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MEN-2 is subclassified into three distinct syndromes: MEN-2A, MEN-2B, and familial medullary thyroid cancer.

MEN-2A, or Sipple syndrome, is characterized by pheochromocytoma, medullary carcinoma, and parathyroid hyperplasia. Medullary carcinomas of the thyroid occur in

almost 100% of patients. They are usually multifocal and are virtually always associated with foci of C-cell hyperplasia in the adjacent thyroid. The medullary carcinomas may

elaborate calcitonin and other active products and are usually clinically aggressive. Forty per cent to 50% of patients with MEN-2A have pheochromocytomas, which are often

bilateral and may arise in extra-adrenal sites. As in the case of pheochromocytomas in general, they may be benign or malignant. Ten per cent to 20% of patients have

parathyroid hyperplasia and evidence of hypercalcemia or renal stones. MEN-2A is clinically and genetically distinct from MEN-1 and has been linked to germ-line mutations in

the RET (rearranged during transfection) protooncogene on chromosome 10q11.2. As was noted earlier, the RET protooncogene is a receptor tyrosine kinase that binds

glialderived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and other ligands in the GDNF family and transmits growth and differentiation signals ( Chapter 7 ). Loss of function mutations in RET

result in intestinal aganglionosis and Hirschsprung disease ( Chapter 17 ). In contrast, in MEN-2A (as well as in MEN-2B), germ-line mutations constitutively activate the RET

receptor, resulting in gain of function.[133] This scenario is different from most other inherited predispositions to neoplasia, which are due to heritable loss of function mutations

that inactivate tumor-suppressor proteins ( Chapter 7 ).

MEN-2B has significant clinical overlap with MEN-2A. Patients develop medullary thyroid carcinomas, which are usually multifocal and more aggressive than in MEN-2A,

and pheochromocytomas. However, unlike in MEN-2A, primary hyperparathyroidism is not present. In addition, MEN-2B is accompanied by neuromas or ganglioneuromas

involving the skin, oral mucosa, eyes, respiratory tract, and gastrointestinal tract, and a marfanoid habitus, with long axial skeletal features and hyperextensible joints. A single

amino acid change in RET (RETMet918Thr ), distinct from the

mutational spectra that are seen in MEN-2A, appears to be responsible for virtually all cases of MEN-2B and affects a critical region of the tyrosine kinase catalytic domain of the


Familial medullary thyroid cancer is a variant of MEN-2A, in which there is a strong predisposition to medullary thyroid cancer but not the other clinical manifestations of

MEN-2A or MEN-2B. A substantial majority of cases of medullary thyroid cancer are sporadic, but as many as 20% may be familial. Familial medullary thyroid cancers

develop at an older age than those occurring in the full-blown MEN-2 syndrome and follow a more indolent course.

In contrast to MEN-1, in which the long-term benefit of early diagnosis via genetic screening is not well established, diagnosis via screening of at-risk family members in MEN-2A

kindred is important because medullary thyroid carcinoma is a life-threatening disease that can be prevented by early thyroidectomy. Prior to the advent of genetic testing, family

members of patients with the MEN-2 syndrome were screened with annual biochemical tests, which often lacked sensitivity. Now, routine genetic testing identifies RET mutation

carriers earlier and more reliably in MEN-2 kindred; all individuals carrying germ-line RET mutations are advised to undergo prophylactic thyroidectomy to prevent the inevitable

development of medullary carcinomas.

Pineal Gland


The rarity of clinically significant lesions (virtually only tumors) justifies brevity in the consideration of the pineal gland. It is a minute, pinecone-shaped organ (hence its name),

weighing 100 to 180 mg and lying between the superior colliculi at the base of the brain. It is composed of a loose, neuroglial stroma enclosing nests of epithelial-appearing pineocytes,

cells with photosensory and neuroendocrine functions (hence the designation of the pineal gland as the "third eye"). Silver impregnation stains reveal that these cells have long, slender

processes reminiscent of primitive neuronal precursors intermixed with the processes of astrocytic cells.


All tumors involving the pineal are rare; most (50% to 70%) arise from sequestered embryonic germ cells. They most commonly take the form of so-called germinomas, resembling

testicular seminoma ( Chapter 21 ) or ovarian dysgerminoma ( Chapter 22 ). Other lines of germ cell differentiation include embryonal carcinomas; choriocarcinomas; mixtures of

germinoma, embryonal carcinoma, and choriocarcinoma; and, uncommonly, typical teratomas (usually benign). Whether to characterize these germ cell neoplasms as pinealomas is still

a subject of debate, but most "pinealophiles" favor restricting the term pinealoma to neoplasma arising from the pineocytes.


These neoplasms are divided into two categories, pineoblastomas and pineocytomas, based on their level of differentiation, which, in turn, correlates with their neoplastic aggressiveness.



Pineoblastomasare encountered mostly in the first two decades of life and appear as soft, friable, gray masses punctuated with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. They typically invade

surrounding structures, such as the hypothalamus, midbrain, and lumen of the third ventricle. Histologically, they are composed of masses of pleomorphic cells two to four times the

diameter of an erythrocyte. Large hyperchromatic nuclei appear to occupy almost the entire cell, and mitoses are frequent. The cytology is that of primitive embryonal tumor("small

blue cell neoplasm") similar to medulloblastoma ( Chapter 28 ) or retinoblastoma ( Chapter 29 ).

Pineoblastomas, like medulloblastomas, tend to spread via the cerebrospinal fluid. As might be expected, the enlarging mass may compress the aqueduct of Sylvius, giving rise to

internal hydrocephalus and all its consequences. Survival beyond 1 or 2 years is rare.

In contrast, pineocytomasoccur mostly in adults and are much slower-growing than pineoblastomas. They tend to be well-circumscribed, gray, or hemorrhagic masses that compress but

do not infiltrate surrounding structures. Histologically, the tumors may be pure pineocytomas or exhibit divergent glial, neuronal, and retinal differentiation.The tumors are

composed largely of pineocytes having darkly staining, round-to-oval, fairly regular nuclei. Necrosis is unusual, and mitoses are virtually absent. The neoplastic cells resemble normal

pineocytes in their strong immunoreactivity for neuro-specific enolase and synaptophysin. Particularly distinctive are the pineocytomatous pseudorosettesrimmed by rows of

pineocytes. The centers of these rosettes are filled with eosinophilic cytoplasmic material representing tumor cell processes. These cells are set against a background of thin,

fibrovascular, anastomosing septa, which confer a lobular growth pattern to the tumor. Glial and retinal differentiation is detectable by immunoreactivity for glial fibrillary acidic protein

and retinal S-antigen, respectively.

The clinical course of patients with pineocytomas is prolonged, averaging 7 years. The manifestations are the consequence of their pressure effects and consist of visual disturbances,

headache, mental deterioration, and sometimes dementia-like behavior. The lesions being located where they are, it is understandable that successful excision is at best difficult.


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