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Registration is required by 5:00PM on Tuesday, 8th May.





DATE: May, 16th , Wednesday

PLACE: KIEV, hotel “Bakkara”

“Teaching Students in “Global” ELT Environment”


9.00 – 10.00 Welcome Party (Coffee, refreshments). Registration.


10.00 – 10.30: “Macmillan as an International Company”, by Finn Kirkland, ELT Business Development Manager


10.30 – 12.00: “Content, culture and critical thinking in an era of Global English”, by Lindsay Clanfield, the author of a new intelligent course - “Global”


Given English’s status as an international language, what does this mean for the topics and texts we use with students? Published material has been criticised for being Anglocentric, cosmopolitan, bland, celebrity-driven or a combination of all these. The authors of Macmillan’s new course Global wanted texts and topics that were international and culturally sensitive but engaging on an intellectual and affective level as well. This talk looks at examples of such texts and topics and ideas of how they can be exploited in class.


12.00 – 12.15 Coffee break

12.15 – 13.45

Workshop 1for Group 1:Function Globally”, by Lindsay Clanfield

Workshop 1for Group 2: “Integrating online materials into your teaching”, by Finn Kirkland

14.00 – 15.30(changing rooms)

Workshop 2for Group 2 :Function Globally”, by Lindsay Clanfield


Workshop 2for Group 1: “Integrating online materials into your teaching”, by Finn Kirkland

“Function Globally”:What language do learners need to be able to function in a global environment, and what is the best way to teach this language? This talk looks at the whole area of functional and situational language across different levels in a language learning curriculum. We'll examine lesson plan templates and activity types that can get our learners operating in English quickly and enjoyably, as well as explore how operating in a global environment means understanding English with accents from around the world.



“Integrating online materials into your teaching”:This session will be split into two parts: a 60-minute presentation on Macmillan Education’s suite of online materials for teachers and students, and a 30-minute workshop on the Macmillan Online Dictionary, and a group discussion on the future of online dictionaries.




Finn Kirkland


Having worked for several years at Macmillan as ELT Sales Manager for Scandinavia and the Baltic States, Finn moved into Business Development in 2009. With an increasing focus on digital ELT content, and, specifically, delivery of this content to end users, Finn works closely with colleagues in the digital publishing and sales departments to ensure that Macmillan’s content is accessible through as many channels as possible: not an easy task as new digital devices are emerging all the time!


Finn is originally from Scotland, but having lived in Oxford and Bristol for the past 9 years, his Scottish accent has long since disappeared! Before joining Macmillan he spent 3 years teaching English to a mixture of adults and teenagers in Spain, Sweden and the UK.


Lindsay Clanfield

Lindsay Clandfield is a teacher, teacher trainer and international author from Canada. He is the main author of Macmillan’s new award-winning and critically acclaimed adult course Global (2010-2012) and was a part of the author team for the popular Straightforward Series. Lindsay has won prestigious recognition for his writing, most notably for Global and Dealing with Difficulties (Delta Publishing, with co-author Luke Prodromou) both of which earned him a visit to Buckingham Palace to receive an award from the Duke of Edinburgh.

After teaching in Mexico, Spain and the UK Lindsay began his writing career with the website Onestopenglish. He became a regular after winning the Lesson Share competition three times in a row.

Lindsay has addressed teachers and given workshops in more than 20 countries. His work has appeared in numerous magazines and journals relating to ELT and he has written a column on language teaching for the Guardian Weekly newspaper. He was the founder of Pecha Kucha ELT (a form of short presentation) and creator of the popular blog www.sixthings.net, a collection of miscellany from the world of English Language Teaching.

Lindsay still teaches and trains teachers in the small town of Elche in southern Spain, where he lives with his wife and two sons

Address of the Conference 16th, May:

Hotel “Bakkara” Kiev 1, Venice Island (left bank of the river Dnepr),

metro station “Hydropark” (exit on the right) – take a hotel bus or enjoy a ten-minute walk


Registration is required by 5:00PM on Tuesday, 8th May.


To register, please email your full name and contact phone number to Natalia Lisova: n.lisova@macmillanenglish.com.ua


Questions and queries could be sent on the e-mail address to:

Olena Kolesnyk: o.kolesnyk@macmillaneglish.com.ua or by telephone 050-334-06-77

Date: 2016-03-03; view: 938

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