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Admission requirements

For the 1st year students

Bachelor of Translation Studies

(Simultaneous interpreter)







Teaching and Staff Support 3


Support and Guidance 4

Service Support 5


Rights and Responsibilities of Students 6


Faculty Study Facilities 8

Study facilities in the library and information services 8


Health and Safety Issues 9


The content of the Study Programme 10


Regulations 14





Programme Specification 15


Module Specifications 21

Information for related assignments 36


· Guidelines for Writing an Academic Essay 36

· Guidelines for the Project Work 37

· Guidelines on colloquium and round table discussions 39



Position Subject Held by Areas of teaching represented in the study programme Room Dep.phone 292-03-85 e-mail
Candidate of philological studies, senior teacher Critical reading Jussakinova Sh.K Language Practice, Ext.2120 Shariat_66@mail/ru
Master of Arts Practical course of Grammar Kruglova I.S. Language Practice     Ext.2120 kruglovaIrina@mail.ru
Master of Arts Basic Foreign Language, Practice of simultaneous interpretation, Phonetics, SRSP BIY Kozhbayeva G.K. Language Practice     Ext.2120 gkozhbayeva_@mail.ru
Master of Arts Practice of simultaneous interpretation Baibala S.B. Kazakh Language Practice,     Ext.2120 Sara-Baibala@mail.ru
Master of Arts Basic Foreign Language, Practice of grammar Yeshniyaz G.S. Language Practice     Ext.2120 yeshniyaz@gmail.com
Master of Arts Practice of simultaneous interpretation Shorayeva A.A. Language Practice, translation     Ext.2120 Vener8484@mail.ru
Master of Arts Basic Foreign Language, grammar, Bekbulatov T.R. Translation, language practice     Ext.2120 Greatwolf87@mail.ru
Master of Art Basic Kazakh language Kissikova A.Zh Language practice Ext.2120 Asem.g.k@mail.ru
Master of art Foreign Language Zharylkaganova A.Zh Language practice Ext.2120 Aysaule.kz@gmail.com
Master of art Basic Foreign Language, Akmuldina A.Sh Language practice Ext.2120 pfone@mailo.ru
Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences Basic Russian Language     Kudiarbekova M.K.     Language Practice     Ext.2120 Mag.ki@mail.ru
Master of Arts Note-taking technique Bekbulatov T.R. Language Practice     Ext.2120 Greatwolf87@mail.ru


If students need to contact any member of academic staff, they can do this either by sending them an e-mail message, or during office hours (details of which can be found on the notice boards). If students wish to contact a member of staff urgently, members of the secretarial staff in room 811 will help them.

Admission requirements

Documents on main procedures of admission to universities and the formal instructions

from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan serve as the guideline to take preliminary exams.

According to these documents there are two forms of applying for the Bachelor degree of the programme.

The first is the National Testing (NT). Only school-graduates can participate in National testing.

According to the results of the National Testing school graduates can pretend to State grants or pay tuition fees. Enrollment to the university takes place from August 10 to August 25.

The second form is the Complex Testing (CT). Secondary school graduates (those who left school two or more years earlier) take Complex Testing.

The linguistic college graduates who wish to continue their education at university can be admitted according to the results of an interview.


In case students need any help they can address first to group tutor then to head of the Chair, Vice-dean and dean of the faculty.


Dean Office:

Room811, telephone 8 (727) 2920385 ext.2811.

Referent:Kaptagayeva Nazim Tursynbayevna, carries out the functions of a manager, is responsible for consideration of claims and personal matters.

Vice Dean:Zhangarbayeva Samal Gabitovna, assists students concerning the issues of their study performance and living conditions in hostels.

The Dean (Programme Coordinator): Faizova Kamila Kalibayevna room 809, telephone 8 (727) 2920385 /ext.2809/.

Meeting hours: Wednesday 10.00a.m. – 18.00p.m.

Friday 10.00p.m. – 18.00p.m.

The dean is responsible for quality assurance of the Study Programme and education.

Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1451

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