Several months went by, and one evening I was at my mother’s house, when a longtime family friend named Daisy, a Santera from years back, showed up for a visit. As we allgathered in the living room, I turned to her and said, “Daisy, how’s your life?”
“My life is fine, John,” she said. “I’m serving the saints and doing very well.”
“Daisy, you’re not serving any saints at all, you’re serving the devil and his demons in Santeria, and there’s no coincidence that I’m here. This is a divine appointment, and Jesus wants to set you free.”
Her face went blank for a moment. “John, what are you saying? You were in the religion a lot longer and deeper than I ever will be. You know the saints better than I do—St. Lazarus, St. Ilia, St. Martín, and many others—and you know how this religion works. Why are you speaking about the devil when these saints are supposed to be protective spirits from God, guardian angels that God sent to help us in our daily life?”
I shook my head. “That’s not true, that’s just a disguise. God doesn’t need any help. He’s God all by Himself. This religion is the occult, and it’s run by the devil and his demons. The reason they use these names is to disguise themselves and entrap people into the religion. Because they know this is the only way you can relate to them. And at one time I was fooled like you are now. Why is it that every feast I went to for twenty-five years, and the feasts you go to, never mentioned Jesus Christ? Isn’t that true, Daisy? Have you ever heard them mention Jesus Christ at these gatherings? Have you?”
Daisy stared at me, her eyes troubled. “No, John, not at
“So you see,” I said, “this is all a masquerade. And another thing, why when you go to the feasts do the people who call themselves mediums get possessed and drink liquor and smoke cigars all night long, and also curse? Where do you see Jesus in this? Jesus Christ is a sovereign God and a holy God.”
I could see that in her heart she had a void and couldn’t hide it. Her eyes welled up with tears, and she tried to speak
but nothing came out.
“Jesus loves you and He died for you,” I said softly. “Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.”
In a very sad voice, she answered, “John, what must I
“Denounce the occult and give your heart to Jesus,” I said. “He will set you free.”
A few days later, Daisy accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior, denounced Santeria, and threw all her witchcraft paraphernalia in the trash. I rejoiced to hear the news. But two weeks later I learned that Daisy had passed on to be with the Lord from a cancer that was killing her which she had told no one about. I decided to attend her funeral with a Christian brother who accompanied me.
As we parked in front of the funeral home on Westchester Avenue, I made my way across the street and saw a lady dressed all in white standing guard at the door to the funeral home. Coming closer, I realized she was one of my ex-godmothers in the religion. As I walked by her, she stood stone cold, not even blinking or acknowledging me. I knew what she was up to. I did the same thing for many years. They were there in the funeral home to steal the souls of the dead that were being watched that night.
Inside the front lobby, I saw Aunt Maria and her clan of witches and warlocks. It was more like a reunion, and this time around I was with Jesus. As I turned around and greeted Aunt Maria, her face froze.
She gave me a look that said it all. “We’ve been trying
to kill you for seven years, and you’re still around.”
All I did was smile and make my way to the casket to pay my respects to Daisy. As I came back out to the lobby, many of those in the occult did not look at me or say a word to me. I was their enemy. They looked jittery and uncomfortable, pacing back and forth. I started to pray silently, asking the Holy Spirit what was going on. He said to me, “What does darkness have to do with the light?”
As I said my goodbyes, the Holy Spirit reminded me that I was no longer part of that world. It was like a twenty-five-year nightmare had finally come to an end, and he whom the Son sets free is free indeed. I knew that night, in my heart, that I was truly free.
‘I See Jesus in You’
As time went by and I situated myself in the church, I prayed to the Lord and told Him I wanted to be a servant in His house—I wanted to join a ministry. I asked God to direct me to the right opportunity, and as I prayed He led me to join the security ministry at Times Square Church. The Lord had granted me favor there with one of the elders who was in charge of the security team. As I matured spiritually and time went by, I was blessed to be in charge of covering Pastor David Wilkerson, picking him up and walking him home down the city streets after services. I was also assigned to Nicky Cruz and his family whenever he attended Times Square
Church to preach. Those were among the many blessings I had, the honor to walk with Pastor Dave and Reverend Nicky and learn from these men of God what He had done in their lives during the many chats I had with them.
One night was like never before—so special. As I walked Pastor Dave home after service that crisp autumn night, I glanced at him. He was an elegant man, thin and fit for his age, well dressed, and I admired the way he took care of himself. I looked up to him like a spiritual dad. But there was something more about this man—he had an anointing on him that was indescribable. As we walked side by side, not saying a word, and approached his home, he turned to me. He could have said many things that night as he looked at me, but the words that came out of his mouth pierced my soul. I’ve been touched twice in my life—once by Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, and the second time by my pastor, as he said words I will never forget: “I see Jesus in you.”
I turned my face, my eyes welling up with tears, and I walked away blessed beyond measure. As I headed back up the street toward the church, I recalled as a little boy how I thought God had passed me by. This time He had not passed me by.
There Is a New Life Waiting
In conclusion, I want to make it perfectly clear that the dangers of witchcraft, tarot card reading, the religion, or involvement in any occult are very real. Nothing in the devil’s backyard is a game to be toyed with. Although God delivered me, He didn’t have to. He didn’t owe me anything. He did it simply because of His great love and mercy. Salvation is free but it isn’t cheap. It cost the death of His only begotten Son, the shed blood of an innocent man—the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29).
As a young man, I tried everything to fill the empty void in my life—booze, women, position, money, and worshipping a god who was really the devil in disguise. But what could truly fill the vastness of the heart? Only God through Jesus Christ can, just as His presence fills the cosmos. He can fill and satisfy your life, just as He did mine. Now I live a life of peace, joy, and unconditional love, knowing that when I die I will be with Him forever.
I have a question for you to think about. If today were your last day on earth, where would you spend eternity? There is no escaping the courtroom of heaven. If you refuse the holy one who bled and died on the cross, the one for whom God poured out His wrath against all sin, the judgment is where you will stand. The Bible says it is appointed unto man to die once, but after that comes the judgment (Hebrews 9:27).
The Sum of All Things
King Solomon said in the book of Ecclesiastes:
Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole [duty] of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 NIV
Today looking back at my life, I realize like King Solomon that all was meaninglessness. Witchcraft added nothing to my life; it destroyed my marriage and stole my relationship with my daughter in her younger years. It filled my life with misery. It turned me into a man of hatred, pride, and loneliness—a man with a shallow life. It was I who was held captive more than those I cursed. I thought I had it all but in
reality I was empty. Empty of true life! Jesus said in John 10:10, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
How grateful I am to have true life today. It has not always been an easy walk. Like everyone else my life is not void of sorrows or disappointments, even in Jesus. But I have something now that outweighs any day in my previous life, and that is the unconditional love of God. I have been set free and there is no greater miracle than the miracle of the salvation of my soul.
I don’t know if your soul is imprisoned by the religion or any other occult. Perhaps certain areas of your life have not yet experienced true freedom. There is a God with open arms who wants to set you totally free. If He could take a sinner like me who cursed His name, a man who knew nothing but darkness and bring him to the light, then there is hope and a future for you today. I cannot close the story of my life without offering you the precious gift that was so freely given to me when I was bound and could not see my way out of darkness. This gift is Jesus.
Pray this prayer with me:
Lord, I thank You for the transforming power that comes through Your Son, Jesus. I too want to experience true freedom and abundant life. I repent today of all my sins. I repent if at any time in my life I opened myself to the occult. I ask You to come into my life now and be Lord and
Savior over my life. Wash me with Your blood, which is ever flowing, and transform my life forever. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
I declare now over your life that every chain of Satan is broken, that the blood of Jesus shed on the cross is washing and cleansing every area of your being. Today I declare freedom in Christ Jesus over you. Amen.
John Ramirez
To My Dad
No doubt, my dad and I were never able to establish the son and father relationship that should have been. But I have forgiven my dad. Healing could never have taken place in my life without forgiveness.
I thank God for changing my heart and bringing His healing balm to the broken pieces of my life. In a time when even thinking of those who hurt me would literally take my breath away, I discovered the unconditional love of God which surpasses all pain and understanding. He taught me the true meaning of forgiveness.
Forgiveness is a choice. When I look at how Christ forgave those who hurt Him while hanging on the cross, it melts my heart. So I chose to forgive. I realize today that I love my dad. Good or bad, he was still my father. I wonder, if he were still alive, how things would have been different. Perhaps I will see my dad again. Although he was not saved, I do not know if in his last breaths he cried out for God’s forgiveness. The criminal on the cross next to Jesus found Paradise through his last-minute repentance.
I know this: I was a blasphemer and a mocker and somehow Jesus stretched out His hand to me. So one day I will know if God in His everlasting mercy stretched out His love to my father. “For His ways are higher than our ways.” Praise be to God.
I love you, Dad, and I miss you. Thank You, Lord, for depositing in me one of your greatest gifts—the gift of forgiveness.
Unmasking Santeria
Santeria is a Spanish term that roughly translated means “worship of saints.” The Bible states that “my people perish for lack of knowledge.” Therefore, I am compelled to bring youto all truth by exposing and revealing insight into the history of Santeria (also linked to espiritismo and Palo Mayombe)—a religion that outwardly professes to be good, but in reality is witchcraft. Between the mid-1600s and 1800s, over twelve million Africans were forced out of the land they loved, brought across the vast Atlantic, and forced into an inhumane life of slavery, freed only by death, then carried on by succeeding generations. They took nothing with them except the clothing they wore on their backs and a tradition of religion that was a way of life for them—a religion of voodoo.
Many of the West African slaves endured a three-month journey to Cuba. These slaves had two things in common: their oppressors and voodoo. To maintain rule, the slave masters came up with a plan to enforce a new belief system for the slaves, knowing that these slaves possessed great power through the use of voodoo magic. Roman Catholicism would now replace the beliefs that native Africans had brought with them. But the slaves were clever people. They came up with a way to remain true to the religion of their homeland by disguising voodoo idols as Catholic saints. The
devotees of espiritismo, Santeria, and Palo Mayombe are no different from the slaves who were entrapped by this religion.
African slaves used other Roman Catholic saints to cover up this evil practice. Through this dark practice of worship, slaves kept “the religion” alive by the trickeries of Satan. Now, centuries later, this same voodoo practice has changed its appearance once more, adapting itself to this generation and culture and the lifestyles that people live today. It has gone mainstream. No Catholic priest would ever send you to centros (spiritualism churches) or to a fortuneteller. This religion continues to disguise itself through saints in the practices of espiritismo, Santeria, and Palo Mayombe, and will continue to change in order to grow in strength and perpetuate its beliefs. Satan is a master of disguise and has no intentions of retiring. What he has done to millions in the past he continues to do today. His objective is clear: to spiritually blind as many people as possible, thus keeping them from entering the glorious kingdom of God and His Son Jesus Christ.
The Lies of the Enemy
The religion involves people known as mediums. Mediums are those who lend their bodies to demonic spirits in order to speak and perform works through a physical body. I was one of those people! This religion uses many tools to keep people from coming into a relationship with Jesus Christ. The devil and his demons use things that the human race can easily
relate to, for example, giving themselves names, birthdays, places where they were born, and families they once had. This is done so that people can find something to relate to—it is called “common ground.” This is a lie, for the spirits that mediums channel are fallen angels without identity.
How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High. Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the Pit.
Isaiah 14:12-15
The devil and his demons will never speak the truth because the Bible says the devil is the father of lies (John 8:44) and has been lying from the beginning. But let’s just say they were to tell the truth about who they really are. Would you really want to be in that religion called espiritismo, Santeria, or Palo Mayombe? If you were to meet someone who told you he murdered people for a living, would you want to be in a relationship with that person? This is the same as being involved in this religion because the devil and his demons are
murderers. They not only murder your spirit but are assigned to take lives and destroy whatever they are assigned to. They are spiritual hit men.
The devil and his demons adopt names in Santeria like
Obatala, Yemaya, Ochun , and Elegua to identify themselveswith the people they want to entrap. They also use other names to adopt the other aspects of the religion, which are espiritismo and Palo Mayombe. But they are all the samedemons operating in the spirit realm with three different names trying to copy the sovereignty of God in the trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They even create books that have crosses on the front cover as well as the face of Jesus to trick you into believing that this religion is connected to Jesus.
Every book that pertains to this religion never mentions anything about the virgin birth or Jesus being crucified for the sins of the world. They make no mention of the Lord’s resurrection, His second coming, or His being Savior of the world.
Botanicas—the Dark Side
Many people are in the habit of visiting botanicas, or potion stores, thinking they are making innocent purchases of so-called white magic and statues such as La Madama, Francisco and Francisca, San Lazaro, Santa Barbara, Siete Potencias, indios, and congos. The Lord said in the firstcommandment, in Exodus 20:3-6:
Thou shall have no other gods before me. Thou shall not make for yourself any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shall not bow down to them nor serve them, for I thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, but showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.
Espiritismo is a religious movement about money,pride, greed, envy, and attaining status. It made boasters out of all of us, and because of that we had no respect for anyone, nor did we fear God. Every year on Holy Week, we would discredit God by mocking what the Bible taught. Through animal sacrifices and the casting of spells, we destroyed people’s lives whenever we felt like it. And it was all done without any guilt or conscience—all in the name of God.
This is the way the devil has deceived mankind. From generation to generation he has kept men from having a true relationship with Jesus Christ. People have become victims of the enemy’s plans and his lies. Praise be to God, He has a plan and a way out for all through His Son, Jesus Christ.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16
A Testimony of God’s
Amazing Grace
I was not sure if I wanted to add this story as part of my testimony in this book. After I heard from the Holy Spirit, who spoke to my heart, I knew God wanted the world to know, both believers and unbelievers—especially those who are struggling or have strayed—about His amazing grace.
I remember one day in my devil-worshipping days God brought to remembrance a couple that I knew who were also involved in the religion. They were married for many years. One day the husband fell in love with another woman at his workplace. This affair went on for a very long time. His wife, Maria, started to notice changes going on in her marriage by her husband’s behavior. Sometime later she started to follow her husband when he would leave the house. One day she confronted him while he was making a call from a pay phone on the street to the other woman. A big scandal took place in the family to the point that she was thinking of divorcing her
husband. But she thought of a better idea. “Why let this woman keep my husband and I lose everything? Instead, I can hire John Ramirez to kill her through witchcraft and still keep my husband.”
Sometime later I got a phone call from Maria, crying and telling me everything that had happened between her and her husband, how he had been unfaithful, and that she would give me anything I wanted if I would cast a spell and kill this other woman through witchcraft. My response was to give me a few days and I would think about it. I went behind the scenes and called out the devil to ask permission to destroy the other woman, and his answer was yes. He would give me all the power I needed to accomplish her death, and he gave me a recipe from the pit of hell on how to get it done.
Days later Maria stopped by and asked me how much it would cost for me to kill this woman with witchcraft. I told her $10,000, but something strange happened as Maria was walking out of my apartment. She turned to me and said, “By the way, this woman is a Christian.” I stopped Maria in her tracks and said, “If that’s the case, it will be my pleasure to do it for free. I hate these fake church-going people, and I’m going to teach her the lesson of a lifetime.” Even though I worshipped the devil, I knew of God and His ways. But I also knew that He was my enemy. So I was determined to destroy this so-called Christian woman. The spell was cast. Because I also had a relationship with Maria’s husband, I waited and hoped that someday he would inform me that his mistress was on her deathbed. He did not have a clue that I had a mandate
from the devil to take her out.
As months went by there was no news reported about her condition. So I started one night to call on the demons assigned to kill her, but there was no response. All I knew was that she was still going to church from time to time even though she was involved with a married man. One night while at home, I heard the voice of the devil telling me that his mission of killing her had been aborted. I was so angry I kept asking why. “Why do we have to stop now?” I asked. “It’s just a matter of days and she will be dead. I don’t want to stop. Kill her. My reputation is on the line. She must die.” The devil, with a loud voice, said, “No! Her God said leave her alone.”
I was in awe of the whole thing. Even though she was committing adultery, through God’s amazing grace and the love of Jesus Christ, God had mercy on her. There was no devil in hell, in espiritismo, and in Palo Mayombe that could take her life because God had placed a hedge of protection around her. That was true love. Now that I am saved, I understand how incredible God’s love is, even for the backslider. There are many stories in the Old Testament such as the life of David, who committed adultery and murder, yet God had mercy on him. Or Moses, who committed murder, but God had mercy on him as well. In the New Testament we hear of a woman who was caught in the very act of adultery. Though many wanted to stone her, again Jesus had mercy on her. There is no other love or grace in the universe bigger than the love of Jesus.
“And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love” (1 Corinthians 13:13).
Pila’s Testimony: I wanted to share this with all of you. I justreconnected with a brother in Christ, John, after many years. I first met him after he had gotten saved in 1999, when another sister in Christ and I went to meet him. We didn’t even know him but heard a little bit of his testimony and wanted to hear more for ourselves. So we met up with him at some pizza joint on the Upper East Side near where he lives. I have to say that I was completely riveted by his testimony of the life he left behind in Palo Mayombe, which is the deadliest, darkest side of the religion. He basically was serving Satan. However, he came to the Lord, which is a miracle in and of itself. To my knowledge, study, and experience, no one gets out of this life alive. It’s obvious that God’s hand was upon him.
I had the privilege of meeting John in his humble beginnings. I actually had the heart and desire to encourage him as I remember telling him that God was going to use him in a mighty way and that he would one day write a book. Well, I’m happy to report that his first book is now out. To God be ALL the glory! Hallelujah! Praise His holy name!
Lucy’s Testimony: My name is Lucy. I lived in Parkchester inthe Bronx for eleven years. One summer day my daughter, Monique, and I decided to go for a walk. She was expecting her third child.
As we were walking down Metropolitan Avenue, a man dressed in white from head to toe walked by. We noticed he had a cross around his neck that was hanging upside down. My daughter said, “I’m crossing the street, I don’t want to
walk by that evil man.” I was young in the Lord but I said, “In the name of Jesus, how could anyone have a cross hanging upside down?” Every hair on my body stood up. I immediately started to plead the blood of Jesus over myself and on this man dressed in white.
Throughout those years, as I waited for the bus, I would see this mysterious man dressed in white. Every time I saw him I would pray for him, praying that one day he would come out of darkness and into the light.
In September 2006, I moved to Orlando, Florida. It is here that I found a church where I started learning more and growing in my relationship with the Lord. One day, I met this mysterious man (John Ramirez) as he and his friend drove from New York looking for the pastor of the Orlando church. As I saw John, he did not have the evil look as he did in New York. He informed me that he was no longer serving the enemy but was serving the Lord wholeheartedly.
I was really excited for John. Seeing how the Lord could change his life in such an awesome way, I began to praise my Lord, thanking Him for the transformation of John’s body, mind, and spirit. I give God all the glory and praise.
Norma’s Testimony: My name is Norma, and this is how Icame to know John Ramirez. Back in the early ‘90s, my sister in the Lord and I routinely met every week at a neighborhood diner on Parkchester Avenue in the Bronx. I used to see this young man, always dressed in white from head to toe, and I knew by his attire that he was Santero. His appearance
impressed me. He was a tall, handsome young man with jet-black hair, olive skin, and dark eyes. He seemed to be intelligent. Yet he was involved in such an evil lifestyle. The first thing that came out of me was: “Lord, deliver him from this evil life!” There was an aching feeling in my heart for him, although I didn’t know him, but God did, and this was sufficient, for only He could put this burden or care in our hearts for a stranger, and the Word says we must pray for lost souls (2 Pet. 3:9). Every time I’d see him, when walking or standing at the bus stop, he would pass by me and I’d get chills and a kind of fear would take hold of me, but immediately I would plead the blood of Christ over me and against those evil spirits that had this young man bound.
One day as my friend and I were meeting at the diner, he (John) walked in, and right away I started praying and extended my hand in his direction. My friend got afraid and said to stop and that besides people were staring at me. My answer was: “I couldn’t care less about it, for this is more important. My concern is for the strongholds in his life to be broken and for him to see the light of Christ and have that encounter with Jesus.” As I prayed, all of a sudden he turned around looking in our direction as if someone or something got his attention. Quickly I put my hand down, but I finished my prayer. For a couple of years after that day, I didn’t see him. I thought he’d probably moved away. Nonetheless I prayed he would get saved and delivered.
Lo and behold, my daughter’s best friend had invited me to visit her church, and one Sunday I decided to go and
asked my sister and a very dear friend to come with me. We went to the address and couldn’t find it, for there was only this old house and no sign or church name to identify it. We walked back and forth, and I walked a little behind them, when all of a sudden I heard someone asking what we were looking for and if he could help. My sister told him we were looking for the church, and he said: “You’re right here. Come, follow me.” But I froze and didn’t move. My God, this is the young man from Parkchester! The voodoo guy. This is a setup from Satan. This might be a Santeria place. They were calling me and I wasscared, but they followed him inside. I walked behind in case I had to run. Then I saw Ellie, my daughter’s friend, and my senses came back to me.
As I came into the church and sat down, I told the person who invited me, “He used to be the witchcraft guy. Now he’s saved? There were several times that I prayed for him as he passed me by. It felt like hell had passed me by.” Ellie insisted that I tell him, but I said no, it is sufficient that the Lord knows, but she told him. John came and thanked me for my prayers and of course wanted to hear all the details.