Data from Levy BS, Wegman DH: Occupational health — an overview. In Levy BS, et al. (eds): Occupational Health. Recognizing and Preventing Work-Related Disease and Injury,
fourth ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000, p. 3; and Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor,
byproducts, and metals are commonly detected at hazardous waste sites ( Table 9-2 ). There are currently 11,300 Superfund-designated waste sites in the United States. The potential
human health hazards associated with exposure to chemical mixtures is a major concern.[2]
There is considerable difference in the magnitudes of exposure in the occupational and environmental settings. Occupational exposures affect a defined cohort of workers who are exposed
to chemicals in the range of parts per million (ppm); by contrast, environmental exposures to these same chemicals in the air, water, or hazardous waste sites may be in the parts per billion
(ppb) or parts per trillion (ppt) range. The health effects of such chronic, low-level exposures are unknown.
In the United States, four regulatory agencies determine exposure limits for environmental and occupational hazards: the Environmental Protection Agency, the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and the Consumer Products Safety Commission. The Environmental Protection Agency regulates exposure to
pesticides, toxic chemicals, water and air pollutants, and hazardous wastes. The FDA regulates drugs, medical devices, food additives, and cosmetics. The Occupational Safety and Health
Administration mandates that employers (including hospitals and physicians) provide safe working conditions for employees. All other products sold for use in homes, schools, or
recreation are regulated by the Consumer Products Safety Commission.
Physicians should be familiar with current approaches used by regulatory agencies in the United States and be prepared to explain the strengths and limitations of the scientific evidence in
nontechnical terms. Health care providers must be prepared to counsel patients about the primary prevention of disease related to occupational and environmental exposures, taking into
account potential synergistic effects of mixed exposures and individual genetic susceptibility. Prevention of tobacco smoking would prevent 80% to 90% of lung cancers; however, this
objective has been difficult to achieve, especially in teenagers. Strategies for secondary prevention of lung cancer in former or current smokers (e.g., chemoprevention) have been
disappointing so far.[3] Prevention of occupationally
TABLE 9-2-- Common Chemicals at Hazardous Waste Sites
Acetone DDT, DDE, DDD
Aldrin/Dieldrin 1,1 and 1,2-Dichloroethane
Arsenic Lead
Barium Mercury
Benzene Methylene chloride
2-Butanone Nickel
Cadmium Pentachlorophenol
Carbon tetrachloride Polychlorinated biphenyls
Chlordane Tri- and Tetrachloroethylene
Chloroform Toluene
Chromium Vinyl Chloride
Cyanide Zinc
Data from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
related diseases rests on defining and enforcing safe exposure levels, developing new technologies to reduce industrial exposures, and identifying less toxic substitutes for industrial and
chemical agents. These strategies require a basic understanding of biochemical and molecular mechanisms of toxicity.