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To run up a huge overdraft

Our friends used their savings, together with an overdraft from the bank to finance their new kitchen.

Arrearspl n money that is owed because regular payments such as rent have not been made at the right time

When they applied for help withrent arrears, the welfare people told them to sell some of the furniture.

Poolv to share money, ideas, etc with somebody

to pool money with smb, to win the pools

the breadwinnern the person who earns the money to support a family

To be on the bread-linebe very poor

Nest egg n an amount of money saved over a long period to use in the future

to build up a nest-egg

to have /save money for a rainy dayto save money for a time in the future when you may need it

Forgov (forwent, forgone) to decide not to do or have something


B Find synonyms and synonymous expressions to the words in bold type. Provide Russian equivalents to the words and words combinations. Translate the sentences.


1.If you can’t afford to pay cash buy the furniture on credit. 2. The theory is gaining credit with economists. 3. The government is trying to claim the full credit for the fall in prices. 4. Your progress in studies does your parents credit. Your progress is a credit to them. 5. I credit him with (having) a certain amount of sense. 6. A creditableattempt to establish peace was made by our delegation. 7. The Chernobyl accident has damaged the credibility of the nuclear power industry. 8. Why are these doubts? His story is quite credible. 9. She gave me a look of complete incredulity.




1.The government would be unwise to ignore the growing dissatisfaction with its economic policies. 2. A) Heignored the speed limit. B) He was driving very fast because he was ignorant of the fact that there was a speed limit. 3. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.


Words frequently used with ignore

adverbs completely, deliberately, simply, totally

nouns advice, existence, fact, insult, possibility, protest, question, reality, remark, request, threat, warning



1.Their research into ancient languages seems to have little practical value. 2. Because of continual price increases, the value of the pound has fallen in recent years. 3. You always get value for money at that shop. 4. The house has been valued at $42,000. 5. I’ve always valued your friendship. 6. The ancient gold coin isn’t just valuable, it’s priceless. 7. The metal looked like gold, but in fact it was valueless. 8. Your assistance has beeninvaluable. 9. I was foolish enough to take his remarks at (their) face value; I should have known he was exaggerating.



Worth(when an adjective)ususally follows the verb 'to be' and is always followed by either a noun, pronoun, or number, or by the '-ing' form of a verb.

1. This piece of land is worth $44,000. 2.The food is not worth eating. 3. The corporation owns $6 million worth of real estate in the city. 4. I know the true worth of his friendship. 5. She proved herself worthy successor to the former chairman. 6. The bank didn’t consider him creditworthy because he was irresponsible with money. 7. It might be worthwhile torecall a few important facts. 8. It's not worth their while when most of their profits go in taxes.




1. The course is free but you have to provide your own books. 2. These letters should provide us withall the information we need. 3. The law provides that ancient buildings must be preserved by the government. 4. He has five children to provide for. 5. I will go, provided/ providing you go too. 6. They spend all their money and make no provision for the future. 7. Under(according to) the provisions of the agreement the interest on the loan must be paid monthly.



1. It’s too much of an expense to own a car. 2. He was willingto go to any expense provided the job was done properly. 3. I don’t want to put you to the expense of buying me dinner. 4. He finished the job at the expense of his health. 5. He tried to be clever at my expense. 6. People at the breadline struggle to meet their basic living expenses.



1. Seventy men at the factory were made redundant because of falling demand for our products. 2. In the sentence “She lives alone by herself”, the word “alone” is redundant. 3. The closure of the export department led to a lot of redundancy/ led to over 200 redundancies.

Verbs used with redundancy accept, face, take


1. Video is an excellentmeansofrelaxing. 2. Have you got the means to provide for the family? 3. My advice is that you should give up the idea of hunting for him; he is not a man of means. 4. My idea of a means test is special: before we get engaged, you are to answer a question: would you rather live within or beyond my means?

Words frequently used with means

adjectives effective, efficient, legitimate, peaceful, reliable, useful

verbs develop, find, offer, provide, use


1. They will have to commit more money to the project if it's to succeed. 2. He would have to commit to spending several thousand pounds. 3. I have committed myself to the task for at least the coming year. 4. The government has failed to demonstrate its commitment to the railways. 5. We've made a commitment to help, and we will. 6. He may have a large income, but he also has huge financial commitments. 7. Her laziness and lack of commitment are appalling.


Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1573

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A) In not more than 120 words, outline the factors that lead people to get into debt. | Match the following to one or more means of communication, then make sentences, as in the example.
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