The basis of the project method constitutes development of informative, creative skills, and also students’ ability to construct individually their knowledge, ability to orient in the informative area, development of critical thinking.
The method of projects always orients on independent work of students – individual, pair and group works, which students make during certain period of time. This approach harmonically combines in cooperating with the method of studying.
The method of projects always assumes the decision of some problem providing on the one hand use of various methods with another - integration of knowledge, abilities from different areas of a science, techniques, technology, creative areas.
Improvement of cognitive skills at students, ability to form individually their knowledge, ability to orient in the informative area, improvement of critical thinking all lay on method of projects. Results of fulfilled projects should be so-called “tangible”, i.e. if it is a theoretical problem it will need concrete decision; if it is a practical one it will need concrete result ready for an implementation.
The work on method of projects assumes not only presence and realization of such problem but also the process of its openings, decisions, that include accurate planning of actions, presence of decision’s intention and hypothesis, accurate distribution( if it means group work) of roles, i.e. tasks for every participant under the assumption of close cooperation. The method of project making is used only in that case when in studying process appears any research, creative challenge for which dissolving needs interconnected knowledge from various fields, also the using of research techniques.
For the method of project making increasingly substantive the question of practical, theoretical and significance of expanding purviews of supposed results.
Work on the project is carefully planned and discussed by students under the supervising by the teacher. Thus it is carried out a detailed planning of a substantial part of the project with the indication of stage-by-stage results and terms of "public" results representation, i.e. other students of group, or for example the external user of the Internet which is not having the direct attitude to process of training
Research methods of teaching lie in the basis of educational projects. All students’ activity is focused on the following stages:
- Decision of the problem and followed research tasks;
- Advancement of hypothesis of solution them;
- Discussion of research methods;
- Conducting of assemblage data;
- Analysis of received data;
- Mounting of ultimate results;
- Summarizing, correction, conclusions (use during joint research of a method of "brain storm", "a round table", statistical methods, creative reports, viewings and other).
The procedure of project presentation includes:
- The title
- The list of participants and their roles
- Script
- PowerPoint papers
- Version on CD
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1528