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Combine word combinations about environmental problems and translate them.

1. global a. layer
2. ozone b. warming
3. acid c. fumes
4. exhaust d. rubbish
5. dumping e. species
6. aerosol f. rain
7. endangered g. cans

2. Combine word combinations which give solutions to environmental problems. Translate them.

1. close a. the car at home
2. leave b. rubbish
3. protect c. aerosols
4. save d. animals
5. recycle e. factories
6. ban f. water


Find these words in the text. Match them with their meanings.


a) pollution b) climate c) power station d) acid rain e) greenhouse effect f) radiation a factory which produces electricity world’s weather patterns energy from the sun rising temperatures around the world rain containing chemicals which pollute the environment something that makes the earth, air or water dirty and dangerous  

4. Are the statements True or False?

1. ….. The page is from a magazine

2. ….. The text describes different types of air pollution

3. ….. Canada sends acid rain to the USA

4. ….. Global warming is also called climate change

5. ….. Industrial countries cause the “greenhouse effect”

6. ….. You can see the effects of ozone layer depletion in Chile

7. ….. Sheep are damaging the ozone layer


Complete the sentences below by using the following expressions related to the environment.




Fill in the gaps in the text below with the words from the table

acid – change – endangered – environmental – layer – ozone – polluted – rainforests – reduction – renewable


Friends of the Earth is the world’s largest international network of (1) ………………………………………. Groups represented in 68 countries. In the UK, it was the first organization to campaign to save whales, (2) …………………………………….. species and tropical (3) …………………………………………. . Friends of the Earth also fought against (4) ………………………………………… rain, (5) …………………………………… depletion and climate (6) …………………………………………………. .

The organization’s present campaigns cover many more issues, such as protecting the wildlife and the countryside and cutting air pollution. They promote waste (7) ……………………………………………… and cleaning up of (8) …………………………………………. Rivers. They also campaign for the reduction of traffic levels and the improvement of public transport.

They lobby politicians and political parties to protect the ozone (9) …………………………………………… and control dangerous chemicals.

to control dangerous chemicals. Their objectives also include promoting energy efficiency and (10) …………………………………………….. energy.



1. The protection of our environment is important, isn't it?
2. Are there any laws on this question?
3. Do our state organizations pay attention to the protection of the environment?
4. We are against the pollution of the environment, aren't we?
5. Why is the problem of protecting our nature so important now?
6. Do you know anything about terrible earthquakes?
7. Is it possible to forecast earthquakes?
8. Radiation is a very big problem, isn't it?
9. What has happened in Chernobyl?
10. Do you love your homeland?
11. What can you do to protect our water and air?

12. Where does air pollution mostly come from?

13. What can appear as the result of air pollution?

14. What shouldn’t we do not to get skin cancer?

15. Why is it dangerous to dump industrial waste in the sea?

16. Why can "the greenhouse effect" be dangerous for the planet? How does it work?

17. What has been done in the world to save our planet from the ecological disaster?



Date: 2016-04-22; view: 3658

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Environmental and Resource Economics | Step 1. Finding the Right Thing
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