The major underlying mechanism of these diseases involves the systemic development of an immune response against tumor antigens that can cross-react with antigens in the central or
peripheral nervous systems.[280] [281] The relationship among the underlying malignant process, the clinical features, and the antigens underlying the syndrome are complex. Some tumor
types are associated with multiple types of autoantibodies, and the same antibodies can be present in different clinical syndromes. What allows these antibodies access to the nervous
system and how this immune response to intracellular proteins (for the most part) elicits disease remain unanswered questions. There may also be a component of T cell-mediated
neuronal injury in some settings.[282]
These tumors arise from cells of the peripheral nerve, including Schwann cells, perineurial cells, and fibroblasts. Many express Schwann cell characteristics, including the presence of S-
100 antigen as well as the potential for melanocytic differentiation. As nerves exit the brain and spinal cord, there is a transition between myelination by oligodendrocytes and
myelination by Schwann cells. This occurs within several millimeters of the substance of the brain; thus, peripheral nerve tumors can arise within the dura and may cause changes in
adjacent brain or spinal cord. Tumors of comparable histogenesis and biologic behavior also arise along the peripheral course of nerves.
These benign tumors arise from the neural crest-derived Schwann cell and are associated with neurofibromatosis type 2. Symptoms are referable to local compression of the involved
nerve or to compression of adjacent structures (such as brain stem or spinal cord). Sporadic schwannomas are associated with mutations in the NF2 gene on chromosome 22; there is
usually absence of the NF2 gene product by Western blotting or immunostaining, even if there is no evidence of a mutation in the gene.[283]
Schwannomas are well-circumscribed, encapsulated masses that are attached to the nerve but can be separated from it ( Fig. 28-49A ). Tumors form firm, gray masses but may also have
areas of cystic and xanthomatous change. On microscopic examination, tumors show a mixture of two growth patterns ( Fig. 28-49B ). In the Antoni Apattern of growth, elongated cells
with cytoplasmic processes are arranged in fascicles in areas of moderate to high cellularity with little stromal matrix; the "nuclear-free zones" of processes that lie between the regions
of nuclear palisading are termed Verocay bodies. In the Antoni Bpattern of growth, the tumor is less densely cellular with a loose meshwork of cells along with microcysts and myxoid
changes. In both areas, the cytology of the individual cells is similar, with elongated cell shape and regular oval nuclei. Electron microscopy shows basement membrane deposits
encasing single cells and long-spacing collagen. Because the lesion displaces the nerve of origin as it grows, silver stains or immunostains for neurofilament proteins demonstrate that
axons are largely excluded from the tumor, although they may become entrapped in the capsule. The Schwann cell origin of these tumors is borne out by their S-100 immunoreactivity.
A variety of degenerative changes may be found in schwannomas, including nuclear pleomorphism, xanthomatous change, and vascular hyalinization. Malignant change is extremely
rare in schwannomas, although local recurrence can follow incomplete resection.
Clinical Features.
Within the cranial vault, the most common location of schwannomas is in the cerebellopontine angle, where they are attached to the vestibular branch of the eighth nerve ( Fig. 28-49 ).
Patients often present with tinnitus and hearing loss, and the tumor is often referred to as an acoustic neuroma, although it is more accurately called a vestibular schwannoma. Elsewhere
within the dura, sensory nerves are preferentially involved, including branches of the trigeminal nerve and dorsal roots. When extradural, schwannomas are most commonly found in
association with large nerve trunks, where motor and sensory modalities are intermixed.
Figure 28-49Schwannoma. A, Bilateral eighth nerve schwannomas. (Courtesy of Dr. K.M. Earle.) B, Tumor showing cellular areas (Antoni A), including Verocay bodies (far right), as
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