Business is an increasingly important activity throughout the world today. Consequently, the opportunities for a business career have grown in variety and number. There are now five broad fields or areas of business that offer exciting careers: management, marketing, accounting, finance, and data processing. Within each of these fields are specific jobs in which you can specialize. For example, within the field of marketing you can specialize in market research, advertising, buying, selling, or distribution. The figure below gives an idea of the general career opportunities that are available in the various fields of business.
Exercise 1
Below is a list of terns that you will find in the text. As you read «Careers in Business,» see if you understand each term. Use this as a working list and add other terms with which you are unfamiliar.
specialize in
Exercise 2
Management, marketing, accounting, finance, and data processing may also be considered as separate classes with members of their own. Fill in the blanks below based on the information provided in Figure on page 12.
Class: _______________ Class: Management Careers
Members: Researcher Members: _____________
_______________ _____________
_______________ _____________
Class: ______________
Members: ______________
Exercise 3
In each of the examples below, three of the items are members of the same class and one is not. Cross out the one that is not a member. Then write the name of the class to which the other three belong.
Some of the factors people consider when choosing jobs are listed below. Discuss each factor with your partner. Add to the list as you think of other factors. Then work alone to rank the factors according to their importance to you in choosing a job. Write the most important at the top of your list and the least important at the bottom. When you have finished, compare the results with your partner and other members of the class.
personal satisfaction ______________________ most
opportunities for advancement ______________________
salary ______________________
good hours, vacations, etc. ______________________
geographical location ______________________
type of work performed ______________________
variety of tasks ______________________
____________________ ______________________
____________________ ______________________ least
Exercise 5
Fill in the blanks below with the most appropriate terms from the list:
various demand offer specialize in salary
career aptitude advancement suitable field
Within the ______________ of accounting, there are a number of areas that you might _________________. These include bookkeeping and the _______________ types of accounting. In order to choose the specific accounting job that is most _______________ , you might ask yourself how much this type of work interests you and if you have any __________
for organizing financial data. You might also consider the average
_____________ earned by a bookkeeper or accountant and the current _____________ for the work, particularly for the area in which you hope to live. Opportunity for ______________ in the accounting field is another factor that you, as a prospective bookkeeper or accountant, may wish to consider.
Exercise 6
Write definitions for the following business fields by matching a field on the left with a definition on the right. Use this definition form:
term being defined -> verb to be -> definition
1. Management — the handling of large amounts of in-
formation generated by business op-erations
2. Marketing — the measurement and communication
of financial information
3. Accounting — the acquisition and utilization of cap-
ital in order to start up, operate, and
expand a company
4. Finance — the activities guiding a company to
accomplish its objectives
5. Data Processing — the movement of goods and services
from manufacturer to customer in
order to satisfy the customer and to
achieve the company's objectives
Chairman of the Board председатель совета
(of Directors) директоров, правления
(Chief) General Manager генеральный директор
Chief Executive President (Am) генеральный директор
Managing Director директор-распорядитель
Chief Executive Officer (Am) главный исполнительный директор корпорации (обычно президент)
Deputy Managing Director заместитель директора-
директор, член правления
Vice President (Am)
вице-президент, член
Accounting Manager
главный бухгалтер
Financial Manager
финансовый директор
Export Manager
директор по экспорту
Marketing Manager
директор по сбыту
Office Manager
руководитель конторы
Personnel Manager
начальник отдела кадров
Production Manager
директор по производству
Sales Manager
коммерческий директор
Training Manager
заведующий отделом
повышения квалификации/ подготовки кадров