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Specialty training and postgraduate studies

Following completion of medical school, junior doctors then enter a vocational training phase. In the UK a doctor's training normally follows this path:

Newly qualified doctors enter a two year Foundation Programme, where they undertake terms in a variety of different specialties. These must include training in General Medicine and General Surgery but can also include other fields such as Pediatrics, Anesthetics or General Practice.

Following completion of the Foundation Programme a doctor can choose to specialize in one field. All routes involve further assessment and examinations.

To train as a general practitioner (GP), after completing the Foundation Programme, a doctor must complete eighteen months of posts in a variety of hospital specialties - often including Pediatrics, psychiatry, Geriatrics and Obstetrics & Gynecology. The trainee also has to spend eighteen months as a General Practice Specialty Registrar - a trainee based in a GP practice. After completing this training and the relevant exams, the doctor can become a GP and can practise independently.

Hospital doctors are promoted after sitting relevant postgraduate exams within their chosen specialty (e.g. Member of the Royal College of Physicians MRCP, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons MRCS) and a competitive interview selection process from SHO to Specialty Registrar (StR) and eventually Consultant on completion of the CCT(Certificate of Completion of Training), which is the highest level in a specialty (with the exception of university-linked professors).

The competition is significant for those who wish to attain consultant level and many now complete higher degrees in research such as a Doctorate of Medicine (MD), which is a thesis-based award based on at least two-year full-time research; or PhD, which involves at least three years of full-time research. The time taken to get from medical school graduation to becoming a consultant varies from specialty to specialty but can be anything from 7 to more than 10 years.

B. Are these sentences true or false?

1. The majority of medical schools in Great Britain are private.

2. First-year students start training at hospitals and in community settings.

3. The degree “Bachelor of Medicine” refers to higher education qualification in Great Britain.

4. Such fields of medicine as Geriatrics and Pediatrics are studied at the undergraduate programme.

5. Foundation Programme is a vocational training course.

6. To become a GP a doctor should complete the Foundation Programme.

7. Before completing the Foundation Programme a doctor can choose his or her specialty.

8. Doctorate of Medicine is a degree awarded after qualifying for CCT.

9. PhD in Medicine is a degree awarded for the achievements in practice.

10. In compliance with the UK code the time taken to get a degree “Bachelor of Surgery” is 10 years.


C. Match the phrases

1. to refer a) full-time research
2. to be involved b) in Obstetrics and Gynecology
3. to complete c) as a surgeon
4. to become d) an exam
5. to specialize e) to preclinical subjects
6. to sit f) a term
7. to train g) in Foundation Programme
8. to vary h) a medical school
9. to undertake i) from course to course
10. to enter j) a General Practitioner


D. Using the information from the text and the exercise above complete the gaps in the sentences given below

1. If you want to _____ as a doctor you should be very patient.

a) become b) undertake c) train d) vary

2. When you complete the medical school you can choose a certain _______ .

a) specialty b) exam c) graduation d) interview

3. Studying at the medical school students have a chance to be trained at the ______.

a) clinic b) dentist’s c) teaching hospital d) pharmacy

4. When junior doctors complete Foundation Programme they have to __________ .

a) sit exams b) train students c) write a thesis d) qualify for BBBS

5. While studying at Foundation Programme junior doctors can _________ terms in various fields of medicine.

a) undertake b) train c) specialize d) award

6. When Mr. Smith got CCT he obtained the right to work ________ Consultant.

a) for b) like c) in d) as

7) He was involved _______ two-year full-time research before being awarded with the highest degree in Medicine – MD.

a) in b) of c) on d) at

8) The quantity of disciplines ________ from year to year at the medical school.

a) retains b) meets c) varies d) undertakes

9) Biology and Anatomy don’t refer ______ clinical subjects.

a) to b) on c) at d) in

10) Medical schools in the UK are _________ .

a) vocational b) independent c) private d) state-funded


E. All the abbreviations listed below refer to medical education in the UK .Using information from the text and Internet e[plain what stands for them.









F. Using the information from the text answer the questions listed below

1. What is a medical school in Great Britain?

2. Should a British student pay for education at the medical school?

3. What types of courses does a student of the British medical school have?

4. How long does it generally take a student to complete a medical school in the UK?

5. What are the first degrees in medicine in the UK?

6. What do the abbreviations MBChB or MBBS mean?

7. Does the degree “Bachelor of Medicine” give a right to work as a hospital doctor?

8. What vocational training can junior doctors enter after graduating from the medical school?

9. What educational terms do the enrollees of Foundation Programme undertake?

10. Does a doctor become a GP after completing Foundation Programme?

11. What are the compulsory requirements for becoming a GP?

12. What should a doctor do to get a qualification of Consultant?

13. How do the qualifications of Consultant and Doctorate of Medicine differ?

14. How do degrees of Doctorate of Medicine and PhD differ in the UK?

15. How long does it take a person to become Consultant in the field of Medicine in the UK?


G. Speak about medical education in the United Kingdom.



Date: 2015-01-11; view: 1230

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