This normally occurs whilst berthing/unberthing and it is of paramount importance that the instructions chapter one of the ICS Publication "Masters Role in Collecting Evidence are complied with.
Action Checklist
a) If the hull's watertight integrity has been breached then the instructions on pollutions should be followed.
b) If then section 3.18, steps to Minimize Escape of Oil comes into effect.
c) If the hulls watertight integrity is intact then the Master's main task is to protect the Owner's interests.
d) If possible, photographs should be taken of damage to own vessel and to the fixed
e) Notify the Company as quickly as possible.
f) In form Classification Society, P&I and Hull & Machinery as appropriate, if surveyors are available locally, after consulting with the DP A and office management.
Initial Report Format
a) Name and call sign of vessel.
b) Name and position/rank of reporting personnel.
c) Date and time (specify local or GMT) of contact.
d) Vessel location at time of accident, i.e. name of rock, basin, channel, etc.
e) Description of object or structure with which contact was made plus description of damage sustained by own vessel.
f) Actual or potential pollution threat.
g) Name of the owner of object or structure with which contact was made,
h) Whether pilot on board at time of accident.
i) Corrective measures being taken and/or planned to be taken,
j) Weather conditions and forecast (fog, rain, wind, tide, etc.).
k) Repairs required.
l) Repair facilities available locally if known (check all).
1 What should be followed if the hull's watertight integrity has been breached?
2 What should be done to fix the damages to own vessel?
3 What measures are taken if any risk of pollution exists?
Date: 2015-01-11; view: 1110