q Islam and CommunicationMoroccan Arabic and Islamic phraseology, symbolism, and notions.
Ø “Bismillah” (in the name of God), Hamdu lillah (Thank God), and Rahimak Allah (God Bless you)
“Ma’shallah” (whatever God intends),
“ Insha’allah” (God wrilling), etc.
Ø Al Masjid (Mosque); Ramadan; and Attarbia (Education).

· The State and the Preservation of Values
· Moroccan cities have both traditional and modern areas.
· Moroccan people tolerate freedom of conduct.
· Moroccan people are free to choose their way of dressing.
· Hotels usually provide both western and local architecture and food.
· Morocco abounds in multi-international companies
· Major Changes in the Present Time
· Politics and society
v Introduction of the “alternance” system of government
v Implementation of the “Mudawwana” or what is referred to as The Code of the Family
v Signature of a free trade accordwith Russia
v Engagement in the fight againstglobal terrorism

· Tradition and modernity in official ceremonies

· A new young modern king
· Princess Lalla Salma: The First Lady of Morocco

· Women in Moroccan Politics
· Women members of the Parliament

Women in the
· Women in the government.
· In 2007 Prime Minister Abbas El Fassi's newly-announced government included a record number of female ministers. A total of seven will lead ministries ranging from energy to culture, compared with only two in the previous government.

· Wrap-Up
· Both the modernity and tradition co-exist.
· Morocco is a country where all religions cohabit.
· Morocco is a stable country which garantees the security of all citizens.
· Morocco is a country which encourages foreign investment.
· Morocco is a country which seeks peace.
God Bless Morocco and Russia

Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1037