the religion: attending demonic parties, doing spiritual ceremonies, and casting spells on anyone I wanted. One day out of the blue Rachael called just to chat.
“What are you doing this evening?” she asked. “Staying home to take care of personal matters.”
Again she invited herself over, and I couldn’t tell her no. I liked her so much, yet didn’t know why. “Come over around nine o’clock,” I told her. By then I would be finished with what I was doing. When Rachael arrived, I grabbed the phone and ordered takeout. I fed a rented movie into my
VCR as soon as she set up our food so we could eat. During the flick, I saw in her eyes that she had something important to say.
“John, I know that both of us have been dating others. However, you are always on my mind, and I know that you feel the same way.”
What could I say? I couldn’t fool her anymore. I didn’t want to. What I wanted was her. But I loved the dark side, the power it brought, and the beautiful women it attracted. She had made a stabbing confession, and her declaration for us to solely focus on each other was a bold move. I respected her for that, so I told her yes. But could I really do it? Could I commit myself to a woman
whose parents were “born-again” Christians without a high priest from the religion taking me out in one swift act of vengeance? I told her there were going to be a lot of disappointed women wishing they could have me back.
After the movie, I walked Rachael home. Her boldness had impressed me so much that along the way I decided to do some gut-spilling myself.
“Rachael, I need to tell you the truth about myself.” I had her attention. “I’m a Santero and a Palero Tata —a devil worshipper.” I went on to tell her about the supernatural ceremonies, the animal sacrifices, the witchcraft parties, and the powers I possessed. “If people could see the evil that’s veiled from their eyes, what tarot reading does to a person, and the danger parents put upon their children by getting them involved in Halloween, they would shriek in horror.” I also added that the only way for me to get out of what I was doing was to have a death curse placed upon me.
“John, I don’t care how deeply you are involved in this witchcraft. I love you and want us to be together.”
Rachael and I continued going out, weekend after weekend, doing what everyone else did. But when we weren’t together, I went to my witchcraft parties and other dark events, sacrificing animals to the demon gods in ceremony rituals for new recruits. I was proud of what I did. Satan was my father. I loved smelling liquor, cigars, and rotten animal blood. It was my life and my destiny.
Date: 2015-01-11; view: 811