Current trends in the international system relations
First of all, the very modern system of internationalrelations is in transition state, it interacts traditional, you can even say, the centuries-old power and new patterns that appear on our eyes, the factors and trends. Since the Peace of Westphalia, recorded nearly 350 years an international system based on force interaction, "Collision" of national states, the balance of power, alliances and confrontation etc., in world politics, new actors and new trends global scale. TNCs and international organizations, global communication, global economic interdependence, the changing role of the military factor, the spread is largely a single mass culture, the intertwining domestic and international problems, the wave of global democratization and etc. - all this now defines the new face of internationalrelations.
add to the above, and the fact that we ourselves own decisions and actions immediately creates a new world system, participate in its development. Such turning point in history the subjective factor, our political reporting and ideas, concepts and strategies chosen by us were of particular importance. In internationalrelations, as in politics in general, the result is not determined Only folding objective circumstances and objectively valid factors, but also subjective, if you will - will power moments. Today it is not only opens up new political opportunities, but also imposes on the parties contemporary internationalrelations responsibilities.
Modern internationalrelations are distinguished not only unprecedented dynamics, but complexity and multidimensionality. The bipolar world of the Cold War has faded into oblivion, and replace him came not unipolar (as it may otherwise dreamed of politicians and theorists), and dynamic - and in different vectors and measurements - New and complex global system that is inherently a multi-polar and multi-dimensional. Figuratively speaking, the time "Euclidean geometry" in world politics is over. It's time for a much more complex and multidimensional political equations, and their many variables and still not completely defined.
I seems you should not interpret the idea of multipolarity simplistic. It is time to overcome himself type of foreign policy thinking in the plane like a "checkerboard" (or worse, a "billiard table"). The new multiplicity of poles of the world -- not the same thing that the battle over two "queens" in an international game. Sama "Game" comes in various dimensions: economic, military-strategic, geo-political, diplomatic, cultural, ideological, communications and etc. And within each such "plane" - their leading "players", their rules and regularities.
Finally, should pay attention to the fact that the emergence of a modern system of international relations, despite the new global trends, to overcome the polarizing conflict and the formation of the elements of a single world community does not amount finally comes to world politics of stability and harmony, order and progress. There are new destabilizing forces and trends "Wake up" the old, often based on archaic conflicts, born conflicts "new generation". New local, primarily ethnopolitical conflicts, the new stress on North - South cooperation, the variety of new, not always combined with each other international regimes, new migratory flows, leading, in particular, to a new, not integrated into the developed lower class of society, political and other destabilization as a result of global regime change (ie the "wave of democratization"), etc. - all this we must also into account when analyzing and attempting to conceptualize the modern international relations.
special question - is the politico-legal regime of internationalrelations. Qualitative changes in world politics,can not help but influence and, seemingly well-established rules that are designed to regulate behavior members of international interaction. As is known, attempts to rethink set of basic principles of public international law is not taken only scientists. Some countries and block associations in a new, unconventional interpret some of the fundamental provisions of international law, or even turn a blind eye. The related issues are also addressed in textbook.
short, issues of contemporary international research much more difficult, to Besides, modern internationalrelations have not yet constitute finally matured system, still in the process dynamic formation. This is still great scientific and political challenge scholars and practitioners. I hope that our textbook will be useful to all those who himself to the complex and fascinating task of studying the modern world policy, contemporary internationalrelations.