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Lv. Abilities Gained

1. Sex trick, Bewitch

2. +1 Save Vs. Disease

3. Sex trick, Improved Kiss

4. +2 Save Vs. Disease

5. Sex trick, Enamor

6. +3 Save Vs. Disease

7. Sex trick, Lust

8. +4 Save Vs. Disease

9. Sex trick, Desire

10. +5 Save Vs. Disease


The Houri is a Nymph of paradise, voluptuous and sensual. She was most likely born in poverty amongst the seedier members of society, living in misery and destitution but dreaming of a better future. With hope comes power, and unlike others she will not stoop to a life of thievery and scavenging, instead using her intelligence and charm to lead a life of magic. Her spells of enchantment are used to augment her skills of charm and seduction.


She is often despised by others as a whore or corrupt individual who leads a life of debauchery, although others view her as the most alluring of fantasies.


The Houri is often found in the poorer parts of the city, looking for those who could rescue her out of the way of life she so detests. It is said that to spend a night with a Houri is pure ecstasy, and each kiss a new experience.


Save vs. Disease (Ex): Due to her somewhat seedy lifestyle, the Houri receives a bonus to fortitude saving throws against disease, starting from +1 and increasing by one every odd level. This bonus applies to all diseases, including magical afflictions such as Mummy rot or Lycanthropy.


Sex trick: The Houri receives a bonus sex trick, although the rank requirements must still be met.


Bewitch (Sp): Once per day per level, the Houri can use her alluring charms to captivate any male creature who can conceivably be attracted to her. This is treated as a gaze attack, if the victim looks into the Houri's eyes, he must make a Will save (DC 13 + Cha Mod) or be fascinated as the Hypnotic pattern spell. A kiss does not count as a threatening action. The range is 10' per class level.


Improved kiss (Su): When using a spell augmented by the Kiss Spell feat, the Houri may add metamagic feats by making the kiss longer and more passionate (always on the lips, and always male victims). Every full extra round spent on kissing the victim adds one to the spell level for the purposes of adding extra metamagic feats, which may be added spontaneously when using this ability (Even if spells are prepared as wizard). For example, if a Houri wanted empower her Vampiric touch kiss, she would spend an extra two rounds kissing the victim. The spell will take effect when the Houri stops the kiss. This kind of kiss is difficult to perform in combat, so only Helpless or willing targets (such as those that are fascinated) can usually be affected. This has been known to be used in conjunction with Bewitch to cast an empowered Delayed blast fireball to spectacular effect.


Enamor (Sp): At 5th level, the Houri can use her Bewitch power to fascinate all males around her. By using 2 of her daily Bewitch abilities, she can fascinate all those within 5' per class level. The DC however is now 15 + Cha mod.


Lust: At 7th level, a Houri has learned how to use her charms to drive men mad with lust. This is treated as a Gaze attack, any man meeting her eyes must make a Will save (DC 15 + Cha Mod) or be affected by a potion of love. The victim will try to gain the sexual favor of the Houri, but if married or Chaste may make another saving throw. The victim will not do anything against his nature.


Dark Desires (Sp): At 9th level, a Houri can use her allure to great effect, three times per day, she may make a gaze attack on a male victim, who must make a Will save (DC 17 + Cha Mod) or become completely obsessed with her. In game terms, the Victim will stop at nothing to gain her sexual favor and love, becoming Chaotic Evil for those that stand in his way. He will not be so infatuated as to stop eating or so foolhardy to the point of being suicidal, but the Houri is his first priority. While this does not give the Houri any actual control over the victim, she gains a +4 circumstance bonus on all Cha based checks to influence him.




“Sex is my business, and business is good!”


The pimp considers himself a typical businessman - the fact that his business is the buying and selling of sex makes no difference to him. The pimp is a master of prostitutes, peddling them to both the high class and commoners. Sometimes a pimp was himself a prostitute before rising to power, though often those that never were are the most crafty, and violent, of them all.


Bards and rogues are drawn to the pimp because of the class’s need for interpersonal skills and the opportunity to exploit the position for great personal wealth. Other classes are not as often drawn to becoming pimps, though any individual that desires personal power over others, regardless of individual class, can easily undertake the path of the pimp.


NPC pimps normally run the brothels and smaller prostitution rings in established settlements. Pimps found outside of the city are usually there due to legal pressures or acts of rivals.


Hit Dice: d6.

Class Skills

The pimp’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (any) (Int), Profession (Wis), Sexual Prowess (Cha), and Sense Motive (Wis).


Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier.



Table: The Pimp
Class Fort Ref Will Level BAB Save Save Save Special
1st +0 +0 +1 +2 Sexual favor
2nd +1 +0 +2 +3 Bitch slap +1d6
3rd +1 +1 +2 +3 Minions
4th +2 +1 +2 +4 Sexual favor
5th +2 +1 +3 +4 Bitch slap +2d6
6th +3 +2 +3 +5 Resource access
7th +3 +2 +4 +5 Sexual favor
8th +4 +2 +4 +6 Bitch Slap +3d6
9th +4 +3 +4 +6 Exceptional minions
10th +5 +3 +5 +7 Sexual favor


To qualify to become a pimp, a character must fulfill all the following requirements.


Skills: Bluff 8 ranks, Diplomacy 8 ranks, Gather Information 4 ranks, Sexual Prowess 4 ranks, Sense Motive 6 ranks.

Feats: Leadership.


Class Features

All the following are features of the pimp prestige class.


Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Pimps are proficient with all simple weapons. In addition, they are proficient with the greatclub, hand crossbow, rapier, sap, and shortsword. They are proficient with light armor.


Sexual Favor (Ex): The occupation of a pimp brings him in contact with all sorts of individuals. Sometimes he renders services for nobles, the wealthy, or otherwise prestigious individuals. In exchange for keeping such services unknown, the pimp often accumulates favors he can call in when needed. At 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th levels, the pimp gains the ability to call in a single favor. By using this favor, the pimp can call upon contacts and resources that most don’t have. This allows the pimp to gain important information without going through the time and trouble of a Gather Information check, or to requisition resources without paying for them.

To successfully call in a favor, the pimp makes a special Charisma check, adding his level to the roll. The DM sets the check’s DC. Simple favors normally have a DC of 10, while expensive or illegal favors could have a DC of 20 or higher. The pimp cannot take 10 or take 20 on this check, nor can he make multiple attempts at the same (or virtually the same) favor. Truly extreme favors, such as kidnaping the emperor’s daughter, are generally impossible. Such tasks should be the basis of an adventure, not a single die roll.


Bitch Slap (Ex): The pimp is especially skilled at landing humiliating or intimidating blows without seriously wounding the target of his anger. Whenever the pimp deals subdual damage, the extra damage listed for this ability is added to the total damage. The extra damage is +1d6 starting at 2nd level and increasing every third level thereafter (5th and 8th levels). Should the pimp score a critical hit with a subdual attack, this extra damage is not multiplied.


Minions (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, a pimp can add his pimp levels to his leadership score. A pimp’s cohorts and followers will always be prostitutes, though they may be of any class.


Resource Access (Ex): Beginning at 6th level, the pimp has made enough contacts and is entrenched enough in his occupation that he has access to an array of resources. Once per game session, the pimp may make a Diplomacy check to use those resources during the game session.

The value of the resources gained equals the pimp’s level times the result of the Diplomacy check times 20. Thus, a 6th-level pimp who rolled a 17 would gain (6 x 17 x 20) 2040 gp worth of resources. These resources can take virtually any form the pimp chooses (within reason), and are his to do with as he pleases - he may keep them, use them, give them away, or sell them as he sees fit.

The resources arrive in the pimp’s possession 1d6 hours after he makes the check. Note that these resources must be reasonably (though not necessarily commonly) available when and where he chooses to make the check.


Exceptional Minions (Ex): Beginning at 9th level, the level limit of the pimp’s cohorts is increased by 5, even if this brings their level above his.



“Come on over, baby, I ain’t picky!”


The ravager loves sex, plain and simple. Sex with anything. It does not matter the species. Hell, they will even hump corpses and inanimate objects! All that matters is that they are getting some, and getting some now!


Barbarians make the best ravagers, as all ravagers have a certain wildness and lack of control about them. In fact, most other classes find the typical activities and the total lack of selectiveness a ravager exhibits to be abhorrent.


NPC ravagers normally live on the fringes of society, launching raids into settled regions to satisfy their urges. The most common appearance of a ravager is chasing some poor maiden until she cannot resist any longer.


Hit Dice: d10.

Class Skills

The ravager’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sexual Prowess (Cha), Swim (Str), and Wilderness Lore (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.



To qualify to become a ravager, the character must fulfill the following criteria.


Base Attack Bonus: +5.

Skills: Intimidate 8 ranks, Sexual Prowess 8 ranks (of which three ranks must be for Adaptive Lover, Pleasure Victim, and Transcend Sexuality).

Special: You must have the Rage class ability.



Class Features

All the following are features of the ravager prestige class.


Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The ravager gains no additional weapon or armor proficiency.


Sexual Rage (Ex): A ravager can use their natural ability to fly into a screaming bloody frenzy to their benefit while having sex. During sex, a raging ravager gains a +4 bonus to all Sexual Prowess checks and a +2 moral bonus to Will saves, but their Sexual Threshold is reduced by 2 (limit 1). Sexual rage is otherwise identical to the barbarian’s rage ability. In addition, a ravager’s sexual rage ability stacks with his previous rage ability, granting him one additional use of his rage ability per day at 1st, 5th, and 10th levels. Raging, whether inside or outside of sex, counts against the daily total of rages.


Negative Energy Resistance (Ex): Ravagers gain a +5 inherent bonus to saves to resist negative levels. In addition, a ravager whose negative levels are equal to his character levels does not die, he only passes out until the first opportunity to save against a negative level occurs; should he fail all of his saves, he dies. A ravager develops this natural resistance from his necrophilia - he has considerably greater contact with undead.


Forceful Sexuality (Ex): A ravager can add his ranks in Intimidate to his ranks of Sexual Prowess when making Sexual Prowess checks.


Increased Speed (Ex): A ravager is used to having to chase down targets of his sexual advances, and over time he becomes better at it. At 4th, 6th, and 8th levels his speed increases by 10.


Improved Grapple (Ex): If the ravager hits with an unarmed strike, he deals normal damage and can attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial touch attack is required. Great for grabbing fleeing wenches!


Expert Overruner (Ex): A ravager is skilled at overrunning larger creatures (as you usually need to knock them down before you can get it on with them). They gain a +5 bonus to their trip attempt when trying to overrun.

Table: The Ravager
Class Fort Ref Will Level BAB Save Save Save Special
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Sexual rage
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Negative energy resistance
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Forceful sexuality
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Increased speed +10
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Sexual rage
6th +6 +5 +2 +2 Increased speed +10
7th +7 +5 +2 +2 Improved grapple
8th +8 +6 +2 +2 Increased speed +10
9th +9 +6 +3 +3 Expert overruner
10th +10 +7 +3 +3 Sexual rage; no longer winded after rage




“Sex is my weapon.”


The seductress (male: seducer) has learned that sex can be a powerful force of persuasion when used the right way. A seductress will stop at nothing to get what she wants, manipulating the emotions and desires of the rich and powerful along the way. Others may revel in sex for pure pleasure, but the seductress is all business when it comes to this.


Rogues and bards are naturally drawn to the occupation of the seductress, taking advantage of their broad range of skills and personal magnetism to wear away the inhibitions of others. Certain cleric of sex deities may feel a strong kinship to this class as well. Fighters, paladins, rangers, and monks have attitudes directly opposed to the seductress, making it rare to see any members of those classes among its ranks.


NPC seductresses can often be found where the rich and lonely are. A new romance or a wild fling by a noble usually is a sign that a seductress is operating in the area. Seductresses look unkindly on others of their profession - no one likes competition.


Hit Dice: d6

Class Skills

The seductress’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Innuendo (Wis), Knowledge (sex) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Perform (Cha), Pick Pocket (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sexual Prowess (Cha), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex), and Use Rope (Dex).


Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.



To qualify to become a seductress, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.


Skills: Bluff 7 ranks, Diplomacy 4 ranks, Innuendo 5 ranks, Sexual Prowess 4 ranks.

Feats: Sexappeal


Class Features

All of the following are class features of the seductress prestige class.


Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Seductresses are proficient with simple weapons and light armor.


Seduction (Ex): Seductresses excel at using their natural endowments to get their way with others. As their prowess increases, they become increasingly harder to resist and increasingly more proficient at “getting the job done.” At 1st, 5th, and 9th levels, the seductress gains a bonus to her Bluff, Innuendo, Sexual Prowess, and Use Rope skills. The number listed is added to all skill checks used for the following: Bluff - seduction; Innuendo - sexual innuendo; Sexual Prowess - actively engaging in sex; Use Rope - binding others for sexual or post-sexual means.


Sneak Attack: This is exactly like the rogue ability of the same name. The extra damage deal increases by +1d6 every other level (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th). If the seductress gets a sneak attack modifier from another source (such as rogue levels), the bonuses to the damage stack. Seductresses often use this if the ultimate goal of their seduction is murder.


Sexual Predator (Ex): At 3rd level the seductress learns how to truly use sex as a weapon, subtly inflicting pain on others so that they do not feel it until the act is complete. When making Sexual Prowess checks, any time the seductress rolls above the DC, the difference between her roll and the DC is dealt to her sexual partner as subdual damage.


Table: The Seductress
Class Fort Ref Will Level BAB Save Save Save Special
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Seduction +5
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Sneak attack +1d6
3rd +1 +3 +1 +3 Sexual predator
4th +2 +4 +1 +4 Sneak attack +2d6
5th +2 +4 +1 +4 Seduction +10
6th +3 +5 +2 +5 Sneak attack +3d6
7th +3 +5 +2 +5 Body to die for
8th +4 +6 +2 +6 Sneak attack +4d6
9th +4 +6 +3 +6 Seduction +15
10th +5 +7 +3 +7 Sneak attack +5d6

Body to Die For: At 7th level the seductress gains the bonus feat Body to Die For even if she does not meet all the prerequisites.



Tantric Master


"Oh….I can last a little bit longer"


The use of Ki is not limited only to combat and mobility, there are those who would seek harmony between body and spirit through other means. Tantric masters are individuals who endeavour to become beings of perfection through the application of tantric lore and sheer willpower to lovemaking. By using Ki and internal energies, the Tantric master can prolong his and his partner's sexual performance and pleasure.


Most Tantric masters are Monks who have devoted themselves to a more mystical way of training and improving themselves, but anyone who learns to channel Ki and use tantric lore can eventually qualify.


The majority of Tantric masters are wanderers who travel the lands, teaching others of his arts and practising them himself. Evil Tantric masters are rare, but tend to be cruel lovers who could care little for their partner's pleasure.


Hit die: d8

Class Skills

The Tantric master's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex).


Skills: 4 + Int Mod/level




Base will save: +5

Base Fort save: +5

Feats: Endurance, improved unarmed strike, stunning fist

Skills: Sexual prowess 10 ranks, Concentration 10 ranks, Sense motive 5 ranks

Techniques: Dextrous lover, Fast recovery, Powerful lover, Spiritual lover, Tantric lore, Afterglow, Intuitive lover, Paralyzing pleasure, Forceful lover

Special: Must have had sex with a partner for over an hour


Student of Perfection (Ex): Tantric masters are Monks, although they meditate on alternative methods of achieving physical and spiritual enlightenment. As such, a Tantric master gains the unarmed attack bonus, unarmed damage, AC bonus, and unarmored speed as if he were a monk of whose level equalled his monk level + Tantric master level. Those who manage to meet the requirements for this class who are not Monks gain these abilities as if a Monk equal to only their Tantric master level.


Bonus technique: The Tantric master receives a bonus technique


Glamorous Ward (Su): The Tantric Master fights best when fighting with no armor, and adds his Charisma modifier to his AC as a Deflection bonus when he or she is wearing as little clothing as possible. This represents the Tantric Masters aura of solipsistic confidence.

In order to receive this bonus, the Tantric Master must be wearing no armor, no cloak, cape, or mantle, no robe, no vest, vestment, or shirt, no belt, and no boots. If one type of item is worn, the bonus is halved (round down).


Delightful touch (Ex): As a Monk uses Ki and Pressure points to Stun his foes, the Tantric master can use the same principles to induce pleasure. Once per day per level, a Tantric master can make a Pleasure touch against a victim (but no more than once per round). This is a melee attack that ignores natural armor bonuses and causes 2d6 points of SRP damage. The use must be announced before any attack rolls are made, and if all attacks in a round miss, the Pleasure touch is wasted.


Sexual Disease immunity (Ex): Through his sexual practices and his use of Ki, the Tantric master becomes immune to all sexually transmitted diseases, magical and mundane.


Sensual healing (Su): While having sex, the Tantric master may use his sexual energies to cure himself or his partner of wounds. Every 5 SRP damage converted can cure 1 hit point. The healing occurs at the rate of 1 hit point per round.


Sexual Purification (Su): Similar to Sensual Healing, the Tantric master can now cure many different ailments using his sexual energies. By spending 30 SRP damage, he may use a Remove Disease or Remove Curse effect on his partner, cast as though he were a Cleric of the same level.

Table: The Tantirc Master
Class-Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
+0 +2 +0 +2 Bonus technique, Student of perfection, Glamorous ward
+1 +3 +0 +3 Delightful touch
+2 +3 +1 +3 Bonus technique, Sexual Disease immunity
+3 +4 +1 +4 Sensual healing
+3 +4 +1 +4 Bonus technique, Sexual organ improvement
+4 +5 +2 +5 Sexual Purification
+5 +5 +2 +5 Bonus technique, Improved Tantric lore
+6 +6 +2 +6 Orgasmic Stroke
+6 +6 +3 +6 Bonus technique , Control fertility
+7 +7 +3 +7 Perfect body


Sexual organ improvement (Ex): The Tantric master has harnessed his Sexual energies and Ki so well that his Sexual organ improves by one size sub category (Larger member for males, females may choose to shrink their orifices by one size sub at will). Females also gain an orifice tolerance increase of one size sub category.


Improved Tantric lore (Ex): The Saving throw bonus improves to +4, which supersedes the Tantric lore Bonus technique.


Orgasmic Stroke (Ex): At 8t level, the Tantric master has such mastery of Ki and Pressure points he can bring someone to Orgasm with a mere touch. Once per day, he may make a Touch attack which if successful, forces the recipient to make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + Class level + Wis Modifier). If this save is failed, then the victim's SRPs are reduced immediately to 0, and Orgasm occurs automatically.


Control fertility (Su): At 9th level the Tantric master has such control over his bodily functions that he can suppress the production and release of his reproductive cells (sperm for males, Eggs for females). The Tantric master must spend a day in meditation to initiate this, and until he Meditates again to resume his reproductive processes, he cannot cause pregnancy (or become pregnant if female).


Perfect Body (Su): At 10th level, the Tantric Master has reached the pinnacle of sexual excellence. He/she gains a +4 Inherent bonus to Charisma and the Monk ability Timeless Body. Additionally, he/she can control the size of their sexual organs or orifices, altering them as a Standard Action once per round. Their size can be anywhere from three size sub categories smaller to three size sub categories larger than normal, and all orifice tolerance levels increase by six.
Most importantly, the Tantric Master has full control over his or her SRP levels and can alter their pleasure levels at will, allowing them to enjoy sex indefinitely without ejaculating or to start climaxing at the very beginning of sex and not stop until the end.


Multiclass note: Monks may freely multi-class as Tantric masters.


Tentacle master


"Look, no hands…"


Hit die: d4

Skills: As Wizard + Escape artist 2 + Int Mod/level



Feats: Augment summoning, Extend spell

Skills: Sexual technique 4 ranks, Escape artist 4 ranks, Knowledge (The planes) 4 ranks, Intimidate 2 ranks

Spellcasting: Must be able to cast spells of 3rd level or higher, including 3 spells with the [Summoning] descriptor

Sex tricks: Any

Alignment: Chaotic evil, Chaotic neutral or Neutral evil

Special: Must have had peaceful contact with another Tentacle master, Tentacled monster or Recondite.



BAB: As wizard

Save: As Bard


Spellcasting: +1 level of existing class/Level


Lv. Abilities

1. Summon tentacled monster

2. Tentacles I

3. Apply tricks, Sex trick

4. Tentacles II

5. Slimy, Sex trick

6. Tentacles III

7. Regeneration, Sex trick

8. Tentacles IV

9. Summon Recondite

10. Tentacles V


Summon Tentacled monster (Su): Whenever the Character casts a Summon Monster spell, a tentacled version of the monster is summoned instead. If the creature would normally be a Fiendish or Celestial creature, the Tentacled template replaces that template.


Apply tricks: The Tentacle master may learn any sex trick, even if he does not meet the Ability score requirements. The tricks may only be used if he changes ability scores (with spells or items) or when using his Tentacles ability.


Sex trick: The Tentacle master receives a bonus sex trick, although the rank requirements must still be met.

Table: Transgender Shaman
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Spells
+0 +2 +0 +0 Hermaphrodite I +1 per level of existing class
+1 +3 +0 +0 Channel opposite energy +1 per level of existing class
+2 +3 +1 +1 Greater understanding +1 per level of existing class
+3 +4 +1 +1 Opposite descriptor +1 per level of existing class
+3 +4 +1 +1 Energy substitution +1 per level of existing class
+4 +5 +2 +2 Hermaphrodite II +1 per level of existing class
+5 +5 +2 +2 Opposite Domain +1 per level of existing class
+6 +6 +2 +2 Spontaneous substitution +1 per level of existing class
+6 +6 +3 +3   +1 per level of existing class
+7 +7 +3 +3 Hermaphrodite III +1 per level of existing class


Slimy body (Ex): If the Master of tentacles has any limbs or extremities in tentacle form, then he may secrete a slippery ooze from them. This gives the Character a +10 circumstance bonus to Escape artist checks.


Regeneration (Ex): Emulating many slimy and disgusting creatures, the Master of tentacles can now regenerate at the rate of 1 per round (Normal damage from fire and cold).


Summon recondite (Sp): Associating with the most vile of perverted creatures, the Tentacle master may summon a Recondite once per day.


Tentacles I (Su): At 2nd level, the Tentacle master gains the ability to sprout a number of tentacles from his body once per day per two levels. He may grow up to one tentacle per caster level. This acts as an Evard's Black Tentacles spell cast at the Tentacle master's level, except for the following:

The ability is treated as a Transmutation effect.

The AC of the Tentacles is +4 Natural armor, +3 Dex and -1 for size (large).

Strength scores of 19, Dexterity scores of 17 and Constitution scores of 17 (Does not affect hit points or Saves).

The Tentacle master has full control over the tentacles.

There is no area effect, but the tentacles can reach 10' from the Tentacle master.

They may be dismissed at any time by the Tentacle master.

They can attack creatures of any size.

For the purposes of filling orifices, the Tentacles may change size at will.


As the Tentacle master gains levels, the tentacles gain new abilities:


Tentacles II: The tentacles grow suckers, sticky warts and nubs which give a +2 Circumstance bonus to their grapple checks. The Tentacle master may now change any limb or extremity (including the tongue, tail and penis) into a tentacle. These do not count against the number of tentacles available by level. If any of these are cut off or destroyed, the limb or extremity reappears unharmed. If arms are in tentacle form, the Tentacle master cannot cast any spell with a somatic component, if legs are in tentacle form, movement is halved.


Tentacles III: The tentacles grow heads which can ejaculate. The emitted liquid can either be the slippery ooze or a powerful acid which is treated as a 60' line which does 1d4 acid damage per class level (Reflex Save half DC 10 + Class level + Con Modifier). This can be used only once per day per class level, and a maximum of once per 1d4 rounds.


Tentacles IV: The damage of the Tentacles increases to 1d8 and they are now considered to have 21 strength, Dexterity 19 and Constitution 19. Reach increases to 15'.


Tentacles V: The tentacles can now ejaculate in a spectacular manner, spurting in a large 60' cone doing 1d6 damage per class level (Reflex Save half DC 10 + Class level + Con Modifier). This supersedes the Tentacles III ability, and all number of uses and time

between uses still count, although the line may still be used if wished.



Transgender Shaman

"I'm flattered, but there's something you should know about me…."


No side is stronger, no element supreme, no gender greater. In order to attain true understanding and power, both sides of the coin must be viewed, both arguments heard. In duality there is power, by combining the advantages of each side or element, harmony can be achieved.


In some tribal or primitive cultures, some shamans choose to become members of the opposite sex, wearing their clothes and observing their rituals in order to improve the potency and versatility of their magic, even being treated by other members of the tribe as the gender they have become.


Some eastern cultures will have similar practices, as the priests hope to attain harmony through balancing forces known to them as the Yin and Yang.


Most Transgender shamans come from the ranks of Clerics and Druids, although anyone who can cast divine spells will eventually qualify. Paladin Transgender shamans are unheard of though, due to the questioning of their alignment.


Transgender shamans are usually found as well respected members of a tribe or temple, who are sought by others for their advice which is given from different perspectives.


Hit die: d6


Class Skills: The Transgender shaman's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int, exclusive skill), and Spellcraft (Int).


Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier



Skills: Bluff 2 ranks, Disguise 2 ranks, Knowledge (Religion) 4 ranks and Sexual prowess 4 ranks

Spellcasting: Able to cast 2nd level Divine spells

Techniques: Transcend Sexuality


Class Features


Hermaphrodite I (Ex): As the Transgender shaman advances in level, physical and mental changes will occur, resulting in traits normally found in the opposite sex. At first level, a Transgender shaman will acquire a change in voice, becoming deeper if female and higher if male. In either case, the voice will be recognisable as neither male nor female. The character gains a +2 bonus on mimicry checks to impersonate the opposite sex.

The Transgender shaman will also start to grow sexual organs of the opposite gender, a male Transgender shaman gains a vagina behind his testes which is two sub-size categories smaller than the average fir his race. A female Transgender shaman will start to grow a penis above her vagina which is two sub-size categories than average. They are neither sexually nor reproductively functional.


Any Extraordinary, supernatural, spell or spell-like ability which affects only the opposite sex will now affect the Transgender shaman, although if a Save is allowed, one is made at a +4 bonus. The good side to this is that the any spell or power useable by the Transgender shaman which only affects one sex will now work on both, but with a +4 to saves for the victim of the wrong sex.

Due to first hand knowledge of both sexes, a Transgender shaman now receives a +2 insight bonus to all sexual prowess rolls.


Hermaphrodite II (Ex): The physical changes become even more prominent, males will gain enlarged breasts and hips, while females will gain facial hair. The Transgender shaman gains a +2 bonus to disguise checks when impersonating the opposite sex.

The sexual organs expand by one more sub-size category, and are now sexually functional.

The saving throw bonus for extraordinary, supernatural, spell or spell-like abilities which only affect only the opposite sex is now only +2. Any spell or power useable by the Transgender shaman which only affects one sex will now work on the opposite but with a +2 bonus to the victim's save.

The Transgender shaman now receives a +4 insight bonus to all sexual prowess rolls due to first hand knowledge of both sexes.


Hermaphrodite III (Ex): The Transgender shaman is now a true hermaphrodite, something almost unheard of in nature, looking neither wholly female nor male, but treated by all onlookers as the gender they are attracted to. The sexual organs now become fully functional reproductively. The Transgender shaman is now affected by any extraordinary, supernatural, spell or spell-like abilities as both sexes. Any spell or power useable by the Transgender shaman which only affects one sex will now work on the opposite with no penalty.

The Transgender shaman now receives a +6 insight bonus to all sexual prowess rolls due to first hand knowledge of both sexes.


Channel opposite energy (Su): The Transgender shaman can now channel energy in the opposite fashion to what he did before i.e. a good cleric who takes this class can now rebuke/command undead and channel negative energy and vice versa for evil clerics. The act of channelling will not change the alignment of the character, but the reason of use may.


Greater understanding (Su): By tapping into their first hand knowledge of the opposite sex, the Transgender shaman can cast any spell with the [charm] or [compulsion] descriptor at +1 caster level and +1 DC against them.


Opposite descriptor (Su): The Transgender shaman may now cast spells from his or her spell list which are normally restricted by alignment, such as spells with the Good, Evil, Chaos and Law descriptors. The act of casting the spells does not change the Transgender shaman's alignment, but the application of the spells may.


Opposite Domain (Su): Complementing their powers, the Transgender shaman receives a bonus domain which is opposite in philosophy to one of their existing domains. This domain is bestowed even if the Transgender shaman's deity does not grant it, and casting spells from the domain will not incur the deity's wrath or displeasure. If an opposite domain does not exist or the character was not a cleric, work with the DM to come up with an appropriate choice.


Energy substitution: The Transgender shaman gains the Energy substitution metamagic feat for free even if the prerequisites are met.


Spontaneous substitution (Su): The Transgender shaman can spontaneously cast any spell prepared that has an energy type as if it was prepared with the Energy substitution feat. The Transgender shaman chooses the new energy type upon casting the spell, which takes no longer than usual.


Chapter 6:
Magic and Psionics

Spell Lists


0 level (Cantrip)


Know Sexual Preferences

Mordenkainen’s Lubrication

Sexual Attraction

Sexual Disgust

Tweak/ Goose

Undetectable Sexual Preference

Wet Dream


1st level

Annihilator’s Penis of Power

Change Sexuel Alignment

Change Sexual Preference

Charm Man I

Davenet’s Seduction

Divine Sexuel Experience

Divine Sexuel Orientation




Hide Sexual Orientation




2nd lvel

Layla’s Good Morning

Luwain’s Everlasting Hard-On


Sleep Theft

Touch of Talopea


3rd level

Charm Man II

Intensify Sensation


Sacremon’s Emperor’s New Clothes

Sava’s Candlelight Dinner

Sexual Nerd


4th level

Angel’s Negation

Become Phantasmal Lover

Ilruna’s Roulette

Layla’s Morning After

Layla’s Seductive Impersonation


5th level

Charm Man III

Layla’s Beautification


Sex Slave



0 level (Orison)

Detect Pregnancy

Divine Erotic Interest

Excessive Indalgence

Prevent Nausea

Minor Call for a Midwife

Restore Potency


1st level

Baltasar's Impediment

Cause Nausea

Change Secual Alignment

Detect Veneral Disease

Divine Sexual Experience




2nd lvel

Assist in Labor and Birth

Call for a Midwife


Minor Repair Virginity

Protection From Intoxication

Sava’s Candlelight Dinner


Touch of Talopea


3rd level


Protection from Disease

Sasha's Uncontrollable Continuous Orgasm


4th level

Children’s Sanctuary


Kal'Bruneyeah's Chastity Belt

Spirit of Desire


5th level

Chastity Guaridan

Blessing of Sharress


Lesser Planar Lover

Major Repair Virginity


7th level

Irner's Polaroidic Pregnancy

Planar Lover


8th level

Sava’s Temple of Love

Yemelat's Orgiastic Frency


9th level

Greater Planar Lover

Midwifery Domain (Mdw):

Deities: Gods/ Godesses of Fertility, Motherhood, Womanhood and Health, Earth and Moodn godesses.

Granted Power: You are able to detect pregnancy on sight as well as the state of the unborn child.


Date: 2016-04-22; view: 725

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