Chairman: Now I am opening Working Group Session on ChemicalEngineering. Each participant is allowed 7 minutes for the presentation of the paper. The floor is given to our first speaker Vladimir Podshibyakin from Chelyabinsk.
V.P.:Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Dear colleagues! My name is Vladimir Podshibyakin, I represent Chelyabinsk Technical University, Russia.
Unfortunately the events of the last few years showed a big threat of terrorism to our society with the possibility of using chemical weapons by terrorists. Naturally, the civilians must be able to correctly determine the damage caused by chemical weapons, for the timely warning and providing the first aid. That is why one part of our scientific work was to create the data-base of toxic agents. The data-base may be presented as a system. It’s shown in the picture. The real data-base allows to study chemical weapons and modern poison matters, measures of warning, methods of detocsication, types of influence to a full degree and also to study technology, tools of individual defense and technological provision of chemical production including objects of chemical weapons elimination.
The program also contains physical and chemical properties of toxic agents, recommendations on the preventive and protective measures the analysis of dangers and risks. The program is intended for all those who are also interested in the given problem. With this I would like to finish. Thank you.
Chairman: Thank you, Mr.Podshibyakin. Any questions? Mr. Smirnov, please.
V. S: Mr. Podshibyakin, what do you think of the practical application of your research?
V.P.: I hope that my program will help both scientists and engineers to solve the problem of elimination chemical and mass destruction weapons. And I also hope that ministries of defense of different countries will get interested in it.
Chairman: Any more questions? No. Thank you all. Now I am giving the floor to Julia Bogdanova from Ufa Technical University.
J.B.Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am happy to have this chance to present my paper at this conference. The subject of my research is “Dispersing polymerization of vinylchloride in the presence of an initiator and a chain transmitter”.This problem is interesting from many points of view. Polyvinylchloride (PVC) is one of the large-tonnage polymer products. Films, coatings, tubes and other goods are produced on the basis of it. It shall be observed that the conversion of PVC into different materials is determined by macroscopic (physicomechanical and rheological) polymer properties. These properties depend on molecular characteristics of PVC, which, in their turn, are formed during polymerization. That is why the purpose of my research is the search of technological decisions securing the necessary molecular characteristics and the investigation of the dependence between macroscopic properties and molecular characteristics.
This aim is achieved by the solution of the following problems. It is necessary to carry on the polymerization of vinylchloride in the presence of an initiator and different chain transmitters. After that it is required to investigate the molecular characteristics of synthesized polymer samples and to study the influence of these characteristics on rheological properties and a phase form of the PVC-plasticizer system. In the course of the research we advanced the hypothesis that the creation of the PVC-plasticizer system with constant viscosity was possible. Now we are checking the advanced hypothesis by means of a number of experiments. On the basis of the obtained experimental data we were able to determine the polydispersity of polymer samples synthesized in the presence of t-peroxipropanol-2. It shall be noted that these samples have higher molecular weight and molecular weight distribution.
Our work has not been completed yet. We are going to study the influence of molecular characteristics on rheological properties and a phase form of the PVC-plasticizer system. That seems all. Thank you for your attention.
Chairman:Thank you, Ms. Bogdanova.I again invite everyone to ask questions. Don’t forget to identify yourselves, please.
J.P.: Julia Poslamovskaya, Samara Technical University. I’d like to know what methods are used in the research.
J.B.: I’m glad you’ve asked that question. There are different methods to determine the polydispersity of polymers, but I use gel permeation chromatography. It is the fastest and most accurate method.
Chairman: Any more questions? Yes, the gentleman in the second row.
V.P.: Vladimir Podshibyakin from Chelyabinsk, Russia. Thank you, Ms Bogdanova for your interesting report. My first question is: where can the results of your research be used in future and the second one: what solvent do you work with?
J.B.: Well, the results of my research can be used in the production of linoleum in future. As for solvent I prepared All PVC solutions in cyclohexanone.
Chairman: Thank you all, the question time is up. Now I am giving the floor to Natalia Keibal from Volzhsky, Russia.
N.K.: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am happy to take this opportunity to present my paper. I would like to tell you about the research I’m carrying out.
Let me start by showing some slides (1). The subject of my research is connected with the problem of modification of chloroprene clues with oligomers incorporating amine.
As far as I know the subject of my research hasn’t been investigated enough, so in my theoretical part I advanced a number of theories and hypotheses. To confirm the hypotheses I have carried out a number of experiments. When I studied different theories I found the confirmation of my experimental data. In my work, I develop various methods. My experiments are carried out at the laboratory in VPI. But some experiments are carried out at the plant laboratory because I need special devices.
This enabled me to make the following conclusion. New modifiers incorporating amine have been developed. They may be used for clues based polychloroprene.
It is determined that when modifiers are used resistance of clues increases. For example, while sticking vulcanized rubbers based on chloroprene rubber by modified clue, its adhesion is much greater than rubber resistance. It is shown in slide 2. You may see vulcanized rubbers after tests.
This phenomenon is cased by the diffusion of macromolecules of the modified clue deep into vulcanized rubbers. The next slide is microphoto of an adhesions seam. With this demonstration of our explanation I would like to finish. Thank you.
Chairman: Thank you Ms. Keibal. That was our last speaker. So any questions or comments? Please, Mr. Smirnov.
V.S. I’d like to thank Ms Keibal for her excellent presentation. I think that everyone understands the importance of chemistry in the development of various fields of science and production. The main objective of chemical engineering is the development of new materials with special properties. But still concerning your own research: what branch of industry is it especially important for?
N.K.: I think my research is first of all very important for the rubber industry.
Chairman: Any more questions? Please, Mr. Podshibyakin.
V.P.: Ms. Keibal, you’ve made a very informative report. I also deal with this problem and I’d like to know if you have any scientific papers based on this research.
N.K.: I’ve got more than twenty publications and five patents. My main results were published in the journal “Rubber and Elastic” in October last year. So if you are interested in the problem, you may read it and examine all the details.
Chairman: Thank you, Ms Keibal. Well, it’s time we closed the discussion. I think we’ve done a good job. I would like to thank everybody for the informative and persuasive reports and your participation in the discussion. Thank you all.
Closing notice
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues!
Now I would like to give the floor to our sponsor, Director of the American Scientific Society, Jane Roberts.
J. Roberts: Dear friends! I am pleased that so many scientists from all over the world have come to attend this conference, and I am very impressed by your work. Especially I would like to note the achievements of the Russian delegation. All their reports were devoted to the development of modern technologies in metallurgy, automobile and chemical industries and even to the fight against terrorism. Besides, the Russian young scientists were most active during the discussion. They asked a lot of questions.
The American Scientific Society decided to sponsor their further research and to give everybody two hundred thousand dollars. We wish them great success. And in 2 years, when we meet in Rome July 2, 2010 we’ll have a chance to listen to their results. Thank you all.
Chairman: Now I am closing our conference. I think we’ve done a good job. I hope your participation in the conference was productive and professionally satisfying. I appreciate very much the contributions by all researchers.
I am looking forward to our next meeting in Rome in 2010. Thank you all.