1. Voicing and Devoicing. The sound [t] in the intervocalic position is made voiced, e.g. better [betə] – [bedə], letter [letə] – [ledə].
2. Loss of [h]. In rapid speech initial [h] is lost in form words and tends to die out from the language. Even most highly educated people subconsciously drop it completely. So instead of: He wants her to come [hi wnts h3 tə km] one hears: [i wnts 3 tə km]. It is evident, of course, that the loss of [h] in stressed syllables sounds wrong.
3. Initial «hw». Some conservative RP speakers pronounce words like why, when, which with an initial weak breath-like sound [h] – [M]. The general tendency is, however, to pronounce [w].
4. Loss of final [ŋ]. The pronunciation of [in] for the termination [iŋ] has been retained as an archaic form of the RP: sittin', lookin'. These occasional usages are not likely to become general.
5. Spread of «dark» [l]. This tendency is evidently influenced by the American pronunciation and some advanced RP speakers are often heard saying [l] instead of [l] as in believe, for example. There is no threat in spreading it widely yet but it is quite common for pop singers now.
6. Glottal stop. In RP the glottal stop [?] can appear only in the following two environments: a) as a realization of syllable-final [t] before a following consonant as in batman [bætman – [bæ?mn] or not quite [nt 'kwait] – [n? 'kwait]; b) in certain consonant clusters as in box, simply [b? ks], [si? mpli], where it is known as «glottal reinforcements». The use of glottal stop by advanced RP speakers produces a «clipped» effect on a foreigner.
7. Palatalized final [k’] is often heard in words week, quick, etc.: [wik’], [kwik'].
8. Linking and intrusive [r]. It has been estimated that all English accents are divided into «rhotic» and «non-rhotic». Rhotic accents are those which actually pronounce [r] corresponding to orthographic «r». RP is a non-rhotic accent but most speakers of it do pronounce orthographic «r» word-finally before a vowel: It is a faraway country. It is known as linking «r». Failure by students to pronounce it does not usually affect comprehension but may result in their sounding foreign. As a further development and by analogy with linking «r», «r» is inserted before a following vowel even though there is no «r» in spelling. This «r» is known as intrusive «r». The actual situation is that younger RP speakers do have it after [a] as in idea of, China and.
10. Some non-systematic variations in RP phonemes take place: a) Unstressed prefixes ex- and con- have gained orthographical pro-nunciation: excuse [iks'kju:z]–[eks'kju:z], exam [ig'zəm]–[eg'zəm], continue [kən'tinju:]–[kn'tinju;], consent [kən'sent]–[kn'sent].
b) The days of the week: Sunday [sndi] – [sndei], Monday – [mndei].
c) Note also free variants in often: [fən] – [ft(ə)n].
d) Other cases: economics [ikə'nmiks] – [ekə'nmiks].