II. Read the sentences below and for each question indicate the correct answer A, B, C or D.1. In the 20 years following World War II Britain
A was involved in a depression.
B experienced a period of economic prosperity.
C experienced a period of unemployment.
D spent money on new submarines.
2. The British consumers were encouraged to
A spend money on new products for themselves and their homes.
B save as much money as possible.
C build their own homes.
D emigrate to the colonies.
3. The word teenager was used to indicate
A pop groups of the 1960s.
B people who designed modern clothes.
C young men who bought their first car.
D young people with new ideas and their own money.
4. In the 1960s Britain went into debt because
A it bought more from abroad than it sold.
B it was no longer a world power.
C it did not join the European Economic Community.
D its politicians were old fashioned.
5. What happened when the balance of power in the world changed?
A Britain became the third superpower.
B Britain joined the European Economic Community in 1957.
C Britain went into political and economic decline.
D British workers went on strike.
6. What was blamed for Britain’s economic decline of the 1970s?
A The revolutionary methods employed by the management of industry.
B The trade union strikes which contributed to an economic boom.
C Britain becoming a member of the EEC in 1973.
D The government’s economic policies.
7. In 1979 the economic situation was getting worse
A but everyone had a job.
B and Britain owed a lot of money.
C but prices had stopped rising.
D but there were fewer strikes.
8. At the general election of 1979
A the Conservative Party won and Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister.
B the Labour Party won and Tony Blair became Prime Minister.
C the Conservative Party won and John Major became Prime Minister.
D the Labour Party lost and elected Tony Blair as its leader.
9. Margaret Thatcher denationalized industry and fought successfully against
A the telecommunications industry.
B British Airways.
C British Aerospace.
D the trade unions.
10. In Thatcher’s opinion, what was the answer to Britain’s problems?
A The improvement of social policies.
B The nationalization of the country’s industries.
C People taking control of their own lives.
D The ‘cradle to the grave’ philosophy of the Welfare State.
11. Despite a growing economic recession and unpopular new taxes
A Margaret Thatcher was re-elected as Prime Minister in 1992.
B The Conservative Party won the general elections of 1992.
C Margaret Thatcher became more and more popular.
D The Conservative Party re-elected and Margaret Thatcher as its leader in 1990.
12. Optical art makes use of
A coloured glass.
B geometric patterns.
C bright colours.
D patriotic symbols.
13. Ken Loach’s film Riff-Raff follows
A a group of workers as they get rich quickly.
B a group of workers who play hard and work hard.
C a group of workers as they struggle to survive.
D a group of workers fighting against trade union power.
14. Today, London has become well-known for
A innovation in architecture.
B resistance to change.
C innovation in politics and government.
D conservation of historical buildings.
Date: 2016-04-22; view: 1286