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Express your opinion on the following statements.

ü Men consider politeness to be subservient (less important than something else), women sensitive.

ü Men boast as a matter of course, battling to gain or maintain that all-important status. Women, who tend to gain acceptance with each other by appearing the same as, not better than, everyone else, take care never to boast.

ü Good looks instigate men's love, while women trust their ears.

ü Men are fact-oriented when they listen to the message, while women are feeling-oriented during the communication.





A Study the meanings of the words. Provide Russian equivalents. Translate the examples.

Communicatev to express thoughts, feelings, or information to someone else by speaking or writing: The rebels verbally communicated the information to the officials. Can you communicate to him that we are just not interested. She has an amazing ability to communicate enthusiasm.

Quality n an important part of the character of something, especially a part that is good.

Trait n one type of feeling or behaviour that is particularly noticeable in a person or group of people: Pride seems to be one of our family traits.

Stereotype n a fixed set of ideas about what particular type of person or thing is like, which is (wrongly) believed to be true in all cases: He certainly doesn't fit the stereotype of the emotional Italian.

Image n an opinion that people have about someone or something which may not be a true one; the opinion of yourself, your company, etc that you deliberately try to create in the minds of other people: They present an image of themselves as experts in this area.

to project/present/promote an image

Assertv 1. to state firmly that something is true: The governor asserted that no more money would be available. 2. to behave or do something in a confident way: She always manages to assert her point of view. Assertive adj behaving in a confident way in which you are quick to express your opinions and feelings: You need to be more assertive to succeed in business.

Make a significant/dramatic impact onInternet shopping has began to have a serious impact on the traditional bookshops.

Publicadj 1. available for people in general to use: public transport, a public library; involving a lot of people or involving people in general 2. owned by the government, not by a private company: public money 3. relating to the part of your life that people in general know about, for example your work, rather than your life at home: She keeps her public and private lives very separate.

go public; in/out of the public eye

Social adj 1. relating to society and to people’s lives in general: social welfare 2. relating to the position that someone has in society in relation to other people: social class 3. relating to activities that involve being with other people, especially activities you do for pleasure: social contact; a social call


B Find synonyms and synonymous expressions to the words in bold type. Provide Russian equivalents to the words and words combinations. Translate the following sentences.



1. He secured widespread support among the party’s senior members. 2. We have done our best to secure the embassy against terrorist attacks. 3. Before leaving the house he secured all the windows. 4. The computer system is secure from intruders. 5. She has always been insecure about the way she looks. 6. We were lulled into a false sense of security and failed to see what was coming.

Verbs frequently used with security: to be after, to look for, to seek, to ensure



1. There is no real reason to say that French wines are superior to Italian. 2. Dealing with superiors at work, especially when they're younger than you, can be very tricky. 3. He made few friends because he was so superior and aloof. 4. Their country relies heavily on its air superiority.



1. It tends to rain here a lot in spring. 2. Janet tends to get very angry if you disagree with her. 3. Interest rates are tending upwards. 4. I have to tend to the children before I leave.


1. Customers are asked not to handle the goods in the shop. 2. She really knows how to handle a fast car. 3. Ms Brown handles the company’s accounts.



1. The most common criticism was that he was always late. 2. In this brochure you'll find questions and issues that are common to all our clients. 3. It was, by common consent, our finest performance. 4. It is common practice to offer guests some refreshments. 5. It's common knowledge that smoking and cancer are linked. 6. Let's use a little common sense here. 7. The college has communal dining rooms and clinics. 8. I wanted to work somewhere where I could serve the community.


Some more phrases with common: the common good, common ground, common language, common cold



1. The incident was never referred to again. 2. The matter was referred to the appropriate committee. 3. It was a dull job listening to a speaker who was constantly referring to his notes. 4. I marked down the page for future reference. 5. The library has a rich collection of reference books. 6. The man seemed to have excellent references.



1. He won't tolerate anyone challenging his decisions. 2. She was always tolerant of the views of the others as long as they didn't clash with her own. 3. The car was in tolerable working condition. 4. It's easy to preach tolerance, how about practicing it? 5. Toleration is mostly used with regard to freedom of religious worship.


Opposite meanings: intolerable, intolerant, intolerance



1. Marie tried to find the right words to give shape to her ideas. 2. I really want to get in shape before summer. 3. The idea began to take shape about two years ago. 4. His generation believed they could shapethe future.


36 Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. We were lulled into a false sense of security and failed to see what was coming.

2. We are seeking their assistance in securing the release of the hostages.

3. A police escort secured the route of the American President.

4. No shop can be completely secure against theft.

5. Everyone wants to be financially secure in retirement.

6. I went yesterday afternoon to Blackwell's Island prison to secure material for my book.

7. I think they will tend towards stricter control.

8. We tend to take technology for granted nowadays.

9. You have to assert yourself if you want to be promoted.

10. Towards the end of the game the player's superior strength began to show.

11. We felt that the dispute was badly handled.


37 Practice the following patterns: Tend to do


1. We tend to ignore obvious danger signal when we are exhausted.


Think of at least three different ways of answering these questions about the way people react in certain circumstances. How do people behave

ü when they are tired? They tend to feel sleepy, when …

ü when they are in a hurry?

ü when they are nervous or embarrassed?

ü when they want to impress someone?


2. Fact-oriented men tend to listen to the message when communicating.


Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1795

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Work in groups. Below are some extracts from newspaper articles. Using the phrases above, as well as phrases from Ex. 25, discuss the items. | Before reading the text answer the following questions.
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