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Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

A hemorrhagic rash that extends over the entire body, including the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, is the hallmark

Figure 8-45Typhus nodule in the brain.

Figure 8-46Rocky Mountain spotted fever with a thrombosed vessel and vasculitis.

Figure 8-47The morphology of Candida infections. A, Severe candidiasis of the distal esophagus. B, Silver stain of esophageal candidiasis reveals the dense mat of Candida. C,

Characteristic pseudohyphae and blastoconidia (budding yeast) of Candida. (C, Courtesy of Dr. Dominick Cuvuoti, Department of Pathology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical

School, Dallas, TX.)

Figure 8-48Mucicarmine stain of cryptococci (staining red) in a Virchow-Robin perivascular space of the brain (soap-bubble lesion).

Figure 8-49Aspergillus morphology. A, Invasive aspergillosis of the lung in a bone marrow transplant patient. B, Histologic sections from this case, stained with Gomori methenaminesilver

(GMS) stain, show septate hyphae with acute-angle branching, features consistent with Aspergillus. Occasionally, Aspergillus may demonstrate fruiting bodies (inset) when it grows

in areas that are well aerated (such as the upper respiratory tract).

Figure 8-50PAS stain of mucormycosis showing hyphae, which have an irregular width and right-angle branching, invading an artery wall.

Figure 8-51Life cycle of Plasmodium falciparum. (Drawn by Dr. Jeffrey Joseph, Beth Israel-Deaconess Hospital, Boston, MA.)

Figure 8-52P. falciparum-infected red cells marginating within a vein in cerebral malaria.

Figure 8-53Erythrocytes with Babesia, including the distinctive Maltese cross form. (Courtesy of Lynne Garcia, LSG and Associates, Santa Monica, CA.)

Figure 8-54Leishmania donovani parasites within the macrophages of a lymph node in visceral leishmaniasis (kala-azar).

Figure 8-55Slender bloodstream parasites of African trypanosomiasis.

Figure 8-56Strongyloides hyperinfection in a patient treated with high-dose cortisone. A female, her eggs and rhabditoid larvae are in the duodenal crypts; filariform larvae are entering

the blood vessels and muscularis mucosa. (Courtesy of Dr. Franz C. Von Lichtenberg, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA.)

Figure 8-57Portion of a cysticercus cyst.

Figure 8-58Coiled Trichinella spiralis larva within a skeletal muscle cell.

Figure 8-59Schistosome life cycle.

Figure 8-60Schistosoma mansoni granuloma with a miracidium-containing egg (center) and numerous, adjacent, scattered eosinophils.

Figure 8-61Pipe-stem fibrosis of the liver due to chronic Schistosoma japonicum infection.

Figure 8-62Massive edema and elephantiasis caused by filariasis of the leg. (Courtesy of Dr. Willy Piessens, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA.)

Figure 8-63Microfilaria-laden gravid female of Onchocerca volvulus in a subcutaneous fibrous nodule.


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