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The Modal Verbs (MV) CAN/COULD

Meaning Forms of the MV Ways of rendering into Russian Forms of the infinitive Kinds of sentences Some other ways of expressing the same meaning Sentence patterns
1. Ability, capability can (can’t) – the Present Tense could (couldn’t) – the Past Tense ìîæåò   ìîã, ìîãëè Indefinite Infinitive affirmative interrogative negative to be able to, to know how to do smth, to have the ability to do smth. He can perform complicated operations. He is a very skilful surgeon. Can she swim well? He could not feel or hear anything.
2. Possibility due to circumstances can (can’t) – the Present Tense could (couldn’t) – the Past Tense ìîãó ìîæåò ìîã ìîãëè Indefinite Infinitive affirmative interrogative negative to be able to, it’s possible to do smth At a chemist’s shop you can get medicines of all kinds. I can go to the seaside this summer if I have enough money.
3. a) Permission   b) Request     c) Prohibition   can – the Present Tense could – the Past Tense in Reported Speech   can could (a polite request)   can’t   ìîæåøü ìîæåòå     ìîãó ëè ÿ íå ìîãëè áû âû íåëüçÿ   Indefinite Infinitive   Indefinite Infinitive     Indefinite Infinitive   affirmative   interrogative     negative   to permit, to be allowed   The doctor said: “You can take long walks early in the morning”     Can (could) you give me some medicine for my headache?   You can’t visit him he has an infectious disease.
4. Unreality could – the Subjunctive II Form ìîã áû ìîãëè áû The Indefinite Infinitive refers the action to the present or future. The Perfect Infinitive indicates the action which was not carried out in the past affirmative interrogative negative would be able to do smth;   would have been able to do smth Why don’t you want the doctor to come? He could prescribe some medicine to bring down the fever (if he came). You could have stayed in bed for a few days. But you didn’t.
5. Uncertainty, doubt, astonishment can/could íåóæåëè ìîæåò ëè áûòü, ÷òîáû The Indefinite Infinitive refers the action to the present or future.   The Continuous Infinitive refers the action to the present. The Perfect Infinitive refers the action to the past. The Perfect Continuous Infinitive denotes an action begun in the past and continued into the moment of speaking interrogative (general questions) Is it possible that … ? Do you believe that …? Can (could) he be her husband? He is twice as old as she is.
  Can (could) she still be running a high temperature? Can (could) he have been operated on?   Can (could) they have been keeping to a diet for a few years?
6. Incredulity, improbability can’t/couldn’t íå ìîæåò áûòü, ÷òîáû; íåâåðîÿòíî, ÷òîáû; âðÿä ëè Indefinite Infinitive   Continuous Infinitive   Perfect Infinitive   Perfect Continuous Infinitive negative It’s hardly possible that; I refuse to believe that; I don’t think it’s possible that; it’s next to impossible that; I don’t believe that; I doubt that; It’s incredible (doubtful) that He can’t (couldn’t) be her husband. She can’t (couldn’t) be still running a high temperature. He can’t (couldn’t ) have been operated on. They can’t (couldn’t) have been keeping to a diet for a few years.
7. For emotional colouring can/could (in present time contexts) Äà ÷òî òû ìîæåøü…? È ÷òî îíè … È î ÷åì îíè … È êàê îí … È ÷òî ýòî îíà … Indefinite Infinitive Continuous Infinitive Perfect Infinitive Perfect Continuous Infinitive interrogative (special questions)   What can (could) you know of such things? What can (could) they be speaking about? How can (could) you have made such a mistake? What can (could) he have been doing all this time?
I. Remember the following set phrases with the verb can: 1. CAN’T/COULDN’T + HELP + DOING smth e.g.: She can’t help crying. – Îíà íå ìîæåò íå ïëàêàòü. He couldn’t stop admiring the city. Îí íå ìîã íå âîñõèùàòüñÿ ãîðîäîì. 2. CAN’T/COULDN’T +BUT + INFINITIVE (without “to”) e.g.: I can’t but ask about it. – Ìíå íè÷åãî äðóãîãî íå îñòàåòñÿ, êàê ñïðîñèòü îá ýòîì. They couldn’t’t but refuse him. - Èì íè÷åãî äðóãîãî íå îñòàâàëîñü, êàê îòêàçàòü åìó.
II. The Russian sentences of the type “Íåóæåëè îí íå çàìåòèë âàñ? Íå ìîæåò áûòü, ÷òîáû îí íå çàìåòèë âàñ. Íåóæåëè åìó íå íðàâèòñÿ çäåñü? Íå ìîæåò áûòü, ÷òîáû åìó çäåñü íå íðàâèëîñü” are rendered in English in the following ways: 1. Can (could) he have failed to notice you? 2. Can (could) he dislike it here? 3. Can (could) nobody have seen him do it? 4. Can (could) he have never got my letter? 5. Can (could) it be that he didn’t notice you? 6. He can’t (couldn’t) have failed to notice you. 7. He can’t (couldn’t) dislike it here.



Meaning Forms of the MV Ways of rendering into Russian Forms of the infinitive Kinds of sentences Some other ways of expressing the same meaning Sentence patterns
1. a) Permission     b) Request     c) Prohibition   a) may – the Present Tense b) might – the Past Tense   a) may – the Present Tense b) might – the Past Tense c) might – the Subjunctive II Form   may not       ìîæåøü ìîæåòå   ìîæíî ìîæåò     íå ìîãëè áû âû   íå ñìåé, íåëüçÿ, íè â êîåì ñëó÷àå   Indefinite Infinitive     Indefinite Infinitive     Indefinite Infinitive   affirmative     interrogative     negative   to be permitted, to be allowed   a) I have got two historical novels. So you may take one of them. b) Mother said you might take some oranges a) May I see him in the hospital on Tuesday? b) He asked me if he might rest for an hour c) Might I spend the weekend with you?   - May I have a look at the picture? - No, you may not. I don’t want you to.
2. Possibility due to circumstances a) may – the Present Tense   b) might – the Past Tense ìîæåøü     ìîãëè Indefinite Infinitive affirmative   a) Let’s meet at five o’clock at the post-office if the place and time are convenient to everybody. We may get there by bus. b) He said he might get to work by the Metro.
3. Unreality might – the Subjunctive II Form ìîã áû ìîãëè áû Perfect Infinitive affirmative   If he had arrived an hour earlier, he might have had a good night’ rest. Luckily I didn’t join them in their walk. It was very windy and I might have caught cold.
4. Disapproval or reproach might – the Subjunctive II Form ìîã áû ìîãëè áû Indefinite Infinitive Perfect Infinitive affirmative   Your child is shivering with cold. You might be more attentive to him. Tell him to put on his jacket. You answered his invitation with cold refusal. You might have invited me to this lecture.
5. Supposition implying uncertainty, doubt may/might ìîæåò áûòü âîçìîæíî Indefinite Infinitive   Continuous Infinitive   Perfect Infinitive   Perfect Continuous Infinitive affirmative negative   She looks pale. She may (might) be ill, but I think she may/might not have a high temperature. I think the doctor may/might be examining the patient now. Nick is missing today. He may/might have been taken ill. She may have been staying in bed for a week.



Meaning Forms of the MV Ways of rendering into Russian Forms of the infinitive Kinds of sentences Some other ways of expressing the same meaning Sentence patterns
1. Necessity need íåîáõîäèìî íóæíî   Indefinite Infinitive   affirmative (not typical) interrogative   necessary Need I answer the question?
2. Absence of necessity needn’t 1.íåò íåîáõîäè- ìîñòè, íå íóæíî 2.çðÿ, íåçà÷åì áûëî, íå íàäî áûëî
  1. Indefinite Infinitive
  2. Perfect Infinitive (expresses an action which was performed though it was necessary)
negative There is no need to do it. It’s not necessary to do it. There is no necessity to do it. The teacher needn’t explain such simple things. The pupils know them. We needn’t have brought our grammar books today. We are having a class in phonetics instead.
1. When rendering in Russian “íå íóæíî áûëî” use “needn’t have done” to show that the action was performed though it was not necessary. Use “didn’t have to do” to indicate that the action was not performed as there was no obligation. e.g.: He needn’t have bought the book (but he did). It is available at the library. I didn’t have to buy the textbook (and I didn’t) as I had it at home. 2. In negative sentences negation is not always associated with the verb “need”, it may be found else where in the sentence, e.g.: I don’t think we need continue our talk. They need hardly discuss the problem again.



Meaning Forms of the MV Ways of rendering into Russian Forms of the infinitive Kinds of sentences Some other ways of expressing the same meaning Sentence patterns
1. Obligation, necessity with no freedom of choice or from the speaker’s point of view   must – in present or future time contexts; in past time contexts in Indirect Speech       äîëæåí   Indefinite Infinitive       affirmative   interrogative     to be obliged to, it’s necessary for smb to do smth   If you have a new heart attack you must be taken to hospital. What must he do to keep feet? He said he must go to the dentist.
2. Prohibition mustn’t íå äîëæåí, íåëüçÿ Indefinite Infinitive negative to be forbidden Students mustn’t stay away from classes without a good reason.
3. Emphatic request or advice must mustn’t äîëæåí Indefinite Infinitive   affirmative negative   You mustn’t miss this film. It’s worth seeing this film. You must drop in at the chemist’s on your way home.
4. Supposition implying assurance, strong probability must âåðîÿòíî, äîëæíî áûòü, íàâåðíîå, ïî-âèäèìîìó, î÷åâèäíî, ïî âñåé âåðîÿòíîñòè Indefinite Infinitive   Continuous Infinitive     Perfect Infinitive     Perfect Continuous Infinitive only in the affirmative form in affirmative and negative sentences probably, evidently, surely, no doubt, undoubtedly, it’s clear that, in all probability He must be too old to wander about the city so long. They must be admiring the beautiful flowers in Hyde Park now. They must have been watching swans and ducks floating on the pond for an hous. She must have got used to their customs and traditions.
1. Absence of necessity is expressed by needn’t. e.g.: Must I mention all those facts in my report? - Yes, you must. They are important. - No, you needn’t. they are of no use. 2. Must is not used in the negative form to express supposition implying assurance. This meaning is expressed by: a) Evidently (probably) they didn’t come to any agreement; b) They must have failed to come to any agreement; c) They must have misunderstood us; d) He must never have guessed the truth; e) No one must have told them the truth. 3. Must is not used with reference to the future. In this case its equivalents are used. e.g.: She is likely (unlikely) to come.



Meaning Forms of the MV Ways of rendering into Russian Forms of the infinitive Kinds of sentences Some other ways of expressing the same meaning Sentence patterns
1. Obligation, necessity arising from circumstances   have (has) to; had to; shall/will have to; have (has) got to (in colloquial English), Do (does)… have to? Did … have to? Have (has) … got to…? (coll.)     äîëæåí   Indefinite Infinitive       affirmative     interrogative     to be obliged to   If you don’t take care of yourself, you’ll have to consult a doctor. I wondered how long I had to stay in hospital. Do Russian people have to pay for medical care? Did you have to wait for us? Have I got to wake him up for the medicine?
2. Absence of necessity don’t (doesn’t) have to; didn’t have to; haven’t (hasn’t) got to íå íóæíî, íåò íåîáõîäè- ìîñòè Indefinite Infinitive negative needn’t to You don’t have to stay in here with me, if it bothers you. You haven’t got to be operated on, have you?
“didn’t have to do” indicates that the action was not performed as there was no obligation e.g.: He didn’t have to water the flowers (and he didn’t). It was raining all day long.



Meaning Forms of the MV Ways of rendering into Russian Forms of the infinitive Kinds of sentences Some other ways of expressing the same meaning Sentence patterns
1. Obligation arising out of a plan, an arrangement am (is, are) to was (were) to äîëæåí, äîëæíû   Indefinite Infinitive Perfect Infinitive (an unfulfilled plan)       affirmative   interrogative   to plan; to make a plan; to arrange; to agree; to decide Today I am to go to the post-office. When are you to go there? Yesterday I was to have gone to the post-office to send a parcel, but I wasn’t able to. (a planned action was not carried out)  
2. An order, an instruction -||-||- -||-||- Indefinite Infinitive affirmative negative   If your letter contains anything valuable you are to register it.  
3. Possibility -||-||- ìîæíî Indefinite Infinitive Passive   affirmative interrogative negative   A letter marked ‘Post Restante’ is to be left at the post-office until it is called for. Where are postal orders to be cashed? Such envelopes aren’t to be bought anywhere.  
4. Something thought as unavoidable -||-||- ñóæäåíî Indefinite Infinitive affirmative negative   I didn’t know when I was to get a letter from her.   I still hoped to get a letter from her, but it wasn’t to be.
Remember the following set phrases: 1. Where am I to go? – Êóäà ìíå äåâàòüñÿ? 11. It’s to be hoped. – Íàäî íàäåÿòüñÿ. 2. What am I to do? – ×òî ìíå äåëàòü? 3. What is to become of me? – ×òî ñî ìíîé áóäåò? 4. When am I to be there? – Âî ñêîëüêî ìíå ïðèõîäèòü? 5. Who is to begin? – Êîìó íà÷èíàòü? 6. Who’s to blame? – Êòî âèíîâàò? 7. What’s to be done? – ×òî äåëàòü? 8. He’s nowhere to be found. – Åãî íèãäå íåëüçÿ íàéòè. 9. He is to be pitied. – Åãî íàäî ïîæàëåòü. 10. You are to be congratulated – Âàñ íàäî ïîçäðàâèòü.


Meaning Forms of the MV Ways of rendering into Russian Forms of the infinitive Kinds of sentences Some other ways of expressing the same meaning Sentence patterns
1. Obligation weakened to the sense of advice, desirability should shouldn’t Should I…? ought to oughtn’t to Ought I to…?   íóæíî ñëåäîâàëî ñëåäóåò Indefinite Infinitive   Continuous Infinitive   The Perfect Infinitive indicates that a desirable action was not carried out (an undesirable action was not carried out).       affirmative interrogative negative     I advise you to… I advise you not to… I recommend you to do… I urge you to do… It is for you to do… I would advise you to do… You ought to/should help your friend. He is in trouble. You should/ought to be getting ready for your report. You ought to/should have changed for the Underground. Gorky Street is far away from here. He oughtn’t to/shouldn’t have left London without visiting Hyde Park.
2. Instructions, corrections should shouldn’t Should I…? íóæíî ñëåäóåò Indefinite Infinitive affirmative interrogative negative   This preposition should be pronounced with a neutral sound in an unstressed position. You should take this medicine three times a day before your meals.
3. Disapproval, reproach for failing to do what was one’s duty or moral obligation should shouldn’t ought to oughtn’t to   ñëåäóåò ñëåäîâàëî áû íóæíî íóæíî áû The Continuous Infinitive refers the action to the present. The Perfect Infinitive indicates that the action was not carried out.   affirmative negative   You ought to/should be speaking more clearly.   You oughtn’t to/should have allowed him to go out so early after his illness.
4. Supposition implying probability should shouldn’t ought to oughtn’t to   äîëæíî áûòü î÷åâèäíî âåðîÿòíî The Indefinite Infinitive refers the action to the present or future. The Perfect Infinitive refers the action to the past. affirmative negative Very likely he… It’s likely he… Most likely he… Very probably he… I think it is probable that…I expect he… Probably not… This dish ought to/should be very delicious as it has been prepared by Mother. This dish is very delicious. It ought to/should have been prepared by Mother.
5. Emotional colouring Should I…?     Indefinite Infinitive interrogative     Why should I? Why should you help him? How should you know?


Meaning Forms of the MV Ways of rendering into Russian Forms of the infinitive Kinds of sentences Some other ways of expressing the same meaning Sentence patterns
1. Volition (willingness, readiness, consent, intention, determination) I / We will (would) I / We won’t (wouldn’t)       Indefinite Infinitive       affirmative   negative     I intend… I’m willing… We wish… We want… I’m determined… I will tell him about your coming, so he can meet you. I’ve often spoken at public meetings but this time I won’t You may come if you will, but you won’t find the meeting amusing. I said I would take part in the conference.
2. a) Persistence or refusal to perform an action.   b) Refusal to perform an action with lifeless things will (would) won’t (wouldn’t)     won’t wouldn’t will (would)   affirmative   negative   He insists…. She keeps on… She refuses… They continue… The teacher scolds her for whispering at the lesson, but she will whisper. I asked him to tell me the truth, but he wouldn’t. I couldn’t explain anything because the words wouldn’t come. He tried hard to stop the car, but it would move.
3. Requests (polite requests, polite invitations and suggestions) will would   interrogative Could you… May I ask you to give…? Will you pass me the salt? Would you come to tea this afternoon? Will you have another cup of tea?
4. Habitual or recurrent actions will (the present tense) (not common)   would (the past tense) (literary style)   affirmative used to That romantic girl will sit staring at the night sky. He would fish for hours without catching anything.
I. Remember the following set phrases: 1. would rather, would sooner. e.g.: I would rather do it myself. He would sooner die than do it. 2. Would you mind my staying here? I wouldn’t mind your joining us. II. Will may express supposition with reference to the present or future in combination with the indefinite infinitive, or to the past in combination with the perfect infinitive. This meaning is found with the 2nd and 3rd persons e.g.: This will be the school, I believe. You will have heard the news, I’m sure. III. Notice the use of will in the following sentences: e.g.: Boys will be boys. Accidents will happen. You will find no greater wisdom than kindness.



Meaning Forms of the MV Ways of rendering into Russian Forms of the infinitive Kinds of sentences Some other ways of expressing the same meaning Sentence patterns
1. Asking for instruction Shall I? Shall he (she, they)? by emphatic intonation   Indefinite Infinitive       interrogative   Must I do it? Do you want me to do it? Am I to do it? Shall I read the article again? Shall he (she, they) start speaking on the topic?
2. Compulsion or strict order You he she it they shall shan’t affirmative negative I shall make him do it. I shall get you to do it. You shall stop reading fiction books at your lectures. He shan’t prevent us from working at the problem.
3. Threat or warning You he she it they shall shan’t affirmative negative   Tell him he shall be punished for his behaviour. You shall fail the exam if you don’t work hard.
4. Promise You he she it they shall shan’t affirmative negative You are sure to get… I promise that they won’t punish you. Don’t worry, you shall have a minute’s rest before meeting begins.




Meaning Forms of the MV Ways of rendering into Russian Forms of the infinitive Kinds of sentences Some other ways of expressing the same meaning Sentence patterns
1. Impertinence, to have the courage to do smth dare do smth dared do smth   ñìåòü èìåòü íàãëîñòü   Indefinite Infinitive     affirmative   interrogative     You dare address me in that tone! Did he dare to strike me when I was down?
2. Not to have courage to do smth dared not do smth íå ñìåòü negative   He didn’t dare to meet his uncle
  1. “I dare say” has become a stock phrase and acquired a new meaning “I suppose”.
  2. It is used both:
a) as an normal verb => taking the auxiliary “do” in the interrogative and negative forms, -s in the 3rd person singular and the to+ Infinitive b) as an anomalous verb => without the auxiliary in its interrogative and negative forms, without –s in the 3rd person singular and with the bare Infinitive (without “to”)



Date: 2015-01-11; view: 2812

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