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Psychological adjustment and mental health of immigrants

Immigration as stress and trauma (the morbidity hypothesis of Odegaard). Immigration stressors. Changes in psychological well-being of immigrants (the U-curve theory). Personality factors affecting psychological well-being of immigrants. Copying strategies. Social resources. Socio-demographic factors affecting immigrants’ psychological well-being. Problems of intercultural diagnostics. Prominent mental symptoms in immigrants. Psychological help to immigrants.




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Liebkind, K., & Jasinskaja-Lahti, I. (2000). Acculturation and psychological well-being among immigrant adolescents in finland: a comparative study of adolescents from different cultural backgrounds. Journal of Adolescent Research, 15(4), 446-469.

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Tartakovsky, E. (2009). The psychological well-being of unaccompanied minors: a longitudinal study of adolescents immigrating from Russia and Ukraine to Israel without parents. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 19(2), 177-204.

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5. Family processes during immigration: children, adolescents, and adults

Role changes. Wife-husband and children-parents conflicts. Family interventions. Academic achievements of immigrant children.



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Test questions:

1. What are the main immigration tendencies in the world and in Russia?

2. What are the reasons that some countries encourage and some discourage emigration?

3. What are the factors stimulating the receiving countries to accept immigrants?

4. What are the main differences in immigration policies of receiving countries?

5. What are the main push and pull factors affecting immigrants’ motivation for emigration?

6. What is Neoclassical Economic Theory of motivation for emigration? What findings support it, and what do not?

7. What is Multifactor Theory of motivation for immigration?

8. How motivations for immigration are related to the general motivational system?

9. What are the main sociological categories of immigrants?

10. What are the main legal categories of immigrants?

11. What are the main differences between immigrants and people in receiving societies in values and communication patterns?

12. What are the main differences between immigrants and people in receiving societies in verbal communication patterns?

13. What are the main differences between immigrants and people in receiving societies in nonverbal communication patterns?

14. What are the main dimensions of national stereotypes (the four- and two-dimensional models)?

15. What are the four types of fear from the intergroup interaction?

16. What are the main prepositions of Integrated Threat Theory of Prejudice?

17. What are the factors improving intergroup relations, according to contact hypothesis?

18. What theories explain discrimination?

19. What are two main models of acculturation? What empirical findings support and what findings contradict each of these models?

20. What are the main types of acculturative policies of receiving societies?

21. What are the main factors affective immigrants’ acceptance of the receiving culture?

22. What are the main intra-cultural strategies to preserve the coherence of identity among immigrants?

23. What are the main inter-cultural strategies to preserve the coherence of identity among immigrants?

24. What are the main factors affecting L2 acquisition?

25. What are the main factors affecting L1 preservation?

26. What are the main factors affecting economic adjustment of immigrants?

27. What is the morbidity hypothesis and what empirical findings support and contradict it?

28. What is the stress-coping theory of immigration?

29. What personality and social factors affect immigrants’ psychological well-being?

30. What are the main reasons for marital discord during immigration?

31. What are the factors affecting academic achievements of immigrant children?



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