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Names of Shri Mataji


Sharan.gat.ki Raksha Kar.ti

You always protect the one who is surrendered to You

Din. Dukhi Ke Sab. Dukh. Har.ti

You take away all the problems of the poor sorrowful people

Jay.janani Jay. Mata Bhavani

Victory to You oh Mother, oh Bhavani

Nirmala Devi Jay. Jay. Sukh.kar.ni

Mother Nirmala Victory to You, giver of happiness.


Tere Hi Gun. Gate Hai )

We sing Your praise >

Tujh.ko Nis.din. Dhyate Hai ) (x2, Chorus)

We worship You every day

Teri Sharan. Me Aye Hai

We have surrendered at Your Lotus Feet

Tu Hai Sare Jagat. Ki Janani (x2)

You are the Mother of the whole universe


Tu Hai Shri Mata Nishchinta Garvita Lokatita

You are Shri Mata, .....

Tu Hai Nistula Nirmala Vandaru Janavatsala

Tu Hai Nirishwara Gambhira Nirantara Dharmadara

Tu Hai Nishkriya Niratyaya Bhaktipriya Nirakula


Teri Krupa Ho Jaye Ham Par

May Your grace shower on us

Tu Hai Sat Chit Ananda Rupini (x2)


Tu Hai Nirguna Niranjana Nishkalanka Chandika

Tu Hai Nirpaya Nirashraya Nirlepa Trigunatmika

Tu Hai Nishpap. Nirbhava Nishkala Nirupaplava

Tu Hai Nirmoha Nirmada Nirvikara Shamat Mika


Teri Krupa Ho Jaye Ham Par

Tu Hai Mahapatak.-Nashini (x2)


Tu Hai Maharatihi Gurumurtihi Shaswati Par.Meshwari

Tu Hai Chitshaktihi Sudhamsrutihi Nirnasha Rakshakari

Tu Hai Vilasini Ekakini Vishnugranth. Vibhedini

Tu Hai Nirupadhihi Mahashaktihi Adishaktihi Shubhamkari

Hindi Songs 6


Teri Krupa Ho Jaye Ham Par

Tu Hai Sahaj. Yog. Dayini (x2)


Tu Hai Niradhara Nirakara Nityayauvana Padmasana

Tu Hai Nirahankara Nilachikura Sandrakaruna Nishkarana

Tu Hai Mahamaya Nihsamshaya Bhaktigamya Raviprakhya

Tu Hai Chandranibha Sukhyaradhya

Swabhav.Madhura Sukh.Prada


Teri Krupa Ho Jaye Ham Par

Tu Hai Nitya Leela Vinodini (x2)


Tu Hai Par.Modara Mahapuja Punyalabhya Vishw.Rup.

Tu Hai Mahadevi Bhag.Wati Shobhana Sul.Bha-Gatihi

Tu Hai Pashahantri Par.Shaktihi Par.Manu Pavan.Kritihi

Tu Hai Nishkama Nirvikalpa Vir.Mata Vishvagrasa


Teri Krupa Ho Jaye Ham Par

Tu Hai Bhavani Vishwasakshini (x2)


Tu Hai Nir.Badha Achintyarup. Akula Dhir.Samarchita

Tu Hai Vishw.Garbha Nitya-Mukta Dev.Karyasamudyata

Tu Hai Shri Sadashiv. Shri Maharadni Vimala Vijaya Niraga

Tu Hai Swastha Lajja Nishparigraha Mahati Pushtihi Yogada

Tu Hai Sharmadayini Nirmama Rakshaghni Nishparigraha


Teri Krupa Ho Jaye Ham Par

Tu Hai Varda Kshipra Prasadini (x2)



v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v

Hindi Songs 7




Kyu Jae Kaha...


Kyu Jae Kaha (Chorus, x2)

Jab. Tu Hai Yaha, O Ma...


Manoharini Pranav. Rupini (x2)

Adi Anadi Sagun. Nir.Guni

Nir.Mala Devi Tu Hi Janani (x2)

Tujh. Me Sara Vishw. Sama, O Ma... (x2)


Vedonka Tu Rup. Manohar. (x2) )

Rucha Mantra Ka Phal. Tu Sundar. )(x2)

Karm. Yog. Ka Kar.Ne Jagar. (x2)

Hradaya Basi Tu Adima, O Ma... (x2)


Sahaj. Yog. Tu Dhyan. Dharan. (x2) )

Tu Sphurti Ki Divya Prerarn. ) (x2)

Dnyan. Dan. Ki Tu Hai Pratima (x2)

Shadripu Ki Tu Hai Daya Kshama, O Ma... (x2)





Hari Bol, Hari Bol, Hari Hari Bol (x2)

Mukund. Madhav. Govind. Bol (x2)

Keshav. Madhav. Govind. Bol (x2)

Mukund. Madhav. Govind. Bol (x2)

Hindi Songs 8




Vishw. Nirmal Dharm Ki Ye Dara

Ban. Jayegi Sab. Ka Sahara (Chorus, x2)

Jaise Nabh. Me Subah Ka Ho Tara

Mit. Jata Hai Man. Ka Andhera


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi )

Sari Duniya Ki Hai Vo Janani ) (x2)

Adi Shakti Janam. Leke Ai )

Jagrut Karti Hai Jo Kundalini ) (x2)

Ap.Na... Ya Sahaj. Yog. Jis. Ne (x2)

Paya Atmaka Us.Ne Ujiyara (x2)


Taswir Ma Ki Jo Sam.Ne Rakhega (x2)

Kum Kum Tilak Pe Nazar. Rakhega (x2)

Khyal. Jobhi Aye Apne Man. Me (x2)

Dhire Dhire Unhe Vo Khoega (x2)

Is Tarah... Dhyan Subah Sham. Karke (x2)

Mukti Paye Janam Na Dubara (x2)


Kundalini Hoti Hai Sharir. Me (x2) )

Jagrut Karne Tu Rahna Dhyan. Me ) (x2)

Ma Karegi Krupa Jo Bhi Aya )

Sab. Chorke Uski Sharan. Me ) (x2)

Thandi Lah.Ro Ko... Dekh.Na Karishma (x2)

Jab Bhi Tune Hai Ma Ko Pukara (x2)


Sat. Chakro Ke Hote Hai Swami (x2)

Dhyan. Ma Ka Tu Kar. Antaryami (x2)

Prasanna Ho Jayege Sare Swami (x2)

Na Rahegi Kisiki Gulami (x2)

Shaktiya Sari... Tujh.Ko Milegi (x2)

Khul. Jayega Sahastrar. Tera (x2)

Hindi Songs 9


DENEKO VAR.DAN. (Shrirampur style)


Dhyan. Rahe Kabhi Na Chod.Na (x2)

Sahaj. Dharan. Hai Dhyan.


Devi Nirmala Yaha Padhari (Chorus)

Deneko Var.Dan., Re

Yaha Padhari, Re, Dene Var.Dan., Re (x2)


Vimukt. Ham. Me Tore Hai Bandhan. )

Jat. Pat. Ke Rahe Na Lanchan. ) (x2)

Tan. Man. Ar.Pit. Ham. Sab. Bhavik. (x2)

Vishwa Dharm. Ki Jyot. Jagane (x2)

Jivit. Panch. Pran


Hame Mili Hai Antahprer.Na )

Dhyan. Yog. Ki Divya Dhar.Na ) (x2)

Vanchit. Hamari Puran. Kamana (x2)

Bin. Mange Hi De Devi

Hamare Bhag. Ka Dhyan


Sharan Agat. Ham Sare Balak. (x2)

Devi Ma Hai Palak. Chalak. (x2)

Disha Disha Me Gunj. Raha Hai (x2)

Devi Nirmala, Devi Nirmala

Shri Mata Hai Jag Ka Dhyan

Hindi Songs 10




Swagat. Agat. Swa-gatam (x2)

Welcome to Your arrival

Ham. Sab. Kar.Te Swa-gatam (x2, Chorus)

We all welcome You


Aj. Hamare Bich. Padhare )

Today You have come among us >

Shri Mataji Ap. Hain Tare ) (x2)

Shri Mataji You are the Saviour

Jhum-Jhumke, Jhum-Jhumke )

Swaying all together >

Kar.Te Hain Gan ) (x2)

we sing Your praise


Pudyavar. Mataji Dar.Shan. Pakar )

Having received the darshan of our respected Mother >

Kar.Te Swagat. Dil. Se Gakar ) (x2)

we welcome Her, singing from our hearts

Prem Phulonki Mala Pah.Nate Hain (x2)

We offer Her a garland of flowers of love


Nir.Mala Se Hai Vinay. Hamari )

We pray to You Mother Nirmala >

Jivan. Sukh. Se Khar.De Bhari ) (x2)

please make our lives full of joy

Anand. Prem. Shanti Sada Hi Rahe (x2)

May joy, love and peace always reside within us.




Dar.Shan. Devo Ma Mahakali (Chorus)

O, O, Ao, Aoma Vagh.Vali, Vagh.Vali


Hai Tu Jagat. Janani Mahamayi

Sari Duniya Tunehi Banai


Bole Mile Vachan. Maiya Hoke Prasal.

Ao Upparvali Chute Kesh.Vali Vadh.Tani


Kahe Rajeshvari Kar.Jordi

Ao, Ao Bhavani Boli


Lagi Meri Lagan. Yake Joro Nayan.

Ao Bhakato Kare Rakh.Vali


Hindi Songs 11




Jay. Ganesh. Ji Ki Ma Ambe (x2)

Victory to Amba, the Mother of Shri Ganesha Ji!

Jay. Jagadambe, Jay. Jagadambe )

Victory to Jagadambe >

Jay. Ganesh. Ji Ki Ma Ambe ) (x2) (Chorus)

Victory to Amba, the Mother of Shri Ganesha!


Jay. Maha Kundalini Tu Ambe (x2)

Victory to Maha-Kundalini, You, Ambe!


Jay. Vishnu Ki Lakshmi Tu Ambe (x2)


Jay. Brahma Ki Sarasvati Tu Ambe (x2)


Jay. Shivaji Ki Par.Vati Tu Ambe (x2)


Jay. Rama Ki Sita Tu Ambe (x2)


Jay. Krishna Ki Radha Tu Ambe (x2)


Jay. Yeshu Ki Mary Tu Ambe (x2)


Jay. Sahastrar. Swamini Tu Ambe (x2)

She is the owner, the master, the ruler of the Sahasrara chakra.

Jay. Moksha Pradayini Tu Ambe (x2)

Sri Mataji not only grants us our liberation but at the same time gives us the power to share this gift with others.

Jay. Nirmal. Mata Tu Ambe (x2)

The immaculate great Mother.

Jay. Adishakti Tu Jagadambe (x2)

She is the Primordial Power of God. The First Cause, the Creatrix of the universe.

Jay. Adi Maya Tu Jagadambe (x2)


Jay. Maha Maya Tu Jagadambe (x2)


Jay. Sarva Swarupini Tu Ambe (x2)


Jay. Triguna Swamini (x2)


Jay. Nirmal. Mata Jagadambe (x2)



Continued >

Hindi Songs 11a


(... continued from: Jay Ganesh.ji Ki Ma Ambe)


Additional names (Sahasrara and beyond):


The eleven destroying powers of Rudra which Sri Siva bestows on Sri Visnu for this incarnation to destroy all the negativity of the present time.


The Absolute Cosmic Being in whose image we are made. These are the sixteen thousand powers of Sri Visnu which are surrendered to Adi Shakti at Sahasrara


The 10th incarnation of Lord Visnu and the second coming of Lord Jesus who comes to destroy all the evils of this age.

Sada Siva

Eternal Siva who is auspisciousness and kindness.

Ardha Bindu

The crescent above the OM.

Bindu Matra

The dot above the crescent, the mark of Sri Siva.


The elliptical movement of the Adi Shakti’s dance of creation.

Yoni Pradakshina

The movement encircling the birthplace of all creation.


The divine element of the supreme Creator which imparts itself into individual hearts.


The Supreme Creator.

Para Brahma

The Supreme All-pervading Consciousness.


That which has no ending.


That which has no beginning.

Sarveshvara (Sarva-isvara)

The Almighty Lord, the Complete Being.


Benificial to all.




The Adorable, innocent, creative, nourishing, all mighty, un-encompassable, all pervading omniscient power of God.

Hindi Songs 12


KHOJE TU JISE (Nirmal Sangeet Sarita) ‘Bandagi’


Khoje Tu Jise But.Khane Me Ya Kalisiyai Me (x2)

One whom you are searching for in the church or Congregation

Rah.Ta Hai Jo Hamesha Tere Dil Ke Dayere Me (Chorus)

Is One who actually resides within the orbit of your heart.


Paega Kya Use Bhat.Ke Gum. Rahiyo Me (x2)

How will you be able to find Him among the misguided and lost

Jo Soch.Te Hai Vo Milega (x2)

Mazahab. Ke Kohare Me

Who think that He is found in the mist of (so called) religion


Kaise Tu Dekh. Paega )

Jab. Parakh. Nahi Nazaro Me ) (x2)

How will you be able to see Him when your eyes lack discrimation

Jaha Sirf. Mah.Sus Kiya Hai (x2)

Use Dil Me Mahirone

Whereas the experts have only experienced Him in the heart.


Bag.Va Ko Jaise Sabhi Pyare Hai )

Gulshan. Paristi Me ) (x2)

Like the gardener loves everybody (be it thorn, dried leaves, dirt or flowers) while gardening.

Kya Bhala Kya Bura (x2)

Sabhi Pate Hai Ik.Lakh. Ke Maro Me

Whether good or bad, everyone will be attended to by people who are divinely sincere.


Neki Jitegi Badi Pe )

Sahaj. Ke Chakkar Chal.Ne Se ) (x2)

Good will triumph over evil, once the turbulent movement of Sahaj begins

Sada Gunj.Ti Hai Yahi Belos (x2)

Ma Ke Pukaro Me

This sound is echoing Belous in the Holy Mother’s call




Ham.Ko Man. Ki Shakti Dena (Chorus)

Man. Vijya. Kare

Dus.Ro Ki Jay. Se Pahle, Khud. Ko Jay. Kare


Bhed. Bhav. Ap.Ne Dil. Se Saf. Kar. Sake

Dus.Ro Se Bhul. Ho To Maf. Kar. Sake

Jhut. Se Dare Rahe Sach. Kadam. Bare

Dus.Ro Ki Jay. Se Pahle, Khud. Ko Jay. Kare


Mushkile Pare To Ah.Mpar. It.na Karm. Kar.

Sath. De To Dharm. Ka, Chale To Dharm. Par.

Khud. Pai Hausla Rahe, Badhi Se Na Dare

Dus.Ro Ki Jay. Se Pahle, Khud. Ko Jay. Kare

Hindi Songs 13


GHANE GHANE JANG.LA (Punjabi song)


Ghane Ghane Jang.La, Vich Rehndi Mata Meriye

My Mother lives in the thick jungles on the mountain

Dekh.ne Da Sundar. Nazar. Ho (x2)

In the most beautiful scenery

Dekh.ne Da Sundar. Nazar. Mata Meriye (x2)

Dekh.ne Da Sundar. Nazar. Ho (x2)


Suha Suha Cholamata Ang. Me Viraje

O Mother You are looking so beautiful in red clothes!

Kesar. Tilak. Lagaya Ho (x2)

You have put a bindi of saffron on Your forehead.

Kesar. Tilak. Lagaya Mata Meriye (x2)

Kesar. Tilak. Lagaya Ho (x2)


Pan. Supari Mata Dhwaja Naree-al.

The betel-leaf, the betel-nut, red cloth and a coconut are the things

Pailari Bhet. Chadhaee ho (x2)

we offer You with devotion in Your Puja.

Pailari Bhet. Chadhaee Mata Meriye (x2)

Pailari Bhet. Chadhaee ho (x2)


Madhur de Ase Pase Koyal Bole

Teri Ware Jay. Jay. Kara ho (x2)

Teri Ware Jay. Jay. Kara Mata Meriye (x2)

Teri Ware Jay. Jay. Kara ho (x2)


Nange Nange Pair. Mata, Ak.Bar. Aya

The king Akbar himself came bare feet to see You

Sone Da Chatar. Chadhaya Ho (x2)

And offered You an umbrella of gold

Sone Da Chatar. Chadhaya Mata Meriye (x2)

Sone Da Chatar. Chadhaya Ho (x2)


Chausath. Paudhi Mata Chadiya na Jave

Dur. Te Jay. Jay. Kara ho (x2)

Dur. Te Jay. Jay. Kara Mata Meriye (x2)

Dur. Te Jay. Jay. Kara ho (x2)


Janmo Janmo Te Mata Punye Laye

Ta Tere Darshan. Paye Hain. (x2)

Ta Tere Darshan. Paye Mata Meriye (x2)

Ta Tere Darshan. Paye Hain. (x2)

Hindi Songs 14




Mata Nir.mala Devi, Mata Nir.mala Devi (x2)

Teri Jot. Jale Din. Rain )

Mata Teri Jot. Jale Din. Rain. ) (x2, Chorus)


Jo Bhi Teri Sharan. Me Aya )

Us.ka Tap. Timir. Mitaya ) (x2)

Yog. Kshem. Diya Ma (x4)


Tu Hi Sab. Kudh. Karnewali )

Bera Par Laganevali ) (x2)

Mata Bholi Bhali (x4)


Nis. Din. Teri Jyot Jalaye )

Har. Dam. Tera Dip. Jalaye ) (x2)

(Teri Shan Nirali)


Tumhi Meri Mata, Tumhi Mere Pita )

Tumhi Mere Bandhu, Tumhi Mere Data ) (x2)

Tum Bin Aur. Na Koi (x4)





Swagatam Swagatam Param Pujya Mata Ji

Mata Ji, Ap. Mangal. Dayini

Mata Ji, Ap. Shakti Dayini

Mata Ji, Ap. Vidya Dayini


Mata Ji, Ap. Vishwa Ki Ma Hain

Mata Ji, Ap. Hamari Ma Hain

Sewa Kar.Ne Ki Shakti Dijiye


Mata Ji, Ap. Sahaj. Yog. Dayini

Mata Ji, Ap. Sahastrar. Swamini

Mata Ji, Hame Shakti Dijiye

Hindi Songs 15




Nirmala Devi Ma, O Ma, O Ma...

Ganapatipule Me Ae Jo,

Vo Kabhi Khali Hath. Na Jae

Jay Ma...


Nirmala Devi Ma, Teri Jay Jay Kar. Ho (x2, Chorus)

Jay Jagadambe Ma, Teri Jay Jay Kar. Ho (x2)


Kit.Na Pavan. Hai Yah Darshan )

Sab. Karte Tera Vandan ) (x2)

O Ma... Devi Mata, Sab. Karte Tera Vandan

Mangal. Kar.Ni Mata, )

O Bhava Bhaya Har.Ni Mata ) (x2)

Tum. Dhyan. Dayini, Buddhi Dayini

Jay Jay Kar. Ho, Teri Jay Jay Kar. Ho


Jay Jay Ma, Jay Jay Ma...


Jo Ganapatipule Me Aya, )

Us.Ne Jivan. Ka Sukh. Paya ) (x2)

Ye Kaisi Teri Maya, Sab Kuch. Hai Maine Paya (x2)

Tera Darshan. Paya, Ma Tera Hi Gun. Gaya (x2)

Ma, Ma, Ma... Jay Jay Ma (x2)

Jagat. Janani, Jay. Amba Teri, Jay Jay Kar. Ho (x2)

Teri Jay Jay Kar. Ho


Jo Shri Dar.Shan. Ko Pae )

Kabhi Khali Hath, Na Jae ) (x2)

Jay Jay Ma...

Jo Shri Dar.Shan. Ko Pae )

Kabhi Khali Hath. Na Jae ) (x2)

Tum Ho Jagadambe Mata, )

Mai Tere Hi Gun. Gata ) (x2)

Tera Mera Natha, Hai Prem. Ka Ye Natha (x2)

Naye Sal. Ke Shubh. Aw Sarpar (x2)

Ashirvad. Do (x2)

Hindi Songs 16


BHAR. DE (Nirmal Sangeet Sarita)

‘Mirror of Sahaj’


Bhar.De It.Ni Bhakti, Ma... Mere Ang. Ang. Me (x2)

O Holy Mother, fill up my entire body with your pure and invigorating devotion

Jaise Ram. Ke Baj.Rang. Me, Ma (x2) (Chorus)

O Holy Mother, the devotion should be as the total surrender to Lord Rama

Baj.Rang. Me, Baj.Rang. Me...

Of Hanumana ….

Bhar.De It.Ni Bhakti, Ma... Mere Ang. Ang. Me


Bhar. De It.Ni Priti Ma )

O Holy Mother, fill me up with ever abounding love >

Jit.Na Pani Sagar. Me ) (x3)

As much as the water contained in the unending ocean.

Kami Nahi Hogi Tabhi (x2)

Even them will not be reduced or lessened

Tanik Tere Pyar. Ke Agar. Me...

Out of your storage of every flowing love.

Pyar. Ke Agar. Me


Bhik. Tu It.Ni De De, Ma )

O holy Mother, You give so much benevolence >

Meri Maili Chadar. Me ) (x3)

Even though I am soiled like a dirty sheet by the every day maya.

Dar.Pan. Har.Pal. (x2)

Grant me that your image should be permanently imprinted within me

Dekho Tere Sat. Sang. Me...

And that I always stay in the collectivity of saints.

Sat.Sang. Me...


Bhar.De Har. Ek. Bagh. Ko, Ma (x2) )

O Holy Mother, fill up each and every garden >

Pyar. Ke Phul. Kaliyo Se ) (x2)

With the fragrance of love so that each flower and bud will emit the fragrance of love.

Mehak. Teri Hi Aegi Tab. (x3)

Such is the power of your love, that this fragrance would be overflowing

Sadak. Se Galiyo, Galiyo Se...

From the roads and lanes


Lagun. De Aisi, Mataji

Lagun. De Aisi

Lagun. De Aisi, Mataji )

Jaise Raddha Ko Shyam. Se ) (x2)

Shraddha De Aisi, Mataji

Jaise Shab.Ri Ko Ram Se, Shab.Ri Ko Ram... Se

Hindi Songs 17




Saj.De Kar.Ne Jhuke Taslim Hobhi Chuke

Abdiyat. Me Mere Rang. Bhar. Aenge

Itne Kayal Tere Pyar. Ke Ho Gaye

Ke Rihayi Milegi To Mar. Jaenge


Thok.Re Darbadar Gam Aur Ruswaiya

Sab Simatkar Tere Rub.Ru Aye Hai

Pher. Li Gar Tune Ye Meh.Re Nazar

Tere Imadad Ko Ham Kaha Paenge


Sabz. Ye Anjuman Ye Hawa Jhum.Ti

Teri Belosi Me Aur Nikhar Aye Hai

Jab Tu Hi Tu Basi Hai Ye Dono Jaha

Ye Tare Bhi Saj.Do Me Jhuk Ayenge


Chali Leh.Ro Pe Leh.Re Chaman Dar Chaman

Abid Pine Lage Hai Ye Abe-Hayat

Jab Iradat Ibadat Me Dhalne Lagi

To Belos., Sab. Paar. Ho Jayenge




Before We Bowed Down In Reverence, The

Salutations Were Already Accepted.

Therefore, My Devotion Towards You Would Become

Rich And Colourful.

We Have Got So Accustomed To Your Love,

That If We Are Freed Of It We Shall Die!


Having Stumbled At Every Door, And Having

Collected A Bundle Of Sorrows And Sufferings,

We Have Now Arrived Face To Face Before You.

If You Turn Away Your Benign Gaze Of Compassion And Mercy,

Where Shall We Find Your Divine Help?


The Beautiful Greenery, Swaying In The Gentle Breeze,

Has Enriched Its Qualities In Your Purity And Grace.

When You, And Only You, Are All-Pervading In Both The Worlds,

Even The Stars Will Come Down To Bow To You.


Vibrations Are Flowing Over The Garden Of Humanity,

While The Devotees Have Churned Amrose Out Of

These Vibrations And Are Drinking Them In Abandonment.

When The Faith Is Being Transformed Into Worship,

Then, "Belos" Everyone Will Become Realized!

Hindi Songs 18


MUZ.RIM ADIL (Nirmal Sangeet Sarita)




Muz.Rim Adil Ho Gaye Hai

Masum Katil Ho Gaye Hai

Sun.Kar. Log. Mayil Ho Gaye Hai

Kya Dilvale Aj. Bedil Ho Gaye Hai,

Bedil Ho Gaye Hai

Muz.Rim Adil Ho Gaye Hai


Danishta Danisht Aj. Jahil Ho Gaye Hai (x2) )

To Jahil Dekho Shane Mahfil Ho Gaye Hai ) (x2)

Masahale Aur. Bhi Mushkil Ho Gaye Hai (x2)

Ariji The Vo Mushtakil Ho Gaye Hai,

Mushtakil Ho Gaye Hai


Na Mumkin Jab. Ki Hasil Ho Gaye Hai (x2) )

Kya Yahi Ab. Ap.Ke Sahil Ho Gaye Hai ) (x2)

Mar.Hale Aur. Bhi Mukammil Ho Gaye Hai (x2)

Irade Ap.Ke Dhayal Ho Gaye Hai,

Dhayal Ho Gaye Hai


Insani Muzahab. Batil Ho Gaye Hai (x2) )

Dekho Ruhani Sahaj. Me Shamil Ho Gaye Hai ) (x2)

Nashamil Khud.Se Gafil Ho Gaye Hai (x2)

Sab Ye Dekh "Belos" Tiltil Ho Gaye Hai,

Tiltil Ho Gaye Hai



Criminals Have Become Judges. (Chorus)

Innocents Have Become Murderers.

Hearing This, People Have Become Melancholy.

Have The Large-Hearted Become Today Heartless?

Criminals Have Become Judges.


Knowingly, The Knowledgeable Have Become Uncouth,

While The Uncouth Have Become The Pride Of Society

The Problems Have Become More Complicated.

Those Which Were Temporary Have Become Permanent.


While The Impossible Has Been Achieved,

Have These Alone Become Your Destinations?

Additional Complex Problems Have Further Surfaced,

But Your Intentions Have Collapsed.


All Man-Made Religions Have Become Disproven.

See! All Of Them Are Now Merged In The Divine Saha

The Non-Merged Have Become Unaware Of Themselves.

Seeming All This, "Belos" Has Become Upset.

Hindi Songs 19





Khud. Ki Khudi Ko Khokar ) (Chorus)

Khud. Tu Khuda Me Khoeja ) (x2)

Lafani Hai Vo Payeja

Jo Fani Hai Vo Khoeja


Ye Jango Zabar, Ye Tango Hava )

Ye Dush.Mani Sab. Khud. Ki Nakamiya ) (x2)

Jo Tujh.Ko Tujh.Se Dur. Kare

Usi Khudi Ko Tu Mitayeja


Ye Dhan Daulat., Ye Shano Shaukat )

Fanihai, Ye Rish.Te Mit.Te Jayenge ) (x2)

Insa Ki Khidmat Ibadat. Hai

Is. Bandagi Ko Badhaeja


Jab. Mai Hi Tujh.Se Dur. Hui )

To Jan.Le Ke Galiban. Tu Vali Hua ) (x2)

Jannat. Ka Hoga Ilm. Tujhe

Tu Ap.Ni Hasti Ko Mitayeja


Na Soch. Samajh. Khudi Ke Bagair )

Kya Maqsad. Hai Tera, Kaise Manzil. Payeja ) (x2)

Har. Manzil. Hasil. Ayegi

"Belos" Qadam Uthaeja



Losing Your Individual Identity And Ego, (Chorus)

You Should Get Drowned In The Identity Of God.

In The Process, Attain What Is Imperishable,

And Lose What Is Perishable.


All These World Wars, Tensions And Animosity

Are Failures Purely Attributable To Ego.

The Ego, Which Separates You From The Divine Identity Must Be Destroyed.


All The Materialistic Prosperity And The Relative

Glory And Grandeur Are All Perishable And Mundane

Like The Earthly Relations Which Are Transitory And Ever Changing.

While Serving Humanity Is Like The Eternal Worship Of God

Which Brotherhood Should Get Propounded Through Your Worship.


When The Ego Has Deserted You,

Then, Be Assured That You Would Be Like God Himself.

The Knowledge Of Bliss Of Heaven Will Be Unfolded On You.

As Soon As You Erase Your Ego-Oriented Self.

Do Not Doubt Or Think As To What Would Be The Purpose Of Your Life Without Ego,

How Would You Reach Your Destination In Its Absence...

All Goals Will Be Automatically Achieved, "Belos"

When You March Ahead In Purity.

Hindi Songs 20


PUKAR. KAR, BULA RAHI (Sanjay Talwar)

‘Adi Shakti Poojan Vol 1’


Pukar. Kar, Bula Rahi

She calls you

Ma Kundalini Tumhe (Chorus)

Ma Kundalini beckons and calls you

Jo Shaktiya Tumhari Hai

Unhi Ko Kyu Na Pa Hi Lo

Come and attain your powers that lie dormant within

Pukar. Kar, Bula Rahi


Na Thi Khabar Hame Sahaj. Gyan. Ki )

Unaware were we of Sahaja knowledge )

Na Thi Fikar Hamare Utthan. Ki )

Unconcerned were we about our ascent >

Pari Nazar Jo At.Ma Pe Ap.Ni ) (x2)

No sooner we saw the light of our own spirit )

Utha Sawal. Kyu Na Isko Jan. Le )

It dawned, why not unfold this divine mystery?


Koi Bhi Dosh. Ho Bhut. Kal. Ka )

Whatever be our mistakes of the past )

Kari Ho Galtiya Hazar., Tobhi Kya? )

So what, if we have committed a thousand errors? >

Jabhi Sabhi Ko Dil Se Maf. Kar Diya ) (x2)

No sooner we have forgiven all from our hearts, )

Hui Krupa Ham Pe Adi Ma Ki )

The Grace of Adi Ma will be bestowed on us.


Diya Jalalo Ma Ki Tas.Vir. Pe )

Light a candle before Mother's photograph )

Pasare Hath. Kar Lo Dhyan. Ma Pe )

With stretched hands meditate on Her >

Chadhi Bali Jabhi Ahankar. Ki ) (x2)

No sooner we have surrendered our egos, )

Hriday Me Lau Jalegi Ma Ke Pyar. Ki )

The light of Her Love shall be kindled in our hearts.


Hindi Songs 21


DURGA, ADISHAKTI (Sanjay Talwar)

‘Adi Shakti Poojan Vol. 2’


Durga, Adishakti, Shri Mataji (Chorus)

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


Ma Krupa Se Jana Hai, Khud. Ko Hi Pana Hai

Ap.Ni Shuddh. Iccha Ko Param Shakti Me Samana Hai

Atm.-Bodh Ye Ap.Na Hai, Anubhav. Se Jana Hai (x2)

By mere expression of pure Desire can we attain the Param Shakti.

Here-in lies our enlightenment and we now have the experience too.


Mel Hua Jab. At.Ma Ka, Ap.Se Tab. Paar Hue Ham

Nirvichar Aur. Nirvikalp. Bhi

Sahaj. Me Hi Ho Gaye

Ma Prem Tumhara Ye, Bah.Ta Ek Sagar. Hai

Ham. Bund. Bane, Is. Sagar. Ki

Ab. Sama Hi Jana Hai

Atm.-Bodh Ye Ap.Na Hai, Anubhav. Se Jana Hai (x2)

When our souls recognized You, O Mother, we attained Realisation. Only then we knew what is Thoughtlessness and what is Doubtlessness. Divine Mother, all this is a vibrant flow of the ocean of your love. May we become a drop of this ocean, before the final merger?


Mahalakshmi, Mahasarasvati, Mahakali,

Trigunatmika Ma

Kundalini Ap. Hi Hai, Saj.De Kar.Te Ap.Ko Ham

Is. Yog. Mahan. Se Naya Janm. Mila Ham.Ko

Sab. Rog. Chute, Duhkh.-Dard. Mite

Sab.Ne Ise Pana Hai

Atm.-Bodh Ye Ap.Na Hai, Anubhav. Se Jana Hai (x2)

Mother,You are Mahalaxmi, Mahakali and Mahasaraswati. You are Trigunatmika, the Kundalini within us – our salutations to Thee. Through this great Yoga we have had a new birth in this very life. With all our diseases gone and miseries shed, this yoga has come by Your Grace, as a gift for all.


Brahm Chaitanya Ka, Madhyam Ab.

Deh. Hamara Ho Gaya

Jhuth. Satya Aur. Pap. Punya Me

Bhed. Kit.Na Jan Gaye Ham

Is. Sthul. Rup. Me, Ham. Suksham Ko Pae

Nir.Vichar. Me Samar.Pan. Hokar.,

Sthul. Ko Pana Hai

Atm.-Bodh Ye Ap.Na Hai, Anubhav. Se Jana Hai (x2)

With our bodies as the media for the flow of Param Chaitanya, we are able to discern truth from untruth and good from evil. In this physical form, we are to become subtler and subtler, to know that only through surrender in thoughtlessness can we attain the Zero State.

Hindi Songs 22


HE MA! ADI KUNDALINI (Sanjay Talwar)

‘Adi Shakti Poojan Vol 2’


He Ma! Adi Kundalini Gauri Ma (Chorus)

Adishakti, Ma Jagadamba!

O Divine Mother! Adi Kundalini Gauri Ma!

Adi Shakti! Ma Jagadamba!


Karuna-Mayi Ma! Ki Hai Krupa Tune! )

Yog. Sahaj. Lakar, Atam-Bodh. Diya ) (x2)

O Merciful Mother, You have bestowed Your Grace upon us. With the Advent of Sahaj Yoga, You have given us Self-realisation, O Divine Mother.


Aham. Samar.Pan. Shri Charano Me Kiya )

Chitanya Bahakar, Nav. Jivan. Hai Diya ) (x2)

We surrender our ego at Your lotus feet. Through flow of cool vibrations, You have given us a new life. O Divine Mother!


Jivan. Gyan. Jo Ham.Ne Ekatr. Kiya )

Daivi Gyan. Dekar, Bhram. Se Mukt. Kiya ) (x2)

Till now we had accumulated our own knowledge of life. Through revelation of Divine Knowledge You have freed us from illusion. O Divine Mother


Pich.Le Kar.Mo Ke The Sanskar. Bhare )

Atm.-Bodh. Se Hi Kshan. Me Dur. Hue ) (x2)

All our past actions that we have stored as Samskaras in our brains, Through Realisation, they too have disappeared. O Divine Mother!

Adi Kundaline Gauri Ma! Shakti! Ma Jadadamba!

Hindi Songs 23




Pah.Le Bar. Aye Hai Ham. Yaha

Tobhi Bar.So Pah.Le Se

Jan.Te Hai Hindusthan. Ham! (x2)


Mataji Ka Yah. Rashtra Hai

Hamare Hruday. Me (Chorus)

Mataji Ka Maharashtra Hai

Hamare Hruday. Me

Ham. Hamare Hi Ghar. Aye )

Sabhi Khushiyo Se ) (x2)

Sabhi Khushiyo Se...


Suno Bhai!!!

Tum Is. Ganga Zarur. Jan.Te Ho (x2)

Sushumna Nadi Hai, Kundalini Ma (x2)

Mahalakshmi Tatw. Bah.Ta Hai Jaha (x2)

Bah.Ta Hai Jaha...


Suno Bahen!!!

Kya Tum. Swayambhu Nahi Pah.Chan.Ti (x2)

Rah.Ta Hai Jo Tumhare Andar. (x2)

Ganesh. Rup., Muladhar. Me (x2)

Muladhar. Me...


Suno Dost!!!

Kit.Na Sukh. Tumhare Sangit. Se! (x2)

Mere Atma Ko Mila, Mere Atma Ko (x2)

Jo Dhyan. Se Maine Pahle Kabhi Suna Tha (x2)

Kabhi Suna Tha...


Suno Log!!!

Tum. Is. Hindusthan. Kyu Nahi Ate? (x2)

Devi Ai Hai, Mangal. Desh. Me (x2)

Ye Hamari Mata, Ham Inke Hi Bachche (x2)

Ham Inke Hi Bachche...

Hindi Songs 24




Tum. Ne Mujhe Diya Hai...


Tum. Ne Mujhe Diya Hai Vishwa Sara (x2, Chorus)

To Kab. Samajhunga Ki Mai Hu Tumhara (x2)

Tum. Ne Mujhe Diya Hai Vishwa Sara


Is. Duniya Par. ...

Is. Duniya Par. Tum. Ho Pyar. (x2)

Tum. Ho Pyar., Prem. Ki Dhara (x2)

To Kab. Samajhunga Ki Mai Hu Tumhara (x2)


Man.Me Paida Kiye Hai...

Tum. Ne Paida Kiye Hai Phul Hazar. (x2)

Phul Hazar., Chakr. Sahasrar. (x2)

To Kab. Samajhunga Ki Mai Hu Tumhara (x2)


Is. Duniya Par. ...

Is. Duniya Par. Tum. Ho Tara (x2)

Tum. Ho Tara, Ap.Na Hi Dwar. (x2)

To Kab. Samajhunga Ki Mai Hu Tumhara (x2)

Hindi Songs 25


ISI LIYE (Sanjay Talwar)

‘The Universe Sings’, & ‘Prerna’


Sat. Janam. Jo Punya Kiye Hai )

Saf. Lo Hue Sare ) (x2)

All the good actions done during these past seven births, have now given their fruits.



Is. Liye Mataji Ham. Ko )

Darshan. Hue, Tumhare ) (x2)

Therefore, O Mother, we have been blessed with Your Darshan!


Dukhiyo Ka Dukh. Dur. Kare Tu, )

You take away all the sorrows of those people who are sad, >

Ma Nir.mal. Devi ) (x2)

O Mother Nirmala Devi.

Ham. Sab. Ka Up. Kar. Kare Tu, )

You are the Benevolent One Who grants us Realisation, >

Shanti Sukh. Devi ) (x2)

O, Goddess of Peace and Joy.

Sab. Dharmo Ko Chor. Sharan. Me (x2) )

All the religions have come to Your Lotus Feet >

Aye Sharan. Tumhare ) (x2)

and have surrendered to You.


Aham Bhav. Ko Chor., Tumhare )

Having surrendered our egos, Your >

Sharan. Sharan. Ata ) (x2)

shelter is now upon us.

Bhav.Sagar Ke Dukh.-Sukh. Se Vaha )

From all the illusion of the worldly happiness and sorrow >

Purn. Paar. Hota ) (x2)

You have fully emerged us

Na Andhi Ho, Na Ho Tufa (x2) )

All storms and tempests of life are finished; >

Sankat. Phul. Jae ) (x2)

now all sorrows will be disolved.


Kundlaini Ko Jagrut. Kar.Ke )

Having awakened this Kundalini >

Mere Pap. Haro ) (x2)

please disolve my sins.

Dekar. Mangal. Ashirvad. Tum )

Having given me auspicious blessings >

Pavan. Mujhe Karo ) (x2)

please, make me pure.

Janam.-Maran. Ke Fere Mit. Gae (x2) )

The vicious circle of life and death is now broken >

Khul Gae Bhag. Hamare ) (x2)

You have opened us the way for good fortune.

Hindi Songs 26

(Note: “He Nirmala Ma” is now on Hindi Songs p. 98)


HE ADISHAKTI MA (Adapted fom Anup Jalota)



He Adishakti Ma, Nirmala Devi Ma )

Agyan.ta se hame dur kar. de Ma ) (x2)


Tu swar. ki Devi, Yeh sangeet. tujh. se )

Har. shabd. tera hai, Har. geet. tujh. se ) (x2)

Ham hai Akele, ham hai adhure (x2)

Teri Sharan. ham, hame pyar. de Ma

Muniyo ne samjhi, Guniyo ne jani )

Vedo ki bhasha, purano ki bani ) (x2)

Ham bhi to samjhe, ham bhi to jane (x2)

Vidya ka ham. ko adhikar. de Ma



Hindi Songs 27




Ucha, Ucha, Sab. Chale (x2) )

Nicha Chale Na Koi ) (x2)

Tul.Si Nicha Jo Chale (x2)

Sab.Se Ucha Ho...


Tirath. Kaha Jana, Mere Bhai (Chorus, x3)


Ghat. Me Ganga, Ghat. Me Januna, )

Ghat. Me Saraswati Mayi, Hooo... ) (x2)

Bahar. Sab. Jag. Patthar. Pani (x2)

Bhatak. Bhatak. Ghar. Ai


Din. Din. Bhat.Ka Rat. Jagaya, )

Tab. Hi Nahi La Sayi, Hooo... ) (x2)

Ek. Kamayi Kar. De, Bhai (x2)

To Is. Me Sab. Kuch. Ai


Man. Me Makka, Man. Me Kashi, )

Man. Me Sare Duhayi, Hooo... ) (x2)

Atam Ganga...

Atam Ganga Man. Man. Nhayi (x2)

To Janam.-Maran. Mit. Jayi


Rang. Rang. Ke Kapre Pah.Ne, )

Darhi Muchh Utari, Hooo... ) (x2)

Jata Barhayi Kabak. Lagayi (x2)

Ye Sab. Jag. Thag.Vayi

Hindi Songs 28


MA, TERI JAY. HO (Composed by Shri Mataji in 1941)

Raga: Bahar

Taal: Jhap


Ma, Teri Jay. Ho, Tera Hi Vijay. Ho

Victory be to You, O Mother India!

Tere Git. Se Aj. Jag. Ye Jivit. Ho

Let this world get alive today with Your song!

Ma, Teri Jay. Ho...

Victory be to You, O Mother India!


Tere Gaw Ke Khet. Bhi Ga Rahe Hai

Even the fields of Your villages are singing today

Tere Aj. Nagaro Me Jay Jay Ki Dhun. Hai

and from the towns the melody of Your victory is coming

Tumhe Dekh.Ke Ye Jagi Din Duniya

By seeing You only, this unhappy world

Aur. Vo Ga Rahi Thi Ki...

Is also singing 'Victory to You!'


Jab. Akho Me Asu Juba Pe The Chale (x2)

Even when we had tears in our eyes

Ye Dil Ga Raha Tha Ki...

our hearts were still singing 'Victory to You!'


Chitaye Hamari Gagan. Se Bhidi Thi (x2)

And even when the flames of the pyres were reaching the heights of the sky

Vaha Likh. Rahi Thi Ki...

they were writing there 'Victory to You, O Mother!'



Hindi Songs 29





Mataji...Tum. Chandan. Ham. Pani (x2)

Jaki Ang. Ang. Bas. Samani (x2)

Mataji...Tum. Chandan. Ham. Pani (x2)


Mataji... Tum Ghan.Ban. Ham. Mora (x2)

Jaise Chit. Vat. Chand. Chakora (x2)

Mataji...Tum. Dipak. Ham. Batti (x2)

Jaki Jyoti Badhe Din. Rati (x2)


Mataji...Tum Moti Ham. Dhaga (x2)

Jaise Sone Hi Milat. Suhaga (x2)

Mataji...Tum. Swami Ham. Dasa (x2)

Aisi Bhak.Ti Kar Rahe Dasa (x2)

Hindi Songs 30




Mataji, Mataji, Mataji, Bolo! )

Jay Jay Shri Mataji! ) (x2)

Mataji, Mataji Bolo! )

Jay Jay Shri Mataji! ) (x2) (Chorus)

Jay Jay Mataji! Shri Mataji! (x2)

Mataji, Mataji, Mataji, Bolo! )

Jay Jay Shri Mataji! ) (x2)


Jay Jesus. Jay Mary Mataji! )

Jay Jay Shri Mataji! ) (x2)

Adishakti Jag. Janani (x2) Dayarlu )

Krupavant Mauli! ) (x2)

Jay Jay Mataji! Shri Mataji! (x2)


Shwet Vastr Dharini Devata, )

Jay Jay Shri Mataji! ) (x2)

Jagat Karini, Dukh. Harini, )

Jay Jay Shri Mataji! ) (x2)


Bhakt Vatsale, Mahanmangale, )

Jay Jay Shri Mataji! ) (x2)

Saukhya Dayini, Mukti Dayini, )

Jay Jay Shri Mataji! ) (x2)


Bhav. Bhay. Harini, Shiv.Man Ramani, )

Jay Jay Shri Mataji! ) (x2)

Kshama Dayini, Krupa Dayini, )

Jay Jay Shri Mataji! ) (x2)


Adishakti Jag. Janani Dayarlu, )

Krupavant. Mauli! ) (x2)

Jay Jay Mataji! Shri Mataji! (x2)


Adishakti Jagat Janani, Parabrahma Swarup.,

Nirmala Mata ki .... JAY!

Hindi Songs 31


PINJ.RE VALI MUNIYA (Nirmal Sangeet Sarita)

‘Sajda – Devotion’


Chalat. Musafir. Moh. Liya Re )

Pinj.Re Wali Muniya ) (Chorus)

The Maina like soul (Adi Shakti) caged in a prison of pure heart has turned the human being.


Ur. Ur. Baithi Halvaiya Dukaniya Rama (x4)

Barfi Ke Sab. Ras. Le Liya Re )

Pinj.Re Wali Muniya ) (x4)


Ur. Ur. Baithi Panvadiya Dukaniya Rama (x4)

Panva Ke Sab. Ras. Le Liya Re )

Pinj.Re Wali Muniya ) (x2)

Bire Ke Sab. Ras. Le Liya Re )

Pinj.Re Wali Muniya ) (x2)


Ur. Ur. Baithi Mul.Dhara Davariya Ma Ji (x4)

Holy Mother came flying (helping Kundalini ascend) and sat on the doorsteps of Muladhara Chakra

Ganesh Ke Sab. Ras. ... (... Omkar, Shanmukh, Siddhi ...)

All essences & qualities of the deities & Gunas to do with that Chakra, like Shri Ganesha, the Omkara, the 6-faced God, the Powers, were collected by the soul and taken away in Divine sanctity


Ur. Ur. Baithi Swadisthan Davariya Ma Ji (x4)

As soon as the Adi Shakti came flying and sat on the doorsteps of Swadisthana Chakra,

Ali Ke Sab. Ras. ... (... Vedo, Sangit, Kala ...)

all essences and qualities of the Deities and the Gunas to do with that Chakra like Ali, the Vedas, music, art, etc. were collected by the soul and taken away in Divine sanctity.


Ur. Ur. Baithi Nabhi Ke Davariya Ma Ji (x4)

As soon as the Adi Shakti came flying and sat on the doorsteps of Nabhi Chakra,

Lakshmi Ke Sab. Ras. ... (... Hari, Dharma ...)

...... like Lakshmi, Hari, Dharma, etc. were collected by the soul .......


Ur. Ur. Baithi Bhav.Sagar Davariya Ma Ji (x4)

As soon as the Adi Shakti came flying and sat on the doorsteps of Bhavasagar Chakra,

Guru Ke Sab. Ras. ... (... Nanak, Sai ...)

...... like Guru, Nanak, Sai, etc. were collected by the soul .......


Ur. Ur. Baithi Hriday Ke Davariya Ma Ji (x4)

As soon as the Adi Shakti came flying and sat on the doorsteps of Hriday Chakra,

Durga Ke Sab. Ras. ...

(... Kali, Rama, Jan.ki, Karuna, Shambhu, Bhole, Anant ...)

... like Durga, Kali, Rama, Janaki, Karuna, Shambhu, Bhole, Anant, etc, were collected by the soul ..


Ur. Ur. Baithi Vishuddhi Davariya Ma Ji (x4)

As soon as the Adi Shakti came flying and sat on the doorsteps of Vishuddhi Chakra,

Keshav Ke Sab. Ras. ... (... Radha, Murli, Raas ...)

..... like Keshav, Radha, Murli, Raas, etc. were collected by the soul .....

Hindi Songs 32


Ur. Ur. Baithi Agya Ke Davariya Ma Ji (x4)

As soon as the Adi Shakti came flying and sat on the doorsteps of Agnya Chakra,

Yeshu Ke Sab. Ras. ... (...Mariyam, Gautam, Mahavir, Jina...)

.... like Yeshu, Mariyam, Gautam, Mahavir, Jina, etc. were collected by the soul ....


Ur. Ur. Baithi Sahastrar Davariya Ma Ji (x4)

As soon as the Adi Shakti came flying and sat on the doorsteps of Sahasrara Chakra,

Devi Ke Sab. Ras. ...

(...Shri, Mata, Moksh., Prabhu, Sangam, Nirmal...)

.... like Devi, Shri, Mata, Moksha, Prabhu, Sangam, Nirmal, etc. were collected by the soul ....


Ur. Ur. Baithi Sushumna Davariya Ma Ji (x4)

As soon as the Adi Shakti came flying and sat on the doorsteps of Sushumna Chakra,

Sahaj Ke Sab. Ras. ... all essences .... like Sahaj, were collected by the soul ......





Krishna Govind. Govind. Gaya Karo (x2)

Sing every day the praise of Shri Krishna

Pyara Mohan Hriday Me Bithaya Karo (x2) (Chorus)

Establish Shri Krishna, Who is the Charming One, within your heart!

Krishna Govind. Govind. Gaya Karo (x2)


Lagaya Karo Dhyan. Chit. Me Samakar )

Keep your attention inside and meditate on Shri Krishna >

Bhaga Man. Kahi Phir. Lawo Jamakar ) (x2)

If the attention goes outside then bring it again back inside

Bate Santo Ki Us.Ko Padhaya Karo...

Read the writings of the saints


Koi Kah.Te Hai Bhag.Van. Khate Nahi )

Someone says that God doesn't eat anything >

Rabari Ki Tarah Koi Khilate Nahi ) (x2)

But no-one tries to give food to Him with love and devotion like Shabari gave food to Shri Rama

Yad. Nir.Mal Ki Dil. Me Basaya Karo...

One should always keep remembrance of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in the heart


Mukh.Se Gaya Karo, Man Rangaya Karo )

Sing about Shri Krishna and try to colour yourself with the devotion for Shri Krishna >

Rang Me Nhaya Karo, Tan Dulaya Karo ) (x2)

Have a shower in devotion for Shri Krishna and clean your negativities by that shower of devotion

Kahta Tuk.Rya Charan.Raj Lutaya Karo...

The poet Tukrya Das says that we should always try to be in the Lotus Feet of Shri Krishna


Govind. Bolo Hari Gopal. Bolo! (x4) )

Radha Raman. Hari Gopal. Bolo! (x4) ) (x...)

Gopal. Bolo Hari Gopal. Bolo! (x4) )

Govind. Govind. Govind. Bolo! (x4) )

Hindi Songs 33



‘Music of Joy 2’


Durgati Har.Ni Durga Ambe!

Oh Mother You are the saviour, Durga and the Sacred Mother

Ambe He Ma Ambe Ma! Oh Mother Amba!


Durgati Har.Ni Durga Ambe (x2) )

Teri Jayjaykar. Ho (x3) ) (Chorus)

We pay our salutations to You )

Teri Jayjaykar. Ho, Ma Teri Jayjaykar. Ho )


Bhav. Bhay. Har.Ni Bhavani Ambe )

Mother You are the destroyer of all the fears, You are the Queen of Shri Shiva )

Char.No Me Namaskar. Ho, Teri > (x2)

We bow at Your Lotus Feet )

Char.No Me Namaskar. Ho )


Teri Hi Abhase Ma Jyoti. Suraj. Chandr. Sitare )

The sun, the moon, the stars, they all are enlightened because of Your glow and beauty >

Teri Hi Ma Shakti Lekar. Khade Hue Hai Sare ) (x2)

Because of all Your powers, they exist in this world

Sukh.Dayi Ho, Srushti Sari (x2)

May all the world become full of joy

Hal.Ka Dukh. Ka Bhar. Ho (x2)

Please give joy to all the sad people because only You are the giver of joy

Teri Jayjaykar. Ho

We pay our salutations to You

Teri Jayjaykar. Ho, Ma Teri Jayjaykar. Ho


He Mahadevi, He Kalyani ... Kalyani ...

Oh Great Goddess, You are the benefactress

He Mahadevi, He Kalyani, )

Dushto Ka Samhar. Karo )

Please kill all the devils and bad people )

Mangal.May Var.Dan Do Maiya, )

Mother give us the auspicious blessings >

Bhav. Se Beda Par. Karo, Ma ) (x2)

Take us away from the illusions )

Bhav. Se Beda Par. Karo )

Bhav. Bhakti Me Sharanan. Ae (x2)

We have come to Your Lotus Feet and with our devotions

Bin.ti Ma Swikar. Karo (x2)

Please accept our prayers

Teri Jayjaykar. Ho

We pay our salutations to You

Teri Jayjaykar. Ho, Ma Teri Jayjaykar. Ho

Hindi Songs 34


ZINDAGI GAR. (Nirmal Sangeet Sarita)

‘Sajda – Devotion’


Zindagi Gar. Sangit. Hai To ...

Zindagi Gar. Sangit. Hai To

Sahaj. Us.Ki Sar.Gam Hai

If life is music, then Sahaj is the notation of that music.

Zindagi Gar. Lay. Hai To

Sahaj. Us.Ki Sam. Hai

If life is rhythm, then Sahaj is the first beat of the rhythm cycle.

Zindagi Gar. Sukh. Hai To

Sahaj. Abe Jam.Jam. Hai

If life is dry like a drought (Mecca), then Sahaj is like the never ending holy water of the well in Mecca.

Zindagi Gar. Dukh. Hai To (x2)

Sahaj. Ilaje Gam. Hai

If life is grief and sadness, then Sahaj is the treatment (therapy) of that grief.



Zindagi Gar. Bandagi Hai To

Sahaj. Us.Ka Pujan. Hai

If life is devotion, then Sahaj is its worship.

Zindagi Gar. Puja Hai To

Sahaj. Us.Ka Samiran. Hai

If life is worship, then Sahaj is its meditation.

Zindagi Gar. Samiran. Hai To

Sahaj. Us.Ka Samarpan. Hai

If life is meditation, then Sahaj is its surrender.

Zindagi Gar. Samarpan. Hai To (x2)

Sahaj. Us.Ka Puran. Hai

If life is surrender, then Sahaj is its compilation.


Zindagi Gar. Gardish. Hai To

Sahaj. Us.Ka Mas.Kan. Hai

If life is a cycle of misfortune, then Sahaj is the terminus of that cycle.

Zindagi Gar. Ankhe Hai To

Sahaj. Us.Ki Pal.Kan. Hai

If life represents the eyes, then Sahaj is the eye-lashes protecting the eyes.

Sa sa ni dha ni ni dha pa Dha dha pa ga pa pa ga pa dha ni

Sa sa ni dha ni ni dha pa Dha dha pa ga pa pa ga re sa re


Jhuk. Gayi Ankhe To Haya Ban Gayi

If the eyes are brought down, they mean bashfulness.

Mor. Li Ankhe To Ada Ban Gayi

If you turn your eyes, it signifies a gesture experiencing your feelings.

Pher. Li Ankhe To Kaja Ban Gayi

If the eyes are closed permanently, then that signifies death.

Uth. Gayi Ankhe To Duva Ban Gayi

If the eyes are raised looking to the skies, then it becomes a prayer.

Bol. Uthi Ankhe To Sada Ban Gayi

If the eyes sparkle, they appear as though they are speaking or emitting sound from within them.


Zindagi Gar. Ankhe Hai To

Sahaj. Us.Ki Pal.Kan. Hai

If life represents the eyes, then Sahaj is the eye-lashes protecting the eyes.

Zindagi Gar. Zindadili Hai To

Sahaj. Us.Ki Dhar.Kan. Hai

If life is a pulsating heart with cheer and joy, then Sahaj is its heartbeat.

Zindagi Gar. Raks. Hai To (x2)

Sahaj. Us.Ki Lach.Kan. Hai

If life is a dance, then Sahaj is the flexibility (jerk) and grace of the dancer.


Zindagi Gar. Barge Gul. Hai To

Sahaj. Us.Ki Shab.Nam. Hai

If life is the petal of a flower, then Sahaj is the morning dew which makes it look refreshing and full of chaitanya

Zindagi Gar. Dhalta Suraj Hai To

Sahaj. Ubhar.Ti Kiran. Hai

If life is the setting sun, then Sahaj is the ray of the rising sun.

Zindagi Gar. Parisha Hai To

Sahaj Ilaje Ul.Jhan. Hai

If life is distressed and scattered like a puzzle, then Sahaj is the solution to the riddle of life.

Zindagi Gar. Ayyari Hai To (x2)

Sahaj. Us.Ki Saukan. Hai

If life is fraud/deception and cheating, then Sahaj is its better relation.


Zindagi Siyayi Rat. Hai To

Sahaj. Mahe Anjum. Hai

If life is a black (dark) night, then Sahaj is like the moon and stars lighting up the sky.

Zindagi Gar. Maya Hai To

Sahaj. Khali Se Ar.Ma Se

If life is materialism or Maya, then Sahaj is the pure desire which takes you away from maya.

Zindagi Gar. Abodana Hai To

Sahaj. Us.Ka Khir.Man. Hai

If life is water and food of every day, then Sahaj is its harvest.

Zindagi Gar. Ruherva Hai To (x2)

Sahaj.Us.Ki Damkhan Hai

If life is the flowing spirit (the soul), then Sahaj is its primordial energy.


Zindagi Gar. Behoshi Hai To

Sahaj. Us.Ka Ausan. Hai

If life is a state of unconsciousness, then Sahaj is the medium by which you are consciously aware of the happening around you.

Zindagi Gar. Bar.Badi Hai To

Sahaj. Us.Ki Kad.Gan. Hai

If life is destruction, then Sahaj is its prevention.

Zindagi Gar. Beshkimat. Hai To

Sahaj. Us.Ka Pas.Ba Hai

If life is precious, then Sahaj is the guardian and protector of life.

Zindagi Gar. Nagina Hai To (x2)

Sahaj. Dure-E-Makanun Hai

If life is a jewel, then Sahaj is a priceless jewel.

Hindi Songs 36


AP.NE HRIDAY KE (Sanjay Talwar)

‘Roohani Roshni’ & ‘Puhar’


Ap.Ne Hriday Ke Sare Dwar. Khol

Open all doors of your heart,

Prem. Dayini Ma Ki Ho Kripa An.Mol

and receive Mother’s unlimited love, through Her Divine Grace.


Ap.Ne Hriday Ke Sare Dwar. Khol

Open all doors of your heart,

Prem. Dayini Ma Ki Ho Kripa An.Mol (Chorus)

Prem. Dayini Ma Ki Ho Kripa An.Mol (x3)

And receive Mother’s unlimited love, through Her Divine Grace.


Nir.Mal. Ma Ko Jis.Ne Jana )

Us.Ka Hi Hit. Hone Wala ) (x2)

Jivan. Me Am.Rit Ras. Ghol.

He who has recognized the pure Mother shall surely benefit.

Churn the Divine Nectar in your life,

Prem. Dayini Ma Ki Ho Kripa An.Mol

And receive Mother’s unlimited love, through Her Divine Grace.


Jaag. Baware! Khud. Ko Jaan ...

Jaag. Baware! Khud. Ko Jaan!

Ap.Ne Hi Shakti Peh.Chaan!

Jagrit. Kar.Ke, Vo Path. Khol (x2)

Niranand. Niranand. Jhare An.Mol

Wake Up! O lost one. Know thyself. Realise your own powers within.

Through awakening, open the central path, so that blissful joy is sprinkled within.


Soyi Atma Me Swanand. Jaga )

Bramhanand. Ka Raag. Samaya ) (x2)

Lilanand. Me Jivan. Tol (x2)

Niranand. Niranand. Jhare An.Mol

The joy of the self has awakened in the sleeping soul.

The eternal being’s joyous tune has penetrated its core.

Weigh your life’s qualities, through this joyful play.

Blissful joy will be sprinkled within.

Hindi Songs 37



‘Roohani Roshni’


Janam. Se Jivan. Pana, Sukshm. An.Honi Hai ...

To be born realized is a subtle, unusual happening.


Janam. Se Jivan. Pana, )

Sukshm. An.Honi Hai ) (x2)

To be born realized is a subtle, unusual happening.

Aham. Se Bana Hai Kaisa, ) (Chorus)

Adambar. Maya Ka ) (x2)

From the ego has emanated the falsehood of illusion.

Sahaj. Ka Lagam Chitt. Nirodh. Kar. Dega (x2)

The reins of Sahaj will control the attention.

Dekho Sahaj. Yog. Ka Ye Karishma,

Behold! This charisma of Sahaj Yoga.

Ye Karishma, Ye Karishma!..


Dharm. Mar.Tando Ne,

Dharm. Ko Kuchal Diya Hai (x2)

The so-called religious intelligence have crushed the very concept of religion.

Is. Kaal. Me, To Dharm. Hi,

Paripakw. Pakhand. Hai (x2)

In these times, religion has become an established hypocrisy.

Aatm. Tatw., Ye Paakhand. Hi

Chaak Kar. Dega (x2)

The concept of the spirit will put an end to such hypocrisy.

Dekho Sahaj. Yog. Ka Ye Karishma,

Behold! This charisma of Sahaj Yoga.

Ye Karishma, Ye Karishma!..


Chaitanya Ka Abhas,

Mana An.Honi Hai (x2)

To feel Divine vibrations is a near impossibility

Yehi Sa-Vikalp,

Shankamai Samadhi Hai (x2)

Such strong determination of the doubting one appears like a samadhi.

Saburi Me, Shankit.-Chitt.,

Nirvikalp. Kar. Dega (x2)

In collectivity, the doubting attention will establish doubtlessness.

Dekho Sahaj. Yog. Ke Ye Karishma,

Behold! This charisma of Sahaj Yoga.

Ye Karishma, Ye Karishma!..

Hindi Songs 38



HAR. PAL. VICHARO ME (Sanjay Talwar)

‘Roohani Roshni’ & ‘Puhar’


Har. Pal. Vicharo Me Vichar. Ti )

Adi Ma Vo Ap. Hai )

Every moment You penetrate my thoughts, O Adi Ma!

Ab. Yaha, To Ab Vaha, ) (x2, Chorus)

Mujhe Bhas. Ti Hi Ap. Hai )

Here and there, I see You everywhere.


Duriyo Me Ap. Hai ...

Duriyo Me Ap. Hai,

Naz.Dikiyo Me Ap. Hai

In distances and in proximity, You are everywhere.

Mere Hriday Me Baith. Kar,

Meri Khudi Ka Nap. Hai

Seated in my heart, You are the measure of my self.


Nanha Sa Kat.Ra Ban Nazara ...

Nanha Sa Kat.Ra Ban Nazara,

Kar. Raha Hu Ap.Ka

Like a speck, I am view You.

Kat.Re Ki Mai Hai Mit. Gayi

Bas Ap Hi Ab Ap Hai

Minus the ego, I can now see You and You alone.


Na Rahi Bulbul Na Raha..

Na Rahi Bulbul Na Raha

Hai Vo Kafas Ka Shorgul

Neither ignorance nor the mundane has prominence in my life,

ever since light has permeated the core of my heart.

Lkha te Jigar Raushan Hua

Vo Raushani Hi Ap Hai

Because I know You are that light.

Hindi Songs 39


TERE CHAR.NA DE DETH. (Punjabi Song)


Tu Hi Shakti Ambe Papi Tharthar Kampe )

Nale Mafi Mage Sheravaliye! ) (x2)

You are the strength and the sinners shiver with fear, and they also ask for forgiveness

Tere Char.Na De Deth. Van. Ganga Bage )

Nale Jyoti Jage Sheravaliye! ) (x2) (Chorus)

The river Ganga flows beneath Your feet, which are illuminated with light


Tere Chunni Nu Lava Kinari, Ma Kinari (x2)

Tenu Pujegi Duniya Sari, Ma Sari (x2)

I decorated Your shawl with a beautiful border. The whole world worships You!


Tere Chunni Nu Lava Mai King.Ri, Ma King.Ri (x2)

Tenu Pujagi Sari Zindagi, Ma Zindagi (x2)

I decorate Your shawl with a border. I'll worship You all my life. Mother You are strength.


Tere Mukuta Nu Lava Mai Hire, Ma Hire (x2)

Thandi Thandi Pavan. Bage Sire, Ma Sire (x2)

I like to decorate Your crown with jewels, and feel the cool breeze flowing out of our head


Tere Sire Nu Lava Mai Mukuta, Ma Mukuta (x2)

Tere Char.Na Vich Sis Sara Jhuk.Ta, Ma Jhuk.Ta (x2)

I like to put this crown on Your head, and I like to place my head on Your Feet


Tere Hatho Nu Lava Mai Mehendi, Ma Mehendi (x2)

Thandi Hava Hatha Vich. Bah.Di, Ma Bah.Di (x2)

I like to decorate Your hands with henna, and feel the cool breeze blowing out of our hands


Tenu Pau Mai Sone Di Churi, Ma Churi (x2)

Dekho Chaitan Di Lahare Uri, Ma Uri (x2)

I like to put gold bangles on You, and feel the waves of Chaitanya!


Teri Ug.Li Nu Pau Anguthi, Ma Anguthi (x2)

Sare Badha Sada Layi Chhuti, Ma Chhuti (x2)

I like to put a ring on Your finger, and all the negativity will be removed forever!


Tere Paira Nu Pau Mai Payal, Ma Payal (x2)

Tu Hai Meri Kashti Di Sayal, Ma Sayal (x2)

I like to put an anklet on Your Feet, You are the answer to all my questions


Tere Mathe Nu Lava Mai Bindi, Ma Bindi (x2)

Duja Janam. Saju Tu De Di, Ma De Di (x2)

I like to put Bindi on Your forehead. You are the One Who has given us our new birth


Tenu Pau Mai Jari Di Sari, Ma Sari (x2)

Uthi Shakti Sushumna Nadi, Ma Nadi (x2)

I like to give You a brocade sari. The Shakti rises in the Sushumna nadi!


Tenu Bhog. Lagava Mithayi, Ma Mithayi (x2)

Janam Maran Te De De Rihayi, Ma Rihayi (x2)

I like to offer You sweets. You are the One Who grans Salvation from the cycle of birth and death.


Tenu Bhog. Lagava Mai Chane, Ma Chane (x2)

Tu Biraje Sabhi De Mane, Ma Mane (x2)

I like to offer You chana. May You reside in everybody's heart.


Hindi Songs 40


Teri Gau Mai Mangal. Ar.Ti, Ma Ar.Ti (x2)

Apne Bhakta Nu Tu Hi Savar.Ti, Ma Savar.Ti (x2)

I like to sing Your aarti. You look after the well-being of Your devotees.




Bitana Arsa-E-Jist. Tu Fizul. Din. Gin

Do not just waste the span of your life by counting the days in futility.

Pirole Bache Lamha-E-Moti

Entwine the remaining precious pearl like moments

Sahaj. Me Pal.Chhin (Chorus)

In Sahaj at every opportunity or moment.

Bitana Arsa-E-Jist. Tu Fizul. Din. Gin


Suna Hai Ki Daura-E-Zindagi Hoti Hai )

Bas. Char. Din ) (x2)

It is said that the extent of life is only four days.

Char. Din ...

Kya Pata Tujh.Ko Bulava Bekhabar

Ajaye Kis. Din

You do not know when you may be summoned, unaware on which day.


Bitese Lekar Tajur.Ba Baki Kar. Gil. Me )

Tad. Fin ) (x2)

From the past only extricate ex

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