Two bound copies of the completed thesis, preapproved by the thesis supervisor must be submitted to the Validated Studies Registrar at the end of the sixth semester (the exact date is specified each year, see Appendix A). Late submission may result in delaying graduation until the fall, or even the next academic year with the obligation to repeat the final semester seminar course worth 10 ECTS points.
Normally two people independently mark the thesis. The agreed grade of the supervisor and an internal marker is also subject to final approval by the external examiner of the University of Wales.
In assessing the thesis, markers will consider such factors as the difficulty of the subject matter, the use of sources, the quality of ideas expressed, the quality of analysis, the relevance of the material to the argument, and the general presentation of the study. The standard of English expression and spelling will also be taken into account. The thesis is evaluated as a completed entity, with markers exercising their professional judgement about overall quality.
After the thesis is marked, the student must pass a thesis defence examination before the Thesis Board which consists of the supervisor, an internal examiner, the Dean of the Faculty, or the Programme Director acting on his/her behalf. The Programme Moderator and External Examiner from Wales University may also participate in the Board.
If the thesis fails on the first submission, candidates may, at the discretion of the examiners, be given one further chance to submit a revised thesis no sooner than six months after being notified by the Validated Studies Registrar of the failure and no later than one year following the notification of failure.
Date: 2015-01-11; view: 1256