Normally, a young woman will learn all about what happens during the pregnancy and the birth. In some societies, it is possible, that the older people keep this secret, until there is no way to hide it from a woman. In other societies only a priest or shaman knows about what happens and keeps this secret through using drugs or magic during the birthing process.
Magical races may loose their memory or be elevated to haven during the birth where the engels do everything necessery to keep the woman from learning anything about the birth (or this could be the only way, a woman of this race is able to give birth).
Human: Elira learned everything there was to know for a young woman. She has already helped a neighbor when she was laboring. Her husband has a good idea, what happened during the birth, because he participated at one for a few minutes, when a younger sister of his was born. His mother died in child-bed, therefore he knows about the dangers. Assa will not allow him in the room, but he may bring her hot water and clean cloth. He and Elira will care for the child, if it survives, maybe with the help of their parents and of their neighbors.
Before they knew, that the child was underway, they had some sex, but stopped it, because their priest told them, that it would hurt the child.
D'deepiens: Kachkach was in the little tree-house during all of the pregnancy. Homosexual love is not prohibited for her people and the evenings are very long. Her parents and the official pregnancy slave will care for the child, although she will help most of the time.
The male of her tribe know, what causes the pregnancy and that this will lead, most of the time, to the birth of a child, but they do not know, how this happens, because they never participate. Kachkach had learned from her parents to keep away from the male, but all knowledge about the pregnancy and birth was withheld from her and she learned it only while living in the house.
Stages of Pregnancy
For most mammal races pregnancy means, that the child will grow out of a few cells into a child. During this process of growth, the mother will most often undergo several changes. This could be a slight gain in weight or a total transmutation into a birthing machine. The changes can be documented in periods of the pregnancy. No period has to happen for a woman of a specified race and each period may have a different length, even for members of the same race.
A change of stage is most often not a sudden occurance, but a woman will slip slowly over the time of several days from one stage to another (normally. Some races may experience these changes rather fast: weaking up, being in a new stage.)
Nothing is visible
The woman will detect as being pregnant when magic is used..
It is possible, that she herself does not know, that she is pregnant. Maybe, the menstruation will not come regularly or even come not at all. This would most often be a sure sign for a pregnancy, although there is no reason way the menstruation should not come regularly during the whole pregnancy (even some human woman are reported of never knowing that they were pregnant).
Even Midwifes will not see or feel that the woman is pregnant.
It could be possible, that the woman will have a misscarriage and never know about the pregnancy.
The unborn child may already have a soul, consciousness or feelings. Gaining these may be part of the union of spern and ovum, it could happen at a later time or it could be part of a magical ceremony. The soul my even enter the body long after the child was born, during a special communion with the gods.
If the child got a consciousness, spells that affect the mind may work on the child.