For most creatures, the pregnancy will not go unnoticed, even a race with a ddp of 2 will most often show signs: at least the weight of the woman will increase (although even this does not need to happen).
- Change of Libido
Some woman become increasingly horny during the pregnancy up to raping others. Or they become increasingly less likely to have sex, because they are disgusted by the thought alone or they are missing any inclination to do it. See Cdcp 2.
- Change of Looks
The woman experiences some alterations to her form, skin, abilities or other things visible to the outside. This effect may be pleasant, for woman and beholder alike, like the hair becoming thicker/ more beautiful, or a radiant look with shiny eyes and a catching happyness.
The change may be unpleasent like becoming fat (whole body or part of it), change of coloration (eyes, skin, fur, hair, wrists), change of features (teeth grow or fall out, hair falls out or grows to extremes all over the body, a tail, spikes, horns, fins, gils, scales, increase in size, contortion of the face, stripes all over the body, legs or arms fall of or grow inward, additional breasts, hands, arms, tentacles, psoydopods, legs or eyes grow, the mouth closes or increases in size, the woman becomes ethareal or solid).
The new looks may go away during the pregnancy, after the birth, after suckling the baby or even never. Or they may change again or go away when the next stage during the pregnancy is reached.
- Depressivity
Depressivity may have many reasons. The woman experiences the situation of her pregnancy as totally hopeless, because her husband left her, she may die during the birth, she is ill, the child is illegal/ illegitim, she does not feel beautyful anymore etc. On the other hand the reason may just be a change of the hormones. Some woman may try to commit suicide (these woman will be treated very harsh by most societies, because they endangered the child.).
- Different Eating Habits
At some time during the pregnancy, a woman may develop strange eating habits. This may include eating at very unusual times (during the night), eating at unusal places (only on higher ground) or eating unusual meals (funny mixtures like strawbery pie with mustard, or something, that they would normally not eat (meat for vegetarians)). This may have a psychological reasons, like making a statement about the pregnancy, reasons of nurishment (the woman lacks some vitamins, minerals etc. that her body will get most easyly by eating the strange food, either for the unborn, or for the time afterwards, or for herself, because of the transformations her body goes through) or as a way of protection (eating the maggots, that would eat you).
This effect does not have to happen and the time in which it happens may differ widely (even for humans: just when you think it funny, that you never developed strange eating habbits, when it hits you in the last month).
- Eating a Lot
To get the nurishment required, a woman may start to eat more than usual. With healthy food, this is not required, even for most humans. Other races may have to eat a lot, to increase wight (maybe because they are to light and have to stay stationary during the pregnancy). Another reason for this special case of different eating habits are depressions and their compensation through food.
- Effects on the Magic a Woman may wield
A female arcane spellcaster or psionic may experience an increase of her abilities, because the additional soul in her body somehow augments her mana/ energy or her connection to her surrounding. On the other hand, she might experience a decline, because the change in her body interferes with the flow of magic/ psionic power. Divine spellcaster may be stripped of their power, because a pregnancy does not belong to the portfolio of their god and while they are pregnant, they implicitly revere another deity. A cleric of a deity of fertility may experience an increase of her abilities. Druids are a special case. Depending on their strictures, they will probably be required to become pregnant once in a while, with no bonus or malus.
- Gaining Weight
This is not the same as eating a lot. A woman may gain weight, because her metabolism changes and she is not able to go to the toilette. Most mammals will gain weight from about the middle of the pregnancy on. This will indicate the switch to the stage of pregnancy 2.
The gaining of weight may be slightly (+5% of the original weight) to severe (up to some 1000% for hive creatures)
Woman of some races will go insane (apart from becoming manic, depressive ir both) during their pregnancy. This may include a reduced sense of reality but can increase to a raving and other brutal and dangerous insanities. These insanities may be the result of depressivity or a manical period.
- Manic
Most women who are happy about the pregnancy will experience at least a short period, where they feel superior and capable of everything. Especially women with a dop of 1 are very likely to experience this. Sometimes this will go hand in hand with the depressivity and a woman may be manic about something and when she does not succeed will become depressed.
- Morning Sickness
A woman suffering morning sickness has an urge to vomit. This urge may be very strong, so that she will not be able to resist, or it is more that she just not feels well. The morning sickness may last 10 minutes, just after waking up, or it can last for the whole day but starts after eating something. Some women may experience this and are nauseated, others even may be stunned and even others are just dazed. Human woman may get morning sickness between the first and the 7th month the earlier month being the more usual. The period of morning sickness may happen not at all, may last a few day or last over 3 month. This seems to be random so far that fitness, eating or living habits have no influence on this. The same woman may feel severely sick during her first pregnancy and fine during her second (or vice versa). The reaction to the morning sickness, i.e. if a woman may be fatigued after vomiting or not, depends on the overall condition the woman is in.
- Reduced Logical Abilities
Some woman experience a decline in mental abilities during their pregnancy. The reason behind this may be the change of hormones, a reduction of blood circulation through the brain, an inward turn of all higher mental abilities, different things to think about, emotional overload, empathic contact to the child, loss of some part of the brain to the child, depressions, magical control etc.
The level of decline varies widely in will be lower with dump woman.
- Other Effects
Some effects of a pregnancy will include a change of lifestyle, losing and gaining friends, change of self-esteem and the way a woman looks at herself and her enviroment, a change in the decoration of the living area and a change of equipment. Sometimes the pregnancy may have direct effects on the surrounding: pheromones will cause everyone who has contact to the woman, to be very nice or very angry about her; the child might cause magical, psionical or divine effects. For example a child of a fire-elementalist or fire elementar might cause the mother to suffer constantly from fever or the temperature around the woman may be constantly high or things suddenly combust. A mother of a shapechanging species or of a child that is partly a shapechanger may be forced to shape change once in a while or during the hole pregnancy.
Post birth effects
After giving birth, most woman experience additional changes of body and mind.
- Bonding
Most children will cause a bonding with one of the people around during the birth and recognize this person as mother (through scent, looks, voice). This bonding may be both ways. A mother or father may be bound to the child. This could mean, that she would not leave it alone or that the scent will cause milk production.
- Eenlarged Breasts/ Nippels
Mammals must suckel their children. The organs to do that are already present long before giving birth (even in males). The hormones or something different during the birth or afterwards may cause the mother to begin the production of milk. The storage of the milk will cause an enlargement of the breasts.
- Different Moods
The changes, that the birthing-process have brought with it, may cause all kinds of different extreme moods, manic and depressive, happy and sad, anger, peacefullness etc. This may come from the new change of hormones, a change of bodyly features or even from the impression to have already shown, that you are a good/ bad mother.
- Body Changes
Human women always learn after giving birth, that their body will not return to the state it was in before the pregnancy. Other races may experience this even more severely. Staying the shape, the woman was in while giving birth, or even becoming a totally different person (physically and mentally). Some races may even consider women, who have given birth, to be a third (fourth?) gender. They may become infertile or even more fertile.