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Theft of the Unborn


Level: Mdw 4, Src/ Wiz 5

Components: V, S, F

Casting Time: 1 round

Range: Touch

Target: Pregnant creature touched

Duration: Permanent

Saving Throw: Fort negates

Spell Resistance: Yes


For many years this spell has been used for both good and evil purposes. The spell removes an unborn child from the womb or another such place and places it within another creature, which need not be the caster of this spell. The subject of this spell can make fortitude save to resist this attempt. If successful, she feels a moment of pain, but nothing more. If the save is not succesful, the spell's power draws her unborn child from within her causing 3d6 points of subdual damage, through the shock. If the subdual damage surpasses er actual hit points, she passes out. Otherwise this damage is not harmful, although the psycological effects may be devastating. The unborn baby can be in any state of devolopment, when this spell is cast. Instead of transfering the baby to another creature, the caster can choose to use this as method of abortation. If the caster chooses to transfer the unborn to another creature, the subject of this second part of the spell must make a successful constitution check against DC 12. If this check fails, the subject of the transfer also suffers 3d6 points of subdual damage, also risking some damage to child (3 in 20 change). If target of the transfer is unwilling, she also receives a will save at spell's DC to resist. If succesful, this either causes an abortation or the caster (if possible) can choose to take the embryo within herself instead. This spell does not allow for crossbreeding. Also, though this spell doesn't not If a person is already pregnant, transfering might be possible, depending on a species. Other magical means might be able to overcome these limits, however. Use of this spell on an unwilling subject is considered to be an evil act.

This spell has been used by evil cults to steal the children for their dark sacrifices. It has been used to steal the true heir from Queen Thesslia's womb. But there has been as many honest uses of this spell. Despite the spell's grim name, and partially dark reputation, it was originally used for a very specific purpose. In times of great wars this spell was granted by powers of fertility, to the end, that the children of pregnant women who were killed, could still be born. It has also been used to make certain that a child wouln't be subject to certain specific curses ("Those born to..."), or negative alterations their mother is suffering from.

Focus: Blessed holy symbol of fertility god/goddess, which must be placed upon both subjects, each in turn.


Touch of Talopea

(by Muse of Fire)


Level: Clr 2, Brd 2, Src/ Wiz 2

Components: S

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 10 yards

Target: 1 creature per 5 levels

Duration: 1 rounds per level

Saving Throw: Will negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell allows the target to feel what the caster is feeling. The wizardly version was created by the wizardess Amoretta the Dancer, to please her insanely lucky husband Thorn the mottled ranger. Amorretta would perform exotic dances for her husband, pleasuring herself as she went, and Thorn would feel the sensations as if they were his own. Very few copies of this spell exist.

The goddess Talopea uses it in similar ways.

Well, this spell has a fairly obvious but unintended secondary use. If used in combat the target takes one point of subdual damage for every point of real or subdual damage you take. Alternately, some more strange individuals like to cast it on all the enemy spellcasters, then hold back somewhere and pleasure themselves, laughing as the rival mages try to focus on their battle magic while trembling on the edge of orgasm. :-) Spellcasters so targeted must make concentration checks opposed by the casters Sexual prowess check to cast their spells. The difficulty increases by one each time they loose the contest and grow more aroused.

It is said that one goddess of pleasure and ecstasy once traveled far from her realm to seek new pleasures. On a distant plain she met a kindred soul, a goddess named Talopea, and together they made merry for many a year. (You don't need to imagine what making merry involved as Talopea is the Mage Lore goddess of sensual pleasure.)

This spell was created by Christine Morgan in a silly, sexy story called "Battle of the Sexpots" which can be found on her sight, which I believe is Vecna@Eskimo.com . I've never seen game statistics for it, and if they do exist they're in GURPS.) This is one of the many pleasurable spells Talopea taught this goddess.



Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]

Level: Sor/Wiz 3

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)

Target: 1 living creature

Duration: 1 minute/level

Saving Throw: Will negates

Spell Resistance: Yes


The target is suffused with a sense of well-being, happiness, calm, and general warm bunny feelings. This negates magical fear and other emotional effects. Note that victims of a Fear spell and similar effects still get a save even when Tranquility would be beneficial because their fearful state makes them resistant to some manipulation. Although there is no dominating compulsion component to this power, targets are taken out of a combative state of mind and may be more amenable to talk to. If a Diplomacy check has gone badly, for instance, this power may allow a retry where none would have been possible. The caster gains +4 to all such attempts to manipulate (bluff, diplomacy, but not intimidation). If the spell is used to break another's concentration apply a modifier of -6 instead of -3 because the spell is specifically designed to make the target briefly loose track of what it was doing. Barbarians who fail their save may immediately be brought out of battle rage. If used on a creature in combat it drops out of combat mode briefly and must immediately reroll its initiative; it is considered flat-footed until its next action.

Transfer Charm


Level: Src/ Wiz 2

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 10 feet

Target: 1 person

Duration: as for the spell transferred

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance:Yes


This spell allows a caster of higher level to subvert previous magical charms to his own purposes. For example: Erin, a second level mage casts Charm Person on Bryce, who becomes charmed. Anna, a third level mage casts Transfer Charm onto Bryce, whereupon Bryce becomes Charmed to Anna. However, Deneira, another third level mage, cannot Transfer the charm to herself, as she is not higher level than Anna.




Level: Mdw 3, Src/ Wiz 4

Range:touch, Very close

Component: S

Duration: Permanent

Casting Time: 1 action, Special

Area of Effect: One living creature

Save: None/ of fort save if not willing

Spell Resistance: Yes


By casting this spell, the caster can make creatures pregnant with the embyo of someone else, if caster would be normally able to breed with a creature of that race (the gender of the creature is irrelevant and the caster can use other magic to make this possible). The caster must have sex with some other person, that is able to become pregnant by the caster or could impregnate the caster (this spell will even work, if the caster changes his sex befor or after the character cast the spell. The caster can impregnate one create he got sex with in the next 3 days per level. He need not impregnate the first person. The subject of the spell has to be able to give birth to a living child abd receives a fortitude save to avoid becoming pregnant. It can be racially very different however, which makes this spell especially valuable for crossbreeding. The pregnancy starts to show only after final recipient is chosen, but of course there might be nasty spell around, which hits the recipient immidiately to state. The Caster can also choose to be one of the parents, although that is not typically the purpose of this spell.


Date: 2016-04-22; view: 1186

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