Give answers to the following questions using the information from the text.1 What has become an essential tool in most branches of science and technology including electronics?
2 What us the definition of modeling?
3 What is the goal with numerical modeling?
4 What major parts is modeling divided into in engineering?
5 How many steps does theoretical modeling usually consist of? What are they?
6 What are the applications of numerical modeling?
7 What should be done to avoid abuse and misinformation of numerical models?
A) Write out pairs of synonyms from the following list.
B) Make up a few short sentences with these words.
Match the following words in the left and right columns to make word combinations. Translate them into Russian.
1) test
2) image
3) numerical
4) scientific
5) analytical
6) solve
7) material
| a) processing
b) studies
c) results
d) strength
e) data
f) problems
g) modeling
Find in the text the terms that mean the following.
1 Relating to or expressed as a number or numbers. _____________
2 Forming a necessary base or core. ______________
3 Knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts learned through experiments and observation. ______________
4 A statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal (indicated by the sign =). _____________
5 Concerned with or involving the theory of a subject or area of study rather than its practical application. ______________
6 A mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbols. _____________
Watch a short videofilm AutoCAD 2013 - 3D Modeling Basics
at and sum up the information in a few sentences.
Look the scheme below and provide a simple definition of modeling.
Fig. The simplest definition of modeling.
Comment on the following quotation in written form.
Date: 2016-04-22; view: 1036