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Become Phantasmal Lover

Illusion (Glamer)

Level: Brd 4, Sed 4, Src/ Wiz 4

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: special

Range: 5 yards per level

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Until the next morning (D)

Saving Throw: Will Negates

Spell Resistance:None


When this spell is cast, the wizard causes his features to shift in the mind of his victim to conform to those of an individual that the victim considers to be the ultimate lover. Once the spell is successfully cast (and the save varies according to the amount of preparation in casting the spell), the recipient will be putty in the hands of the caster, not out of enchantment but only out of the recipient's own sense of wish-fulfilment.

This spell takes as much time to cast as it takes to get the recipient drunk. The more thoroughly tanked the recipient gets, the higher will be the save-DC:


had a serving of alcohol +1

Slightly intoxicated +2

Moderately intoxicated +4

Greatly intoxicated +8


Once cast, the spell will go on doing it’s magic, even when the recipient sobers up.

The material component of this spell is large quantities of alcohol, which must be passed through the gullet of the recipient.


Blessing of the Goddess

(by Muse of Fire)

Conjurations [Creation]

Level: Src/ Wiz 5

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 round

Range: touch

Target: 1 creature

Duration: till the following dawn

Saving Throw: Wil negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell enables the caster to grant any beings fondest and most pleasurable wish. Neither the spellcaster nor the recipient has any control over the spells effects as they come form the depths of the recipients subconscious. If the spell recipient does not want to be effected, she or he must make a successful will save.

Unfortunately this spell's effects only last until the following dawn, never seem so wonderful in retrospect, and seem to have little lasting impact on the recipients life. For example, a serving maid might masquerade as an exotic princess for one night at the annual ball, but in the morning the prince turns out to be a lout, all her fabulous garments have been misplaced, she still has to go back to her old job, and her debut is quickly forgotten among the cities social circles and her common friends.



Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]

Level: Sor/Wiz 6

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./lv)

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: see text

Spell resistance: Yes


The caster overloads the target creature's pleasure centers. The result is a rush of pleasure unmitigated by the senses; a level of ecstasy not normally physically possible. The target immediately drops and is at zero hit points. The hit point loss is treated as subdual damage. The subject is locked in a post-blissful state and is unable to act for a time. The minds of most creatures are not trained to resist pleasure as they are able to resist pain therefore the subject's Will saving throw is made at -2. If save is successful the subject takes 5d6 point of subdual damage and is limited to a partial action on its next turn. In this instance, the target does not suffer any of the lasting effects listed below. The caster may instead choose to deliver this power as a melee touch attack in which case the subject is not allowed a save vs. the initial effect.

On the second and subsequent rounds the subject may make a Con roll to act. The initial DC is 20 + the caster’s Cha mod. This DC drops by 1 each round until the subject eventually regains it’s senses. The subject is helpless during this time. The subdual damage may be healed normally. After recovering, the subject must succeed at a Will save or become obsessed with experiencing this effect again. The subject will take any reasonable and not obviously self-destructive action to have2 this kind of effect used on him again. If the subject does not experience this or similar effect again for 1 day/caster level then this effect ends. If the subject experiences the Bliss-spell or a similar effect again during this time then he must make an additional Will save each time to recover from the obsession effect. If the subject makes a Will save, but is still under the duration of a previous failed save, the obsession effect continues, except that a natural "20" on a save will negate failures for the previous week. If the subject fails 3 Will saves within a single week, or five saves total or rolls a natural "1" on any single save then the subject becomes physically and emotionally addicted to this effect. Once addicted the subject must experience this kind of ecstasy regularly or loose 1 point from each of his mental stats per week and 1 point from each of his physical stats per three weeks that he goes without. Experiencing the effect again at this point will restore lost stat points from the previous week only, additional points lost can not be regained until the addiction is broken. Addiction to Bliss may be cured only with Greater Restoration, Miracle and Wish and may be suspended by spells, that suppress desire, lust or ecstasy. The initial mental obsession phase may be cured by those effects plus Restoration, Limited Wish and by different conditioning.


Bitch Slap

Evocation (Force)

Level: Src/ Wiz 4

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 round

Range: 10 yards per level

Target: 1 female

Duration: special (D)

Saving Throw: Will Negates

Spell Resistance:None


A version of the Bybig's Hand spells (although probably not from Bybig). A quasi-real hand (five feet) comes into existence and smacks the nearest women that the caster commands it to. If the woman knows her place is in the kitchen, the hand only does 1 point of damage as a reminder. However if the woman has complained, whined or not been to the kitchen in three days, the hand instantly grows to the size of a Titan hand (25 feet) and knocks the woman into the nearest kitchen (be it 10 feet or 10000 miles) and forces her to cook a three course meal. If she continuously refuses, the hand will inflict damage on her until she submits (GM's decision on damage per hit).

The hand has as many hit points as the caster in full health and has an Armor Class of 20.

The material component of the spell is a leather glove.


Call for a Midwife


Level: Clr 2, Src/ Wiz 2

Range: 1 Mile

As Lesser Call for Midwife but with increased range.


Cause Nausea


Level: Clr 1, Drd 1

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Target: 1 living creature

Duration: 1 round per level (D)

Saving Throw: Will negates

Spell Resistance:Yes


The victim of the spell becomes nauseated, i.e. the victim is unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells or do anything else requiring attention (core rulebood II, p. 85). Herbs, spells and substances, that would prevent or lessen nausea caused by pregnancy, will reduce this effect or end it.


Chains of Lust

(by Muse of Fire)


Level: Src/ Wiz 4

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 10 yards

Target: 1 creature

Duration: 1 minute per level

Saving Throw: Fortitude halves

Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell is used in conjunction with planar binding spells to compel an outsider into service. If the person the spell is cast upon causes the summoned outsider to orgasm it will be compelled to perform one service, as described under planar binding. This could be played out a number of ways. A. The recipient of the spell could seduce the outsider. B. The recipient of the spell could (if the ambient reality allows) rape the outsider and bring them to orgasm. c. The outsider could be offered a number of nubile lovers (evil outsiders will delight in unwilling offerings) of hit dice/level equal to the outsiders hit dice/ level, and if he accepts the offering then he is bound.

Alternatively, an outsider who has come to the Prime material plane by another methods or for other reasons, including having been summoned by an opponent, could be bound into service with this spell by seduction (or rape if the reality allows.) (Yes, I know what you sick fucks want to do to that lush young aasimar. Yum.)

Note: if the person casting the spell is not also the recipient then the recipient or recipients must have equal hit dice/levels to the being or beings being bound. (say that five times fast.)


Date: 2016-04-22; view: 649

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