½–4 hr None Usually none; variable waviness of fibers at border Sarcolemmal disruption; mitochondrial amorphous
4–12 hr Occasionally dark mottling Beginning coagulation necrosis; edema; hemorrhage
12–24 hr Dark mottling Ongoing coagulation necrosis; pyknosis of nuclei; myocyte
hypereosinophilia; marginal contraction band necrosis;
beginning neutrophilic infiltrate
1–3 days Mottling with yellow-tan infarct center Coagulation necrosis, with loss of nuclei and striations;
interstitial infiltrate of neutrophils
3–7 days Hyperemic border; central yellow-tan
Beginning disintegration of dead myofibers, with dying
neutrophils; early phagocytosis of dead cells by
macrophages at infarct border
7–10 days Maximally yellow-tan and soft, with
depressed red-tan margins
Well-developed phagocytosis of dead cells; early
formation of fibrovascular granulation tissue at margins
10–14 days Red-gray depressed infarct borders Well-established granulation tissue with new blood vessels
and collagen deposition
2–8 wk Gray-white scar, progressive from border
toward core of infarct
Increased collagen deposition, with decreased cellularity
>2 mo Scarring complete Dense collagenous scar
solution of triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC). This histochemical stain imparts a brick-red color to intact, noninfarcted myocardium where the dehydrogenase enzymes are preserved.
Because dehydrogenases are depleted in the area of ischemic necrosis (they leak out through the damaged cell membranes), an infarcted area is revealed as an unstained pale zone (while
old scarred infarcts appear white and glistening) ( Fig. 12-15 ). Subsequently, by 12 to 24 hours, an infarct can be identified in routinely fixed gross slices owing to a red-blue hue caused
by stagnated, trapped blood. Progressively thereafter, the infarct becomes a more sharply defined, yellow-tan, somewhat softened area that by 10 days to 2 weeks is rimmed by a hyperemic
zone of highly vascularized granulation tissue. Over the succeeding weeks, the injured region evolves to a fibrous scar.
The histopathologic changes also have a fairly predictable sequence (summarized in Table 12-5 and Figure 12-16 ). Using light microscopic examination of routinely stained tissue
sections, the typical changes of coagulative necrosis become detectable variably in the first 4 to 12 hours. "Wavy fibers" may be present at the periphery of the infarct; these changes
probably result from the forceful systolic tugs by the viable fibers immediately adjacent to the noncontractile dead fibers, thereby stretching and buckling them. An additional but sublethal
ischemic change may be seen in the margins of infarcts: so-called vacuolar degeneration or myocytolysis, involving large vacuolar spaces within cells, probably containing water. This
potentially reversible alteration is particularly frequent in the thin zone of viable subendocardial cells. Subendocardial
Figure 12-15Acute myocardial infarct, predominantly of the posterolateral left ventricle, demonstrated histochemically by a lack of staining by the triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC)
stain in areas of necrosis (arrow). The staining defect is due to the enzyme leakage that follows cell death. Note the myocardial hemorrhage at one edge of the infarct that was associated
with cardiac rupture, and the anterior scar (arrowhead), indicative of old infarct. (Specimen the oriented with the posterior wall at the top.)
Figure 12-16Microscopic features of myocardial infarction and its repair. A, One-day-old infarct showing coagulative necrosis along with wavy fibers (elongated and narrow), compared
with adjacent normal fibers (at right). Widened spaces between the dead fibers contain edema fluid and scattered neutrophils. B, Dense polymorphonuclear leukocytic infiltrate in area of
acute myocardial infarction of 3 to 4 days' duration. C, Nearly complete removal of necrotic myocytes by phagocytosis (approximately 7 to 10 days). D, Granulation tissue characterized by
loose collagen and abundant capillaries. E, Well-healed myocardial infarct with replacement of the necrotic fibers by dense collagenous scar. A few residual cardiac muscle cells are
Figure 12-17Temporal sequence of early biochemical, ultrastructural, histochemical, and histologic findings after onset of severe myocardial ischemia. For approximately 30 minutes after
the onset of even the most severe ischemia, myocardial injury is potentially reversible. Thereafter, progressive loss of viability occurs that is complete by 6 to 12 hours. The benefits of
reperfusion are greatest when it is achieved early, with progressively smaller benefit occurring as reperfusion is delayed. (Modified with permission from Antman E: Acute myocardial
infarction. In Braunwald E, Zipes DP, Libby P (eds): Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 6th ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2001, pp. 1114–1231.)
Figure 12-18Consequences of myocardial ischemia followed by reperfusion. A, Schematic illustration of the progression of myocardial ischemic injury and its modification by restoration
of flow (reperfusion). Hearts suffering brief periods of ischemia of <20 minutes followed by reperfusion do not develop necrosis (reversible injury). Brief ischemia followed by reperfusion
results in stunning. If coronary occlusion is extended beyond 20 minutes' duration, a wavefront of necrosis progresses from subendocardium to subepicardium over time. Reperfusion
before 3 to 6 hours of ischemia salvages ischemic but viable tissue. (This salvaged tissue may demonstrate stunning.) Reperfusion beyond 6 hours does not appreciably reduce myocardial
infarct size. Late reperfusion may still have a beneficial effect on reducing or preventing myocardial infarct expansion and left ventricular remodeling. B, Gross and C, microscopic
appearance of myocardium modified by reperfusion. B, Large, densely hemorrhagic, anterior wall acute myocardial infarction from patient with left anterior descending artery thrombus
treated with streptokinase intracoronary thrombolysis (triphenyl tetrazolium chloride-stained heart slice). (Specimen oriented with posterior wall at top.) C, Myocardial necrosis with
hemorrhage and contraction bands, visible as dark bands spanning some myofibers (arrow). This is the characteristic appearance of markedly ischemic myocardium that has been
Figure 12-19Complications of myocardial infarction. Cardiac rupture syndromes (A, B, and C). A, Anterior myocardial rupture in an acute infarct (arrow). B, Rupture of the ventricular
septum (arrow). C, Complete rupture of a necrotic papillary muscle. D, Fibrinous pericarditis, showing a dark, roughened epicardial surface overlying an acute infarct. E, Early expansion
of anteroapical infarct with wall thinning (arrow) and mural thrombus. F, Large apical left ventricular aneurysm. The left ventricle is on the right in this apical four-chamber view of the
heart. (A–E, Reproduced by permission from Schoen FJ: Interventional and Surgical Cardiovascular Pathology: Clinical Correlations and Basic Principles, Philadelphia, WB Saunders,
1989.) (F, Courtesy of William D. Edwards, M.D., Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.)
Figure 12-20Hypertensive heart disease with marked concentric thickening of the left ventricular wall causing reduction in lumen size. The left ventricle is on the right in this apical fourchamber
view of the heart. A pacemaker is incidentally present in the right ventricle (arrow).
TABLE 12-6-- Disorders Predisposing to Cor Pulmonale