Passage planning and vessel traffic servicesVessel traffic services (VTS) have been introduced, particularly in ports and their approaches, to monitor ship compliance with local regulations and to optimise traffic management. VTS may only be mandatory within the territorial seas of a coastal state.
VTS requirements on ships should form part of the passage plan. This should include references to the specific radio frequencies that must be monitored by the ship for navigational or other warnings, and advice on when to proceed in areas where traffic flow is regulated.
VTS reporting requirements may be marked on charts but fuller details will be found in sailing directions and lists of radio signals.
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Duties of the officer of the watch (OOW)
3.1.1 Master's representative
Under the STCW Code, the OOW is the master's representative and is primarily responsible at all times for the safe navigation of the ship and for complying with the COLREGS.
As the master's representative, the OOW is in charge of the bridge and therefore in charge of the bridge team for that watch, until properly relieved. In compliance with shipboard operational procedures and master's standing orders, the OOW should ensure that bridge watch manning levels are at all times safe for the prevailing circumstances and conditions.
Primary duties
In order to maintain a safe navigational watch, the primary duties of the OOW will involve watchkeeping, navigation and GMDSS radio watchkeeping.
The watchkeeping duties of the OOW include maintaining a lookout and general surveillance of the ship, collision avoidance in compliance with the COLREGS, recording bridge activities and making periodic checks on the navigational equipment in use. Procedures for handing over the watch and calling for support on the bridge should be in place and understood by the OOW.
The navigational duties of the OOW are based upon the need to execute the passage plan safely, and monitor the progress of the ship against that plan.
Date: 2016-04-22; view: 1007