| Describing Food and DrinksFOOD
apricot, banana, cherry, grapes (a bunch of grapes), sultana/seedless grapes, grapefruit, kiwi, lemon, lime, orange, tangerine, peach, pear, plum, rhubarb, pineapple, pomegranate, nectarine, passion fruit, mango, persimmon, star fruit
currant (black, red, white), gooseberry, blackberry, blueberry, raspberry, strawberry, cranberry, guilder-rose
almond, hazelnut, peanut, walnut, coconut, pistachio
beet (root), bean (green beans), pea (green peas), cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrot, cucumber, BE aubergine / AE egg-plant, BE courgette / AE zucchini/squash, (grape) tomato, (new) potato, BE pepper / AE bell pepper, horseradish, radish, lettuce, spinach, leek, celery, garlic, onion, dock, artichoke, pumpkin, melon, watermelon
parsley, dill, rosemary, oregano, thyme
sugar (a lump of sugar), salt (a pinch of salt), pepper, paprika, bay leaf, gelatin, cinnamon, clove, cumin, vanilla, ginger, nutmeg
Corn ( AE Grain)
buckwheat, barley, rice, semolina, BE maize / AE corn, cornflakes, cereal, BE porridge / AE oatmeal, muesli
bread: white, brown, rye; new/fresh, stale; a loaf of bread; home-made bread
bun, roll, baguette, toast
flour, yeast, dough, batter
soda, baking powder
Desserts, Sweets
gingerbread, pancake, BE doughnut / AE donut, BE biscuits / AE cookies, cracker, pastry, cake, cupcake, muffin, cheese cake, custard cake, tart, pie, Swiss roll, wafer/waffle, pudding
chocolate, honey, glaze, whipped cream
jam, jelly
ice cream, (ice) lolly
raisin, sultana (raisin), prune, mincemeat
diet: to keep for a diet, on a diet, food agrees/disagrees with sb.
to have a sweet tooth
Dairy Products
(new)milk, condensed milk, (sour) cream, kefir, butter, margarine/marge, yoghurt/yogurt, (cottage, cream) cheese
beef, veal, pork, mutton, lamb, venison, liver, kidneys, tongue
fowl/poultry: chicken, duck, goose, turkey
bacon, ham, chop, (beef)steak, (rare, medium, well-done) steak, cutlet, pâté, (chicken, beef ) mince
salami, (boiled, smoked) sausage, frankfurter
fillet, sirloin
lard, suet, fat
Fish and Seafood
carp, cod, hake, place, mackerel, sardine, perch, pike, catfish, salmon, trout, sprat, herring, shark, caviar (red, soft)
crab, crayfish/crawfish, lobster, prawn, (jumbo) shrimp, oyster, mussels, octopus
Starter/Appetizer (hors d’oeuvre)
salad: mixed salad, Greek salad, coleslaw, prawn cocktail
cold cuts/assorted meat, assorted fish, jellied meat/fish
pickles, olives, sauerkraut, canapé (a small piece of bread, toast, etc., spread with a savoury topping)
fresh-salted, pickled (cucumber)
to have a snack/bite
Cooked Food
soup: beet soup (borshch), (onion, noodle, cabbage, pea) soup, fish soup (ookha), broth/clear soup/bouillon
potato: (boiled, fried, mashed, baked) potato, BE chips / AE French fries, BE crisps / AE chips, potatoes in jackets
pizza, hamburger, hot dog, sausage roll
egg: egg white, egg yolk, egg shell, (soft, medium, hard) boiled egg, (fried, poached, scrambled, stuffed) egg, omlette/omelet
lasagne/lasagna, pasta, macaroni, vermicelli, spaghetti, noodle (pl. –s)
meatballs, stew, barbeque, cabbage rolls, risotto
in a (pepper, apple, wine) sauce
salsa (a spicy tomato-based sauce)
vinaigrette/salad dressing
(olive, vegetable, sunflower) oil, vinegar, mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise/mayo
hard drinks: brandy, cognac, whisky, vodka, rum
wine: dry, sweet, sparkling, new, red/white, table, dessert, port (strong red wine)
wine-list; to uncork the bottle
champagne, cocktail, liqueur/liquor, martini
beer: dark/light, ginger beer, a can of beer
soft drinks: juice, lemonade, soda (mineral/spring) water, still water, drinking water, coke/cola, cream-soda
coffee: black, white/light, instant, ground; espresso, cappuccino
tea: black, green, ice-tea, herb tea; strong/weak
cocoa, hot chocolate, milkshake, (cherry) fool
Describing Food and Drinks
salty, hot/spicy, savory, mild, bland, sweet, sickly, bitter, sour, juicy, crunchy, bony
creamy, fattening/fatty
greasy, oily
stodgy, starchy
tasty, delicious, moreish/morish (food causing a desire for more), nourishing
tasteless, disgusting
fresh, frozen
BE canned / AE tinned
baby food
dog/cat/pet food
health food (food that is good for your health)
organic food (food that is produced without using harmful chemicals)
fast food (hamburgers and other foods that are made to be eaten quickly)
junk food (food that is full of sugar or fat and is bad for your health)
processed food (food that has chemicals in it to make it last a long time)
food colouring, food additives
Italian, Chinese etc. food, cuisine (style of cooking)
Date: 2016-04-22; view: 1270