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Changeover procedures

All officers concerned with the operation or maintenance of the steering gear should acquaint themselves with the changeover procedures.

Emergency steering drills

Emergency steering drills should take place at least every three months and must include direct control from within the steering gear compartment, the communications procedure with the bridge and, where applicable, the operation of alternative power supplies.


The dates on which these checks and tests are conducted and the date and details of emergency steering drills carried out must be recorded in the tog book.

Notethese checklists have been included as a guide

Masters and navigating officers may wish to add to or modify these checklists to suit the particular operational needs of the ship

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Â1 Familiarisation with bridge equipment

Has the


operation of the following equipment been studied and fully understood? bridge and deck lighting

emergency arrangements in the event of main power failure navigation and signal lights, including

searchlights, signalling lamp, morse light sound signalling apparatus, including


fog bell and gong system

safety equipment, including

LSA equipment including pyrotechnics, EPIRB and SART

bridge fire detection panel

general and fire alarm signalling arrangements

emergency pump, ventilation and water-tight door controls

internal ship communications facilities, including

portable radios

emergency 'batteryless' phone system

public address system

external communication equipment, including

VHF and GMDSS equipment

alarm systems on bridge__________________________________________

| | echo sounder

| | electronic navigational position fixing systems

| | gyro compass/repeaters

| | magnetic compass

I | off-course alarm

| | radar including ARPA

I I speed/distance recorder

à I engine and thruster controls

I I steering gear, including manual, auto-pilot and emergency changeover and testing arrangements (see annex A7)

I I automatic track-keeping system, if fitted I I ECDIS and electronic charts, if fitted I I IBS functions, if fitted

| | Location and operation of ancillary bridge equipment

(e.g. binoculars, signalling flags, meteorological equipment)?

I I Stowage of chart and hydrographk publications? Other checks:


Â2 Preparation for sea

I' I Has a passage plan for the intended voyage been prepared? (see section 2)

Has the following equipment been checked and found ready for use?

[ | anchors

I i bridge movement book/course and engine movement recorder

I 1 echo sounder ■

I I electronic navigational position fixing systems

I I gyro/magnetic compass and repeaters

I I radar(s)

| | speed/distance recorder

| | clocks

Has the following equipment been tested, synchronised and found ready for use?

I | bridge and engineroom telegraphs, including

1 | rpm indicators

I 1 emergency engine stops

[ | thruster controls and indicators, if fitted

| | controllable pitch propeller controls and indicators, if fitted

| [ communications facilities, including

|___J bridge to engineroom/mooring station cornmunications

| | portable radios

| | VHF radio communications with port authority

I | navigation and signal lights, including

| | searchlights, signalling lamp, morse light

1 | sound signalling apparatus, including

\ | whistles

| | fog bell and gong system

I I steering gear, including manual, auto-pilot and emergency changeover arrangements
and rudder indicators (see annex A7)

I i window wtper/clearvrew screen arrangements

Is the ship secure for sea?

I [ cargo and cargo handling equipment secure

I I all hull openings secure and watertight

I___ I cargo/passenger details available

I I stability and draught information available

I I Are ail the crew on board and all shore personnel ashore?

I I Are the pilot disembarkation arrangements in place? (see annex A5)

Other checks:





ÂÇ Preparation for arrival in port

I I In preparing the passage for arrival in port, has a pre-pilotage information exchange taken piece? (see annexes A1 and A2)

I I Has the passage plan been updated following receipt of the Shore to Ship Pilot/Master Exchange form and all latest navigational warnings?

I I Has the ETA been sent with all relevant information required by local regulations (e.g. details of dangerous/hazardous goods carried)?

| | Is it necessary to rearrange cargo/ballast?

Has the following equipment been prepared and checked?

|_ _] course and engine movement recorders

| j clock synchronisation

I j communications with the engine control room and mooring stations

I I signalling equipment, including flags/lights

I I deck lighting

i I mooring winches and tines including heaving lines

j | pressure on fire main

| | anchors cleared away

I I stabilisers and log tubes housed, if fitted

I I Has the steering gear been tested, and has manual steering been engaged in sufficient time for the helmsman to become accustomed before manoeuvring commences?

I | Have the engines been tested and prepared for manoeuvring?

I | Has the Pilot Card (see annex A3) been completed and are the pilot embarkation arrangements (see annex AS) in hand?

I I Have VHF channels for the various services (e.g. VTS, pilot, tugs, berthing instructions) been noted and a radio check carried out?

| | Has the port been made fully aware of any special berthing requirements that the ship may have?

Other checks:






Â4 Pilotage

I | Immediately on arrival on the bridge, has the pilot been informed of the ship's heading, speed, engine setting and draught?

f _j Has the pilot been informed of the location of lifesaving appliances provided on board for his use?

Have details of the proposed passage plan been discussed with the pilot and agreed with the master, including

|___ | radio communications and reporting requirements

| | bridge watch and crew stand-by arrangements

I " | deployment and use of tugs

1 "" | berthing/anchoring arrangements

| | expected traffic during transit

I j pilot change-over arrangements, if any

I 1 fender requirements

1 I Has a completed Pilot Card (see annex A3) been handed to the piiot and has the pilot been referred to the Wheel house Poster? (see annex A4)

Have the responsibilities within the bridge team for the pilotage been deftned andere they clearly understood?

I | Has the language to be used on the bridge between the ship, the pilot and the shore been agreed?

I I Are the progress of the ship and the execution of orders being monitored by the master and officer of the watch?

| | Are the engine room and ship's crew being regularly briefed on the progress of the ship during the pilotage?

| | Are the correct lights, flags and shapes being displayed?

Other checks:






Â5 Passage plan appraisal

Have navigation charts been selected from chart catalogue, including

I „ [ large scale charts for coastal waters

I [ small scale charts for ocean passages

| [ planning charts

| [ routeing, climatic, pilot and load line zone charts

Have publications been selected, including

| [

| j sailing directions and pilot books light lists radio signals guides to port entry tide tables and tidal stream atlas

Have all navigation charts and publications have been corrected up to date,including

| | the ordering of new charts/publications, if necessary

| | notices to mariners

| | local area warnings

1 | NAVAREA navigational warnings

Have the following been considered?

I I___ ship's departure and arrival draughts_________________________________________

| | ship's cargo and any special cargo stowage/carriage restrictions

I [ if there are any special ship operational requirements for the passage

Have the following been checked?

| | planning charts and publications for advice and recommendations on route to be taken | | climatological information for weather characteristics of the area

|___ | navigation charts and publications for landfall features

| | navigation charts and publications for Ships' Routeing Schemes, Ship Reporting Systems and Vessel Traffic Services (VTS)

I | Has weather routeing been considered for passage?

Have the following preparations been made for port arrival?

I I navigation charts and publications studied for pilotage requirements

| | Ship to Shore Master/Pilot Exchange form prepared (see annex A1)

| | Pilot Card updated (see annex A3)

| | port guides studied for port information including arrival/berthing restrictions

Other checks:


Â6 Navigation in coastal waters

Have the following factors been taken into consideration in preparing the passage plan?

| [ advice/recommendations in sailing directions

| 1 ship's draught in relation to available water depths

| | effect of 'squat' on underkeet clearance in shallow water

| | tides and currents

| | weather, particularly in areas prone to poor visibility

I | available navigational aids and their accuracy

I I position-fixing methods to be used

!___ | daylight/night-time passing of danger points

I I traffic likely to be encountered - flow, type, volume

I I any requirements for traffic separation/routeing schemes

I I Are local/coastal warning broadcasts being monitored?

I I Is participation in area reporting systems recommended including VTS?

I I Is the ship's position being fixed at regular intervals?

Has equipment been regular checked/tested, including

| | gyro/magnetic compass errors

| ' j manual steering before entering coastal waters if automatic steering has been engaged for a prolonged period

|___ | radar performance and radar heading line marker alignment?

I | echo sounder

I I Is the OOW prepared to use the engines and call a look-out or a helmsman to the bridge?

I | Have measures been taken to protect the environment from pollution by the ship and to comply with applicable pollution regulations?

Other checks:




Â7 Navigation in ocean waters

1 1 Is keeping a look-out being given due priority?

| | Are NAVAREA, HYDROLANT and HYDROPAC navigational warning broadcasts and other long-range weather reports being closely monitored?

I | Are changes to the locaf weather being monitored and is the barometer regularly observed?

I j is participation in area reporting systems (e.g. AMVER) recommended?

I | Is the ship's position being fixed at regular intervals?

| | Are celestial navigational techniques being practised?

[ 1 Are gyro/magnetic compass errors and radar performance being regularly checked?

I I Have radar techniques been practised (in clear visibility)?

| | Have preparations been made for landfall?

| | Have measures been taken to protect the environment from pollution by the ship and to comply with applicable pollution regulations?

Other checks:


Â8 Anchoring and anchor watch

Has an anchoring plan been prepared taking into account

I | speed reduction in ample time

I I direction/strength of wind and current

I I tidal stream when manoeuvring at low speeds

I 1 need for adequate sea room particularly to seaward

I I depth of water, type of seabed and the scope of anchor cable required

I I Have the engineroom and anchor party been informed of the time of 'stand-by' for anchoring?

I | Are the anchors, lights/shapes and sound signalling apparatus ready for use? | | Has the anchor position of the ship been reported to the port authority?

While at anchor, the OOW should

|__ | determine and plot the ship's position on the appropriate chart as soon as

practicable | | when circumstances permit, check at sufficiently frequent intervals whether the

ship is remaining securely at anchor by taking bearings of fixed navigation marks

or readily identifiable shore objects I | ensure that proper look-out is maintained

1 | ensure that inspection rounds of the ship are made periodically

I I observe meteorological and tidal conditions and the state of the sea

I I notify the master and undertake all necessary measures if the ship drags anchor

I I ensure that the state of readiness of the main engines and other machinery is in

accordance with the master's instructions I I if visibility deteriorates, notify the master | | ensure that the ship exhibits the appropriate lights and shapes and that appropriate

sound signals are made in accordance with all applicable regulations I | take measures to protect the environment from pollution by the ship and comply

with applicable pollution regulations

Other checks:



Â9 Navigation in restricted visibility

Has the following equipment been checked to ensure that it is fully operational?

I I radar, ARPA or other plotting facilities


I 1 fog signalling apparatus

| j , navigation lights

I | echo sounder, if in shallow waters

| | watertight doors, if fitted

| | Have lookout(s) been posted and is a helmsman on standby?

I j Have the master and engineroom been informed, and the engines put on standby?

| | Are the COLREGS being complied with, particularly with regard to rule 19 and proceeding at a safe speed?

I ' | Is the ship ready to reduce speed, stop or turn away from danger?

I I If the ship's position is in doubt, has the possibility of anchoring been considered?

Other checks:



Â10 Navigation in heavy weather or in tropical storm areas

I I Have the master, engineroom and crew been informed of the conditions?

| | Have all movable objects been secured above and below decks, particularly in the engineroom, galley and in storerooms?

I | Has the ship's accommodation been secured and all ports and deadlights closed?

i I Have atl weather deck openings been secured?

| | Have speed and course been adjusted as necessary?

I | Has the crew been warned to avoid upper deck areas made dangerous by the weather?

| | Have safety lines/hand ropes been rigged where necessary?

Have instructions been issued on the following matters? | ] monitoring weather reports

I I transmitting weather reports to the appropriate authorities or, in the case of tropical storms, danger messages in accordance with SOLAS

Other checks:



Â11 Navigation in ice

I I Have the master, engineroom and crew been informed of the ice conditions?

I i Have watertight doors been shut, as appropriate?

j j Has speed been moderated?

I | Has the frequency of sounding tanks and bilges been increased?

Have instructions been issued on the following matters?

I I monitoring ice advisory service broadcasts

i [ transmitting danger messages in accordance with SOLAS

Other checks:


Â12 Changing over the watch

When changing over the watch relieving officers should personalty satisfy themselves regarding the following:

I | standing orders and other special instructions of the master relating to navigation of the ship

I | position, course, speed and draught of the ship

I I prevailing and predicted tides, currents, weather, visibility and the effect of these factors upon course and speed

I | procedures for the use of main engines to manoeuvre when the main engines are on bridge control and the status of the watchkeeping arrangements in the engine room

navigational situation, including but not limited to:

| | the operational condition of all navigational and safety equipment being used or likely to be used during the watch

| | the errors of gyro and magnetic compasses

| | the presence and movements of ships in sight or known to be in the vicinity

| | the conditions and hazards likely to be encountered during the watch

| | the possible effects of heel, trim, water density and squat on underkeelclearance

| | any special deck work in progress

Other points:



Â13 Calling the master

The OOW should notify the master immediately:

I [ if restricted visibility is encountered or expected

| I if traffic conditions or the movements of other ships are causing concern

I I if difficulties are experienced in maintaining course

| | on failure to sight land, a navigation mark or obtain soundings by the expected time

I | if, unexpectedly, land or a navigation mark is sighted or a change in soundings occurs

| | on breakdown of the engines, propulsion machinery remote control, steering gear or any essential navigational equipment, alarm or indicator

I I if the radio equipment malfunctions

| | in heavy weather, if in any doubt about the possibility of weather damage

I I if the ship meets any hazard to navigation, such as ice or a derelict

I | in any other emergency or if in any doubt

Other points:




NoteThese checklists have been included as a guide

It is recommended that appropriate checklists should be devised to suit the particular needs of the ship type and trade, taking into account that other personnel and passengers may be on board



ˆ1 Main engine or steering failure

Action to be carried out:

I I Inform master

I I Prepare for anchoring if in shallow water

I I Exhibit 'not under command' shapes/lights

I I Commence sound signalling

I I Broadcast URGENCY message to ships in the vicinity, if appropriate


I I inform engine room

I | engage emergency steering

| | take way off the ship

| | prepare engines for manoeuvring

Other actions:





Ñ2 Collision

Action to be carried out:

i I Sound the general emergency alarm

I I Manoeuvre the ship so as to minimise effects of collision

I | Close watertight doors and automatic fire doors

I.. '"I Switch on deck lighting at night

I | Switch VHF to Channel 16 and, if appropriate, to Channel 13

| | Muster passengers, if carried, at emergency stations

| | Make ship's position available to radio room/GMDSS station, satellite terminal and other automatic distress transmitters and update as necessary

| | Sound bilges and tanks after collision

I | Check for fire/damage

| | Offer assistance to other ship

| | Broadcast DISTRESS ALERT and MESSAGE if the ship is in grave and imminent danger and immediate assistance is required, otherwise broadcast an URGENCY message to ships in the vicinity

Other actions:



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